Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Epilogue: Sabotage

Abraham (Christian mythology)
With the persuasion of Qadesh, Michael, Uriel and Adam decided to come together and try to sabotage Abraham. So that Abraham would fail and not threaten their chance of power and promotion.

Abraham has been spending his time, training the soldiers for navel battles, most of these soldiers never even seen the sea before. They are not ready for a naval warfare. Michael, Uriel and Adam knows it, they also convinced Raguel another one of the top six Lieutenant Generals, to join them, to sabotage Abraham, behind his back.

The four of them, went to Seth and claim that Abraham is delaying the attack due to he is not truly loyal to Seth and is planning to betray Seth, to Baal.

"It has been four and a half months, why is Abraham, not yet, willing to go into battle with Baal and his pirates?" Michael said.

Michael, Adam, Uriel and Raguel stood in front of Seth, in his throne room.

"The navy of the great and almighty Seth, is not able to take down a simple pirate?" Uriel said

"It has been four and a half months, yet, Abraham again and again refuse to engaged the pirates, how much money has been spend. Or is it his intention to betray us? You need to force him to engage." Adam said

"My Lord either he is a coward or it is his intention to betray you? That is why he won't engaged." Raguel said

"You all think so?" Seth said.

Michael, Adam, Uriel and Raguel got down on their knee.

“Holy, holy holy is the lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come” Michael said 

“You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things and by your will they were created and have their being” Adam, Uriel and Raguel said

"His work is perfect. All his way are just; a god of faithfulness and without injustice. He is righteous and upright" Michael said

"His work is perfect. All his way are just; a god of faithfulness and without injustice. He is righteous and upright" Adam, Uriel and Raguel said

“Holy, holy holy is the lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come” Michael said again

“You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things and by your will they were created and have their being” Adam, Uriel and Raguel said again

"His work is perfect. All his way are just; a god of faithfulness and without injustice. He is righteous and upright" Michael said again

"His work is perfect. All his way are just; a god of faithfulness and without injustice. He is righteous and upright" Adam, Uriel and Raguel said again

"Are we honestly going to believe, the wicked word of Abraham that the army of the great almighty one and only true god Lord Almighty, his army is not ready for a navel battle after four months preparing? How dare he, it was an outrage!" Michael said

"You are right. You are right! HOW DARE HIM!!!!!!!!! I said after one months, he say we are not ready! Three months, still say we are not ready! ITS BEEN FOUR AND A HALF MONTHS!!!!! DO HE EVEN WANT TO FIGHT BAAL!!!!!!!!" Seth said

"My Lord, do he even got the plan to fight Baal the evil? How dare he! Four and a half months and still refuse to engage. HOW DARE HE!!!!" Michael said

"DAME HIM!!!!!!!! I WANT HIS HEAD!!!!!!!!" Seth said

But at this stage, Anubis' people already inform him of what is happening. 

A soldier came into Seth's throne room "My Lord, Prince Lord Anubis hope to have an audience with you." the soldier said

"Let him in." Seth said

Once Michael, Adam, Uriel and Raguel heard of Anubis, they know, he is here to ruin things for them.

Anubis was quick to walk into the room, after been summon, he knows that Seth's navy would be nothing, without Abraham.

Anubis got onto his knees.

"Father, you appointed Abraham to be the Admiral in command because he is the one person that know the ways of the water." Anubis said

"Are you saying that the great almighty Lord is in need of the help of others to get things done? How dare you? That is blasphemy." Adam said

"Brother..." Anubis started

"His work is perfect. All his way are just; a god of faithfulness and without injustice. He is righteous and upright" Adam got down on his knee and said, facing Seth

Michael, Uriel and Raguel followed "His work is perfect. All his way are just; a god of faithfulness and without injustice. He is righteous and upright"

"Do you honestly think, the Lord God Almighty is in need of anybody's help to defeat those pirates? Do you honestly believe, that Abraham can possibly know more about the ways of the waters, more then our Lord God Almighty?" Michael said

"I am saying father, you appointed Abraham for a reason, give him time." Anubis said

"And what is the time he need, he got the forces of the Lord God Almighty in his command, a force that is invisible. Is it his intention to betray our God Lord Almighty?" Uriel said

"How dare you say that the Lord God Almighty can be manipulated." Anubis was quick to use that to his advantage.

"His work is perfect. All his way are just; a god of faithfulness and without injustice. He is righteous and upright" Anubis was quick to get down on his knee and said

Michael, Adam, Uriel and Raguel is not going to let Anubis the opportunity to turn this around against them.

Michael was quick to get down on his knee "His work is perfect. All his way are just; a god of faithfulness and without injustice. He is righteous and upright" Michael said

"His work is perfect. All his way are just; a god of faithfulness and without injustice. He is righteous and upright" Adam, Uriel and Raguel quickly got down on their knee and said

"It is in our Lord God Almighty's wisdom to see through the deceive of the evil Abraham, not our." Michael said

"Father remember how you slay that evil demon Osiris? You gain his trust and fought a mock war with the Apep that has already been defeated and secretly replace the commander of the army with your own men and then in all your wisdom, killed that evil demon, name Osiris." Adam said

"And I am sure, father, in all your wisdom, you know to be able to see whether that is Abraham's intention and no deceive can fool you and if it is his intention to deceive you, you will see it, before he even try." Anubis said

Anubis then turned around to Michael "Or are you calling our Lord, God almighty a fool?"

"How dare you!" Michael yelled "The Lord God Almighty is kind and forgiving, he is giving Abraham a chance to prove himself and yet, he is not willing to repent for his sin." Michael said

"Then let him prove himself, give Abraham more time, father." Anubis said

"Abraham had his chance, now he must die" Michael said

"Enough!" Seth finally yelled

"Abraham will engaged the pirates within ten days, arrest his wife and children. If he is to disobey my orders, his wife and daughters should spend the rest of their days as whores and be raped, again and again and again both days and night. His sons, should be skinned alive, before been fed to the crocodiles." Seth said


Anubis left the throne room with disappointment, he know that the navy is not ready, he has been training with the soldiers, on the front line, both day and night. But at least, he managed to let Abraham live, without Abraham, Seth's would be defeated and then, it is possible, even Seth's own life could be in danger.

Anubis met up with Abraham.

"I am sorry, Abraham, but orders are orders, you are to engaged the enemy in ten days." Anubis said, the two of them stood in front of the fleet of ships, still training and preparing for the war.

"They are not ready." Abraham said

Anubis didn't told Abraham about how Seth, has order for the arrest of his family and if he refuse to engaged his wife and daughters would be sent to the brothel and his sons would be skinned alive and fed to the crocodiles. He fear after hearing the news, Abraham would take his family and flee and Seth's navy is nothing without Abraham.

"My Lord!" A panic soldier ran to Abraham, he got down on his knee

"My Lord" the soldier said

"What is it?" Abraham asked

"Your wife and children, has been arrested, the Pharaoh Seth, God Almighty said if you refuse to engage in ten days, he will send your wife and daughters to the brothels and your sons will be skinned alive and fed to the crocodiles." the soldier said

Abraham sighed, he should have seen this coming.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Chapter Twelve Part 3 of 3: A beautiful woman is a deadliest weapon.

Imhotep (ancient Egypt, son of Bastet)
Anubis arrived at the Mediterranean sea to the camp of his father, along with five hundred warriors. Anubis disapproved of what Seth is doing, but, regardless Seth is still his father. Anubis knows that if Seth loose this war, things could easily turn to his disadvantage, Anubis did on two occasion try convince Seth, not to conduct such navel campaign. Baal and his men has been sailors their entire life, they know the way of the waters, Seth know nothing about it, nor does any of his senior commanders. Seth got one card on his hand, and that is Abraham, he is the only one of Seth's senior commander that knows the way of the water and the best chance of winning the war.

However, the navy of Baal also know about this, they understand, without Abraham, Seth's navy is nothing. A plan is put into operation to get rid of Abraham. No men is able to get close enough to Abraham to kill him, but there is one woman that might be able to do it. That woman is none the less Qadesh, through her beauty and manipulation, she slept her way through the senior commanders, of Seth. Officially, she is Michael's mistress, in Michael's back her secret affair with Uriel and Adam and three other Colonels of Seth. The way to kill Abraham, is through the bickering for power amount Seth's senior commanders. None of them are truly loyal to Seth, everyone of them are just little people trying to use Seth to enhance their power and if given the chance, would overthrow Seth and become pharaoh himself. What do you expect, Seth blame everybody else for his mistake and with constant episodes of psychotic rage. Seth's senior commander already know how to play this game, to deal with Seth, witch hunt blame game, they blame each other and even more, they blame those who rank lower and that is how things are in Seth's army, Seth blame the Generals, the Generals blame the middle ranking officer, the middle ranking officers blame the even lower ranking people. It become kinda like in the mafia, the people of lower rank get all the blame put on them, so they are the one that ended up in prison, while the people on top, can spend years, without having a criminal record.

Qadesh came with Michael to the Mediterranean sea. As a spy of Min, she wants to be close to the frond line of the war, so to know all the intel there can be.

It was one night, when Michael again come to Qadesh's mansion and spend the night in her home, after sex, in bed, Qadesh told Michael her desire to come with him to the Mediterranean Sea, where the war is taking place.

"I haven't been back home to Israel for many years. I hope to take the opportunity to take a trip back to look around." Qadesh said

"Israel is now on the front line of the war it can be dangerous." Michael said

"Then, let me come with you, to the front line of this war." Qadesh said

"I don't want you to come it can be dangerous." Michael said

"What does it matter? Do you think my life would have any meaning, with you been dead. I am forever yours, you are my life, the air I breath, what meaning do I have been alive, with you dead. Do you think I want to go on living, without you. I want to be with you, in life or death, in this life or the next." Qadesh said

Michael took a look at Qadesh, he kissed her passionately on the lips and penetrate her again and again for the rest of the night. Qadesh was disgusted to have Michael lying on top of her, but to get her complete mission, she is willing to put up with the disgust, after all, she use to be a prostitute and she was a professional, she is use to men that disgust her penetrating her. After a few penetrations, during that night, Qadesh again asked Michael for the chance to come with him to the front line, this time, Michael agreed.

Everybody knows that Qadesh is Michael's mistress, but nobody in Seth's camp, knows that Qadesh is really a spy and her heart belongs to Resheph whom is her handler.

Soon after coming to the Mediterranean sea Qadesh receive the message from Resheph, it came with a single line "Abraham must die" Qadesh know that the best way to do so, is through the bickering amount the senior commanders of Seth. Michael would want to keep his position as the General of the army, if Abraham win this war, there is a possibility for Abraham to replace him as the General of the army and Michael might be demoted to just one of the six Lieutenant Generals. There are also Uriel and Adam that she could use, for Abrahma to succeed is not to the advantage of any of the Lieutenant Generals' career

When Qadesh came to the front line with Michael, with a line of guard of honor, Qadesh can see the jealousy within Adam and Uriel's eyes. Adam dare to go up against Michael directly, after all, he is Seth's son, in addition, Adam is just a little spoil brat, turn Michael and Adam against each other and destroy each other is easy, but right now, Qadesh need Adam to focus his attention on Abraham.

It is that night Qadesh again had her secret affair with Uriel. They met in a secret tent, Qadesh sat there in a beautiful and erotic manner wearing nothing but a little to leave for imagination. When Uriel saw Qadesh he eagerly walked towards her and kissed her and ripped of her cloth, to penetrated Qadesh on the table.

"Wait." Qadesh was quick to say, stopping Uriel's advancement "What are we going to do about Michael? He might find out about us."

"I am so sick of Michael!" Uriel said with anger "Just wait, one of these days, we will pull him off that high chair and have his head below us, on the ground, where we kick it around for fun, as a ball. Then, we will be public. We will kill him, I promise you that."

"I'd be more worry about Abraham, right now." Qadesh said

"Abraham? What is there to be worry about." Uriel said

"If he won this war for Seth, image what sort of promotion he would get and as for you, what a bad thing this could be? For Seth, he expect result, but won't accept otherwise. For you to survive. Abraham must die. Did you forget, you tried to get his son Issac, dead? There is a reason the law in all of history decide, the best way to punish a person, isn't to kill or torture him, but to chop off his limbs and make him watch as his sons or daughters to be rape or torture and then killed. It is worse for a father to see his children to be rape, killed or torture, then to have it happened to himself." Qadesh said

"How are we suppose to kill him?" Uriel asked

"Work with Michael, frame him, make Seth question his loyalty and he will die." Qadesh said, witch hunt accusation, is the way of the court of Seth.

Uriel thought for a second, "You are absolutely right. For us to survive, Abraham must die." he said

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Chapter Twelve Part 2 of 3: Bastet

Bastet (ancient Egypt)
Horus was given the rank of Captain within Min's navy.

The structure and rank of Min's navy is similar to that of Seth's army and the rebel army of Khnum. One Lance Corporal, command one private. A Corporal command five. A sergeant command twenty five, a Lieutenant command fifty, a Captain command two hundred and fifty. A Major command one thousand. A Colonel command up to five thousand. Ishtar as the Admiral is second in command after Min, in addition, six Vice Admirals rotate command with the Admiral.

There are a few different type of warships. The smaller ships, got a crew of twenty five. Ten are responsible for rowing the boat. Another ten, are equipped with shield and lance, to defend and five archers responsible for attack. The ship is command by a sergeant, a Lieutenant command two ships and a Captain command ten ships. The larger ships got a a crew of fifty, with twenty men responsible for rowing the boat, twenty archers for offensive and twenty soldiers with lance and shield for defense, the ship is command by a Lieutenant and a Captain command up to five ships.

There is a second type of ships. This ship got wooden shields build onto the ships, allowing fewer men needed for defense. Hence the small ships got ten archers for offense, five soldiers with lance for defense and five to row the boat and for the large ships it got thirty archers, ten with lance and twenty for rowing boat.

On all ships,all archers are equipped with a hammer, in case enemy boarded the ship. The additional shield build onto the ships, was expensive for those days, so, those ships are limited in number.

Horus was given the command of ten small ships, with no build in shield, he is familiar with the flexibility of this class of ship. The lower ranking soldiers, ranking Corporal or lower are all new recruits, with no experiences, the war require rapid expansion of Min's forces. all the existing sailors that can be promoted, has been promoted, the lower ranking are all new recruits, the best performing new recruits are given the rank of Corporal, the second best performing are given the rank of Lance Corporal and the worse performing are given the rank of Private. Amount the new recruits within Horus' ships, he saw one familiar face, it would be Lucifer, now at the age of seventeen, Lucifer seek revenge on Seth, for the destruction of his home. Horus first met up with his senior ranking officers, the five Lieutenants and ten Sergeants and started training with his sailors. It is a newly formed unit, many of the Sergeants are also recently promoted to the rank of Sergeant. So, Horus start to intensify the training of the sailors. For him, it is a form of training also. As a warrior, he need to be an elite fighter, but as a commander, the most important thing isn't his own personal fighting skill but his strategic skill to win a battle.

The fleet of Min also played war games, to prepare for the battles to come.

Hathor was been assign to the logistic units and started been trained as a nurse upon the island of Cyrus. Serket also awarded the rank of Captain and become a witch doctress within the surgical ward.

Within the witch doctress ward, Hathor also came across a female colonel that is a head nurse. To Hathor's surprise, it is her older sister Helen.

Helen, now had her head shaved, is a nun to the believe of Karma. Helen spend most of her last years, making up for her mistakes. She was sixteen when she was sold into slavery. Knowing what her father is like, she told her father, when the children from the nearby village, refuse to let her join their club, resulting in her father violently assaulting  and killing one child, in the name of "protecting my little princess". But that is what her father is like, he think, he can do anything he want, if it is in the name of protecting his daughter. The world never lack parents of such sort. The term "bully" is a very abstract term. The problem is, if a person try to rape a girl and the girl's boyfriend come to the rescue and stopped the rapists, what the boyfriend did also qualify as "bullying the attempt rapists out of raping the girl." There was a time where the term "protecting your kids from bullying", mean protecting your children from actions, such as those who bashed up your kids for their lunch money. But these days, some parents think, if you can find any excuse to label the other kid as a bully, it is justifiable even for an adult to violently assault a child, in names such as "protecting my little princess." and with attitude like this, if an "anti bullying law" really emerged, an attempt rapists might only need to go to prison for three years for attempt rape, but the boyfriend that stopped the attempt rapists, would need to spend the next thirty years in prison for bullying, Hathor's father is a thug, so it shouldn't surprising that he is like this, despite he live 5000 years ago.

It is during this time, where Helen was been sold into slavery, Helen started believing in the concept of Karma, a fancy word for "What goes around comes around". When her father was alive, Helen on multiple occasion, misused her father's desire to protect his children to force other people to do as she please with those attitude of "You better do as I say or my daddy will come and bash you up." and now, she need to pay for all the time, she misused her father's desire to protect his children.

While, Hathor was still a child thus, too young to understand what was going on, Helen was a teenager that should be old and mature enough to know better, due to Helen, six children were unjustifiably tortured and died in the hand of her father in the name of "protecting my little princess". The last one happened when Helen was fifteen. A group of children caught some fish and cooked it under the fire, before they were ready to eat it, Helen think the fish smell good and decided to take it for herself, the other kid disallow Helen to take their fish, snatched the fish back and won't give it to Helen. So, Helen went home to crying to her dad and because it qualify as "bullying Helen to give them their fish back." Helen's angry father came and killed that kid, repeatedly assault the kid in the head until he is dead and chopped him into little pieces.

As a revenge of all the evil that Helen's father and his daughters did in the name of "protecting my little princess",for each child that Helen's father unjust killed, in the name of "protecting my little princess" Helen as the oldest was been raped twice and her other fourteen years old sister was raped once, Hathor was not raped, because the judge concluded as she is not yet a teenager, Hathor was too young to be raped. So, Helen was been raped twenty six times, over a period of thirteen days,while her sister was been raped, thirteen times, over a period of thirteen days, while their father was been forced to watch with him limbs cut off. Then, after feeding their father to the wolfs, Helen and her sisters was sold into slavery.

Helen was been sold into a brothel and became a sex slave, she was been raped everyday. But what really made Helen fall to breaking point, is when the brothel sold her to Germanic and at Germanic, Helen realized she was pregnant. Germanic, a region where cannibal was still been practice, well into the era of the mid Roman Empire and when Helen's son was born, her Germanic owners took her son to be cooked and eaten. Helen tried to escape with her child, but was been captured and brought back, seen her son was to be eaten, Helen broke down in tears and repent asking the gods to punish her for her crimes and not to punish her son.

The person who saved Helen, was a former student of Ptah. A monk that believe in the concept of karma, what goes around comes around and it is during this era where Helen came to her believe that, it is due to what goes around comes around that all of these happened to her, because she once misused her father's ill believe of he can do anything if it is in the name of "protecting my little princess" and she use that to her advantage to do a "you better do as I say or my daddy will come and bash you up" attitude.

Helen since then also became a nun of Karma and went by her nun name "Bastet" and tried to make up for the mistake of her past. What Bastet didn't know is that her baby son, Imhotep, whom she thought was eaten by the Germanic, actually survived, also purchased by another monk of Karma and send to live in Persia. But not knowing her son live, Bastet would need to live forever, with that pain.

Bastet is a very different person from the one that Hathor remember as a little girl. The Helen that Hathor remember was an emotionally fragile, angry, narcissist, mean, snobby, bitchy and spoiled, little brat. But now, Bastet is this person that is a very clam, kind, gentle, happy and charming person that is always smiling. After becoming a nun of karma, she learn to let go of all her obsessions, as it is merely self destructive. American psychologist Philip C. McGraw once wrote in his book, when people believe in something badly enough, they evaluate everything in a manner in coalition with their believe by looking for examples and constructing opinion in favor of the believe.

For a long time, the repeat rape and death of her son haunted Helen. It was why they punish criminal thugs by ass raping the male thugs and raping the female thugs, multiple times, to create traumatizing experience that would stay with them for the rest of their life and likely to traumatize them for years to come and if they are not to be executed, they hope the rape to cause them to suffer from post traumatic stress disorder, as a result. That is how they punish thugs for their violent crimes. And until Helen became a nun of Karma and became Bastet, she woke up screaming nearly every night, with the nightmare of her son been taken by cannibals and all the times that she was raped, since becoming a slave and forced to witness her father's limb been chopped off and been repeatedly ass rape for a period of one year. When the sentencing punishment was to be rape, male would usually be ass rape from behind, as it is the only way the gay men responsible to execute the rape, is able to penetrate his ass. Female would be rape missionary style, as they think it is more traumatizing to be forced to witness them self been raped, a second executioner would be responsible to stabilize her head, so she is forced to witness what is happening to her and cannot turn her head to look away. When it is a male, a bronze mirror would be place in front of him, forcing him to witness himself been ass rape from behind, through the bronze mirror, he would have his head tie to a rope and the gay man responsible for raping him, must use the rope to hold up his head, forcing him to witness himself been ass rape within the bronze mirror. However, lots of time, the terrifying horror of been rape or ass rape, is sufficient to scare most people out of committing crime, thus rape and ass rape as a punishment for criminals, rarely happen. That was another reason why such punishment was put in place, to scare people out of committing crime in the first place, because been rape is more horrible to some people, then death. When rape is not able to achieve such traumatizing effect, other form of torture would be used, as substitution and the executioner would get very creative, using various methods including beating, sleep deprivation, burning them with fire, denier access to food, forcing to perform harsh labor in the cold with no cloth until both their feet and hand bleed, whipping and so on. Till date, Singapore's legal justice system still use whipping as a form of punishment for criminals that been found guilty of a crime and it work very well, in decreasing crime rate, sometimes, it work much better then prison. Despite using rape as punishment for criminals or to chop off their hand, like what Saudi Arabia is doing, can argue to be far too cruel, not to mention rape might not work with all, considering if coming across a criminal that actually enjoy the sexual experience it won't be rape, thus defeat the punishment purpose. The type of whipping that Singapore is doing, can be considered, as it might better help to rehabilitate criminals and help decrease prison overcrowding with fewer that re-offender, due to the horrible nature of been whip, with multiple lashes. In ancient China, female criminals make up 1/3 of all prostitute, women that committed serious crime such as murder, drug related crime and human trafficking after been found guilty of their crime. In ancient China they believe, a person guilty of a serious crime, during his or her year of sentencing, his or her right of freedom of choice is the property of the state, so the state can restrict what they are allow to do and force them do anything they want and that include forcing them to be prostitutes. As a result, the attractive looking female criminals are usually leased out to brothel, as prostitutes by the prison, against her will. Because her freedom of choice belong to the state and the state consent for her to have sex with any men that pay the state or brothel to have sex with her, the law didn't consider it as rape.

As Bastet, she spend everyday of her life, making up for her past mistakes, by doing good deeds. She teach people to let go of their obsession and that what goes around comes around, so they don't make the same mistake that Helen made in her past and ended up with the same fate Helen suffered, maybe a fate worse then Helen, when what goes around, finally comes around. But she didn't do this simply due to a fear of what goes around comes around. She truly know what she once did as Helen is wrong and deeply repent for it and why she is dedicating the rest of her life, been a nun doing good deeds and she truly is a change person, in no way, resemble the girl name Helen that she once was.

Which actress is best to play Helen (Helen and Bastet play by different actress to symbolize they become two different people)

Lindsay Lohan

Paris Hilton

Which actress is best to play Bastet

Elizabeth Henstridge
Erinn Hayes

Friday, January 10, 2020

Book 1 Chapter Twelve Part 1 of 3: Back to Mediterranean Sea

Ninurta, whom has business to travel to Babylon, thus, he travelled with Horus, Neith, Hathor, and Serket and arrived at Duba. It has been over a year since Horus been home. The wheat field outside the home, is still there, but it doesn't seem to have been harvest for a while.

Horus, Neith, Hathor, Serket and Ninurta walked towards the house. Inside the house, there was only one figure. It was Nephthys.

"Hey, kid." Nephthys said, you see sign of ageing on her, with a bit of grey.

"Lady Nephthys?" Ninurta was a bit surprise to see her

"Lord Prince Ninurta." Nephthys was equally surprised

"What are you doing here? It must have been, almost twenty years." Ninurta said

"After the fall of Osiris' reign, you were never heard of again. Everybody thought, you are dead." Nephthys said

"I stayed in the abyss, after hearing the death of the pharaoh Osiris. But what of you, I heard of the destruction of the Amazons, how did you survived?" Ninurta said

"It is a long story." Nephthys said

Ninurta and Nephthys are like old friends and started talking, exchanging story, of what happened within the last twenty years.

"So, if that is the case that means Horus here..." Ninurta said

"The son of Osiris and the rightful heir to the throne." Nephthys said

Neith walked into the room, "My Lady."

Nephthys said "And of course I recognise you, Neith, the great grand daughter of Ptah." Nephthys said "You trained under me as a little girl."

Nephthys smiled "Do you remember me." she asked

"Of course, how can I forget." Neith saidd

"Take a rest, you must be tire, after such a long travel." Nephthys said

"Where is mother?" Horus said

"Your mother, has on accept the request of Baal, to help lead his navy, against Seth in the war. I would have gone myself, but..." Nephthys lifted her right foot. it is obviously injured "I even need to start operating remotely as the town Sheriff." Nephthys has been the town Sheriff for over five years, in hope it can gain Horus some experience later, it wasn't difficult, consider she and Ishtar was the best warrior and by the time Horus turned fifteen, he became one of Nephthys' Deputy until he left to train with Baal. He might just been a small town cop for one year, but it was good experience for Horus.

Serket took a look at the leg and smiled "This is easy." she said "You leg must been stun by some sort of weed that contain toxin, while working the farm. I am guessing, this one." Serket said and took a dried sample of a weed, from her collection.

Serket went back to the carriage and grabbed out a wood, out of her backpack. "Bath your foot in a water with this wood, once a week and your feet will start to get better." Serket said

"If mother has gone to help in the war against Baal, I think I should return there, also." Horus said

Nephthys smiled "At least stay at home and rest a few days, before go on your journey again." Nephthys said

"Alright" Horus finally agreed

Neith and Ninurta didn't stay. Ninurta still need to complete his business in Babylon. Neith needed to return to the rebels in Egypt, to inform Khnum of her finding, she would travel with Ninurta on his quest within Babylon first, before returning with him, to the abyss, where they would be greeted by Ninurta's men that would again escort Neith to the Apep, where she make her journey back to Egypt.

Serket and Hathor decided to travel to the navy of Min, with Horus and to join the fight.

Horus, Serket and Hathor remained within Horus' home for two weeks, until they are ready to leave again.

Nephthys would have travel with them, but, Serket told her that with her leg just recently recover, it is unwise to overly exercise it. Horus left his horse at home, because his horse is now tired, after travelling for such a long time and replace it with a new horse.

The soldiers of Seth cover the entire coast line towards the Mediterranean Sea from the East and South. Technically speaking, Seth's forces is very easy to break, its army is spread out too thin, but, the problem is, despite he got a strong navy, Min doesn't got much of an army.

Horus, Serket and Hathor started to travel North, until they reached modern Iraq and then moved west, to modern Turkey. All of these are territory of Babylon and then, they reached Greece. For Serket, Greece is her home. They first arrived to Serket's hometown Atica, a city that will eventually become known as Athens. Here, the people are already fed up with the rule of the Governor of Seth and a strong underground resistance movement, is doing what they can to undermine their rule and is helping to sneak people to go fight in the Navy of Min. Through Atica, Horus, Serket and Hathor was soon to arrived to the Greek islands upon the Mediterranean sea, control by Baal. It doesn't take long for Horus to come across familiar faces, once he arrived here, including Resheph.

Throughout the Mediterranean Sea, people were preparing for war, they were building ships at a rate way more efficient compare to Seth, due to a great majority of their bronze tools are design for ship building, for years, the people of these water, has been making the way of the waters their business.

Sailors was been recruited and was been trained in navel combat, every able body man, has been drafted into the navy, some women has also been drafted to serve in logistic.

"Come, there is one person, I know would be eager to see you." Resheph said, as he lead Horus, Serket and Hathor to a tent upon the island of Sicily.

"My Lady." Resheph reported and led Horus into the tent.

Within the tent there was Min and Ishtar, each wearing the uniform, of an Admiral.

"Horus." Ishtar was overjoyed to see her son

"Mother" Horus said.

When Horus saw Ishtar, he got down on his knee "Forgive me mother, I've been away from home for so long and let you worry."

Ishtar was quick to help her son to her feet "None sense, I've always been proud of you, for what you were doing. Come, let mother take a good look at you. See how you changed."

"Mother, this journey I made to these waters, is also to hope, join the war against Seth. The war of these waters, if we won, it can become a turning point, against the rule of Seth, to end his savage rule, once and for all." Horus said

"My Lord, My Lady, Horus is personally trained under our program, he is an ideal candidate, as an officer, within this navy and his recent return from Egypt, will for certain provide us with an advantage." Resheph said

Baal and Ishtar took a look at each other and nodded

"Alright, if you want to fight, we will let you fight. Your father, he would be very proud of you." Ishtar said

"Thank you, mother." Horus replied.

Having blond hair and blue eyes is consider to be a sign of good luck in many parts Middle Eastern and African, till date. But in parts of East Africa, this stereotype sometimes turn deadly

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Chapter Eleven Part 3 of 3: The Kuru Demon

(Semetic God of agricultural, hunting and
(Semetic = modern Arabs)
Serket, Horus, Hathor and Neith with the help of the Apep, once again via their ship travel to their last stop, a coastal town on the west coast of modern Saudi Arabia, along the red sea, close to the modern Saudi Arabia city of Jizan.

But there is still a journey of travel from Jinza, to Horus' home at Duba. Most of the road between this region is not been mapped, Horus first ask for the mayor of the Town for help, asking about what they know about the route between Duba and Jizan.

"Where is that. It is the first time I heard of that place." the Mayor said

"Northern, along the eastern boarder line of the Red Sea." Horus replied

"We live here a place free from the conflict of the world. But the conflict is never far away from us. Our Great Grand parents' generation, follow the way of the thugs, the end result, we were almost been wiped out of existence. Now, we are all that is left of our civilisation, we try to maintain peace, with all our nearby nations. The way of the thug, in the long run, it will only lead to the destruction of self. The founder of our society, when it was first form, it was the law, not to venture far from our land, it is due to a simple reason, they fear the descendants return to the way of the thug and by doing so, it will destroy what is left our civilisation. The way of the thugs, can help you maintain superiority, at most for a while, but never forever. Why? Because when you follow the way of the thug, you are along. A single arrow easily break, but many arrows put together, is difficult to break. Thugs, are always along, outside their tribe or even themselves, everybody is an enemy, prepare to over throw your dominance, whether it is those who are not thugs or other thugs, they might even unite against you. That is what happened to the Apep, we might be the most powerful nation in all of Egypt, during that time, but even so, we are no match against the combine strength of the world. The founder of our society, disallow us to travel far, from our land, due to a fear that the descendants return to the way of the thugs and ultimately, lead to our self destruction. I will gather what we know about the land around us, to help you, in your travel, but I am afraid it won't be much of a help." The mayor said.

"What about your ship, if you help us to sail further north, we promise to pay you handsomely." Horus said

"I am tempted, but our law, disallow our ship to travel beyond this town. These are the law, founded by our founders. The way of the thugs, cannot return to the way of the Apep, otherwise, it will destroy us." the Mayor said

Horus, Neith, Hathor and Serket dare to say nothing more, they thanked the mayor and left.

The mayor as promised gave them all information, about the region nearby to their town that he know of.

Horus, Neith, Hathor and Serket continue to travel North, along the coast of the Red Sea. Most of these lands are not charted, Horus, Neith, Hathor and Serket found themselves to now be explorers, venture into the abyss. There can be dangerous, fortune, there are Horus and Neith that are both elite warriors. As they travel, they recorded the land they cross within their journal. The first town they came across was close to modern Abha, a small stone age community, they got nothing to offer Horus in trade, despite they were tempted. They move onto the next town, is close to modern Al Qunfudhah, the small coastal town of only one hundred, rely on agriculture, Horus sold them, two bronze tool that make it easier to harvest the wheat and to cut away the weeds, in exchange of some wheat. The next town for their travel is close to modern Jiddah.

On their journey to Jiddah, Horus, Neith, Hathor and Serket came across a group of cannibals.

Horus and Neith are not frighten of these stone age cave men. Horus and Neith each grabbed a sword and engaged the cannibal, killing many, working as a team, Horus and Neith triple their fighting strength and killed over twenty cannibals. But soon they discover they are in trouble. These cannibal might be weak, but they number in hundred. They are desperate for food and any outsider is tempting. Suddenly, the sound of horn blowing from behind. Soldiers emerged, these soldiers are equipped not by swords, instead they are equipped with wooden staff, over thirty warriors, quickly defeated the cannibals. The head of the warriors reveal his identity. His name is Ninurta.

Ninurta led Horus, Neith, Hathor and Serket back to his camp town.

"You are not from this area. Who are you?" Ninurta asked

Horus explain their travel to Ninurta.

Ninurta smiled "Egypt, I haven't return there, for over twenty years. When Seth took power in Egypt, I was travelling into the abyss, across the Red Sea, to spread the art of agricultural to the land, across the Red Sea. It was part of Pharaoh's Osiris plan, to better the world, to end the great famine. When the entire known world, has learned the art of agriculture, we spread it into the abyss. We travel by boat, past the Red Sea, to this land, but it is during this time, we heard of Pharaoh Osiris' death and his brother Seth took power. The good Pharaoh's entire bloodline is killed and that make his brother Seth, the legitimate heir, to the throne. Since then, we stay here, spreading the art of agriculture to the land of the abyss. They are not bad people. They are cannibals, because they are desperate. For the past twenty years, we travel this land, to spread the art of agricultural, as the Pharaoh once requested. But, here, it is different. Much of the land is dessert. crops are hard to grow. We must first convince them, to be willing to move to live by the coast, where the land can be harvested." Ninurta said "What is your name, my child?"

"Horus, my Lord." Horus said

"Neith, my Lord." Neith said

"Hathor, my Lord" Hathor said

"Serket, my Lord." Serket said

"The trip to your home is not a difficult one, but there are cannibals on the road. My men and I will accompany you there." Ninurta said

So, with the company of Ninurta and his men, Serket, Horus, Hathor and Neith started travel along the coast of the Red Sea, North to Duba."

They first reached that town close to Jeddah, this is the main base camp of Ninurata and his men

"The Apep should have ask you to stay in their town, until we arrived. My people, travel this region, a lot." Ninurata said "This town of only three thousand might not seem much, but in this region, it is pretty good already."

From a bit of distance away, a native came to the city crying for help. She got down on her knee and beg and cry, holding her ten years old son in her arm.

Ninurata went to the front of the woman and kneel down.

"Somebody get me some water." Ninurata said

When the water arrived, Ninurata try feed the child water, but the child won't swallow.

Ninurata shook his head and stood up "Another one." he said "There is nothing we can do."

Serket went to kneel by the child and started checking all of the child's vitals. "The Kuru demon" Serket frowned and said

"You are a witch doctress?" Ninurata asked

"I specialised in treating cut wounds and poison. But I know bit about demon infection too." Serket said.

"So, you know what sort of demon it is." Ninurata

"Demon of the cannibal curse." Serket said

"Whenever there are cannibal, there will be those who are infected by the Kuru demons" Ninurata said

"What is the Kuru Demon?" Hathor asked

"It is said the soul of a person is in the brain and the nerve of a person. During the era of the great famine, some people become cannibals. The soul of those who got eaten seek revenge and turned into a demon and when the brain was eaten the demon enter the cannibal's body and ate his soul and then killed him, if that dead person was again been eaten the demon would again eat that next person's soul and so on. Kuru happen in four stages, the first stage you keep smiling, then you start shacking uncontrollably, afterwards he would fall to the ground not able to walk or move but just keep smiling, trembling. The last stage, he won't even be able to eat, he can't swallow and starve to death. There are ways to rid the body of the Kuru demons, but it is very difficult and only work during the early stage. But, this is the first time, I've actually seen a case of such." Serket said

"Here, it is not uncommon. You are too young to know the great famine. But the Kuru demons was more frequent in Egypt, back in those days, also." Ninurata said "Obviously, this child, must have eaten a person and let the Kuru demon, into his body."

After three days, Serket, Hathor, Horus, Neith and Ninurata and a group of thirty warriors prepare to move further north, they will be crossing cannibal land, so travel in group is a must. They still travel along the water line. They reached the place close to modern Yanbu. This is a known cannibal town and there is a need to be careful. They are just going to travel as a pack, very quickly, to get pass them. But as they travel, they discover one thing, the Kuru demon, infected the town.

The people of the town are terrified, as they don't understand why any of this is going on. Along the road, there was those that are dying of starvation or just lying there trampling and won't stop smiling.

Serket didn't hesitate to stop, wanting to help these people.

"Young Mastress Serket, we need to leave." Ninurata said

"I am not leaving until I am sure, I cannot help these people." Serket said "Whatever you said, I am still a witch doctress."

"May I remind you Mastress Serket that this is a cannibal village." Ninurata said "I've try to persuade this village to agriculture many times, they won't listen. If they listen, maybe the Kuru demon won't effect their village so badly."

"If you don't want to stay, I can stay here myself." Serket said

This is a small village of only thirty people, but over half is effected by the Kuru demon.

"Ask them, who else is still been effected." Serket said

Ninurata's men took a look at him. Ninurata nodded, so one of the men started speaking in the local dialect. The people of the village gather every person of the village. Serket exam every one of them.

"I thought you specialise in wound and poison, this is demon infection." Neith said to Serket

"Kuru demon was so common during the era of the great famine. Every witch doctor know, how to cure it. I might never seen a case, until today, but I can handle it." Serket said

Serket exam every, man, woman and child of the village, out of the thirty of them, eighteen has been infected, ten can still be saved.

Serket first return to the cart and took out her kit, she need to perform the surgery, before it is too late. With the help of Ninurata's men, for ten day straight, Serket performed ten surgery, three died during the surgery. Amount those whose surgery is successful, they still need medicine. After a few weeks, most made a full recovery, but one still died.

"Let them know if they don't turn towards the art of agriculture, this demon will still return to their village." Serket said

Ninurata's men translated. After this scare of the Kuru and Serket saving their life, what is left of this small village is grateful to Serket and also terrified of Kuru returning and agree to start moving towards agriculture. But, now, there are only a few of them left, out of a once village that is once over one hundred.

Ninurata and his men continue to escort Horus, Neith, Hathor and Serket up North

Historian explain Kuru virus, discovered in the early 20th century amount cannibal of the Pacific nations. The bacteria infection, enter the brain and nerve system and turn the brain into a sponge like substance, those infected start by uncontrollable smiling, follow by trembling, later he lost all control of his body and can just lie there and tremble all day, afterwards he can no longer swallow and die of starvation, when the infected person is again eaten by another cannibal that cannibal would also be effected. But the scary thing is, biologists discover, most people living in the EuroAsia landmass is naturally immune to the Kuru virus. Hence the theory, most of us got cannibal ancestors and it is those who are genetically immune to the Kuru virus that survive and pass the immunity to their offspring. So far, there are still no cure for Kuru disease

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Chapter Eleven Part 1 of 3: Sobek

Sobek (Egyptian Demon)
Horus, Neith, Hathor and Serket travel further North. The further they travel North, the more soldiers they see and at time, they saw soldiers going into villages rounding up people to be used as slave labors to build ships. This is still the era where bronze tool is rare and stone tool dominate, if it is that expensive just to make a horse carriage, using stone tool, can you image, how much harder is it to build warships?

Horus, Neith, Hathor and Serket avoided the main road and stay far away from the Nile rivers, as they travel. The ordinary places that Horus use to cross the Red Sea, to his home, along the Southern coast of the Red Sea, is dominated by soldiers. The place where Horus live, belongs to modern Saudi Arabia, north of modern Sudan, East of Egypt and south to modern Jordan. The normal route was travelling via the coast of modern Saudi Arabia to, Jordon or Egypt. Due to the territory of modern Saudi Arabia is mostly dessert, it was not colonized by any nation, allow the small handful of dwellers there to be free from Seth's rule. but its dessert landscape also mean, with the exception to its coast line, growing crops there is almost impossible. A lack of people also mean, it is hard to find ship that travel directly from Egypt to Saudi Arabia via the Red Sea.

The tension between Seth and Baal was high, as Baal's forces insist on their control over, the Mediterranean sea. Seth and Michael has fortified their defense along the Southern coast of the Mediterranean sea and launch gorilla attack to keep Baal's forces away from Egypt's South coast, Baal used his influence on modern Palestine and Israel to also assert his influence and launch continue gorilla attack upon Seth's army there. It forces Seth's army to pull back, but strengthen their defense upon modern Jordon and Syria. Unable to go from Egypt to Jordon, means that Horus, is not able to go home.

The soldiers of Seth worked those peasants taken as slaves with little food, water or rest, those that became too weak to work, as a result, is killed on the spot. Those who are forced to be slave hated Seth and Michael, as a result and when given the opportunity, sneak to Min's side.

Unable to return home, Horus decided to for now, to do what he know to do best and that is trade, he also asked Neith about the possibility of working with the rebels for now, as he got much to offer. It is now that Neith revealed to Horus that she got orders to see if Horus truly is the son of Ishtar, as Neith would recognize Ishtar and report back, from her point of view, she cannot abandon her mission, at least not yet and that mean, for now, she cannot reveal to Horus the location of the rebel base.

This leave Horus returning to do what he knows best and that is trade. As, Horus, Neith, Hathor and Serket made camp and Horus, Neith and Serket was studying the trade map, to decide where to trade next, they saw five soldiers of Seth.

The rank of Lance Corporal has been added to all of Seth's army. Each Lance Corporal command one Private and the Corporal still command four soldiers, now including two Lance Corporals and two Privates.

The five soldiers walked to an elderly man. The old man got dark brown skin and short woolly hair that has gone all white, the wrinkles upon his face was really clear.

"By the order of the Pharaoh Seth, you are hereby drafted to serve the pharaoh to build ships for his army." the Corporal said

"You got lot of guts, young man. Do you know who I am?" the old man said

"I don't care who you are" The Corporal said "Take him away." the Corporal said to the soldiers

One private and his commanding Lance Corporal walked forward to arrest the old man.

Horus and Neith was about to come to help the old man, but it appears, the old man is able to take care of himself. Before the two soldiers even know what is going on, the old man threw two punches, the left hand punched the Lance Corporal, the right hand punched the Private, both on the throat and killing both of them in one punch. The other three soldiers attacked with their spears, but the old man was quick to use the spear of the two soldiers that he already killed to kill two more soldiers, leaving only the Corporal still alive. The Corporal started running away. The old man grabbed one spear from the ground and threw it, killing the Corporal.

The old man return to his relax state, it kinda reminded Horus when he first met Min, where Min killed number of thugs easily, while in a relax state. However, Horus got a feeling that this old man, is not like Min. The old man saw Horus, Serket, Neith and Hathor, at first he paid no attention to them, until he saw Hathor gathering some wild fruits. The old man started accusing Hathor as a thief saying that it is his land.

Horus and Serket was quick coming to Hathor's defense, saying they don't know this is the private land of the old man. The old man don't care and moved to kill Hathor.

Seen Hathor in danger, Horus was quick to make a move trying to stop the old man, but was quickly been thrown aside by the old man. Neith was quick to come, also thrown aside by the old man.

Neith and Horus stood up.

"Old master, our friend really don't know these are your fruits. Please forgive her." Neith said

"I don't care, she steal my fruit, she need to die." the old man said

Seen the old man moving to kill Hathor again, Horus and Neith moved to fight the old man, but combine, they are still no match against the old man. Horus and Neith are highly trained warriors, so, they are not as easily killed, like those five soldiers, but they are still no match against the old man combine, after exchanging over twelve moves, Horus and Neith are slowly not able to handle the old man's attacks. This old man, might be old, but he got skills. Serket quickly pulled Hathor away and return. The old man landed his palm on Horus chest pushing backwards, he grabbed Neith and tripped her to the ground and grab her neck from behind and was about to kill her via breaking her neck, when Serket quickly returned and yelled "WAIT!"

Surprisingly, the old man did stop, but he was still holding onto Neith's neck and can kill her, in one move. Horus stood up. Serket was quickly to give Horus a hand signal, informing him not to move.

"I know who you are, Grand Master Sobek and I also know you once kneel in front of the Great Grand Master Nun and sworn allegiance to him, in front of the table of Aten. You are about to break your oath, this woman, in front of you, she is Neith, the fifth generation decent of the Great Grand Master Nun." Serket said

Sobek took a look at Serket "If you don't believe me, check her tattoo, it bare the mark, of the house of Nun."

Sobek took a look at Neith's back, Neith's tattoo confirmed her identity. Sobek let Neith go "and how am I suppose to know, is that tattoo real?"

"You know the law, a false tattoo is punishable by rape, follow by death. What woman would risk getting rape, over this?" Serket said

Horus and Neith both know of the name Sobek, he is a ruthless warrior. He is from the era of his great grand father Ra. He is once, one of the most ruthless warrior along the Niles River, he rank along side with his great grandfather Ra, as one of the greatest warrior of his time and it appears, even at his high age of seventy six, his ability to fight, has not fallen, if anything, maybe increased. But the problem is that, Sobek is not a good man, he is a thug and when a thug, is an alpha male that is bad news. This must be the first time, Horus came across a thug that is tougher then he is, it is a dangerous situation. As tough warriors, Horus and Neith are accustom to dealing with thugs, via one method, kill first and ask question later, but that won't work this time. However, Serket seem to know how to handle it, as a woman, with her weak physic state and not a trained warrior, Serket is use to having to deal with male thugs that is tougher then she is, as a result, while Horus and Neith, isn't sure what to do right now, it is Serket that knows how to handle Sobek.

Sobek sat on the original table of Aten, under the leadership of Nun, the most respected warrior and leader of his time, to created peace throughout the land, Nun created the table of Aten, to unite the world. The high council of the table of Aten includes eight seats. North, South, East, West, North East, North West, South East and South West. The Northern Seat, belong to the leader of the table of Aten, with Nun sitting upon the Northern seat.

The second highest seat, was taken by Ptah, the greatest wizard in all of the land, during that time. The other six seats, are chosen from the six other nations, amount them include Ra whom was still a prince during that time and Sobek.

After the death of Ptah and Nun, the table of Aten fall apart, but when the threat of the Apep rise, it is under the leadership of Ra that the people reunite under the table of Aten. Apep, was the most powerful tribe of the time and they were dangerous, like most thugs, Sobek believe in putting himself in the position of the alpha male so to enslave the others, to his will and believe all those who doesn't serve and honor him, above all else, to be evil.

Thugs doesn't like been enslaved, not even by other thugs, therefore, Sobek and Ra got a common enemy. When Ra called for the world to reunite under his leadership, to fight the Apep, Sobek agreed. The Northern seat is now taken by Ra, the Southern seat taken by Amun, as a result, they were also frequently been refer to as Amun-Ra. However, Amun and Ra are not idiots, they know the tribe of Sobek are just waiting for the opportunity, using this war as a jumping step, to become the next alpha and if a thug becomes the alpha, he would enslave the world, so, Sobek would do as little as he possibly can. Amun and Ra, cannot have that. This is similar to what the communist did in China during WW2, when the Japanese attack, the Chinese army, lack ammo so badly, the Chinese infantry had one rifle per two soldiers, the other soldiers need to rely on using swords. They had no cavalry and minimum artillery. Until the US President Franklin D. Roosevelt start selling fighters to the Chinese, the Chinese got no air force, which is why, despite the Chinese army originally was able to use the great wall of China as a defence line, to, keep the Japanese from marching South, eventually the Japanese fores was able to break through and early fighter pilots of Chinese air force during WW2 was made up via hiring former fighter pilots of the US air force as mercenaries, to serve as pilots and to train Chinese pilots.

But what the Chinese got is number and landmass, so, as the Japanese forces try to take the large landmass of China, the Chinese let loose of a large number of gorilla behind Japanese lines, crippling their supplies and on the front line, let loose a large army to overrun the Japanese zombie apocalypse style, while this strategy might be not effective, along the eastern coast line, where Japanese troops are well supplied, once the Japanese forces started moving inland and had the gorilla continue to harass their supply lines from behind, this become very effective against the Japanese been low on supply, forcing them back to their ships, it cause the already nature resource low Japanese, to start running out of nature resource and got no choice but to pull out of China, however, not willing to give up, the Japanese military that despite claim to fight in the Emperor's name, but in reality is holding the Emperor as a puppet, attacked Australia for its nature resource, first attacking the US forces at Pearl Harbour so they cannot reinforce the Australians and quickly took control of the Philippines and defeated the British troops station at Singapore like they are nothing and then massacre the Australian navy and air force, but the plan didn't work, due to US still managed to send Australia reinforcement before Japanese troops can take Australian land and led the US to declare war on Japan. In China, the gorilla warfare that was suppose to harass the Japanese supply lo make the Zombie apocalypse attack on Japanese troops possible and with minimum casualty rate, was perform by 13 para-army legions, supply and equip by the Chinese army and government, each legion is in charge with one of the 13 gorilla warfare district, despite claiming to be part of the Chinese military, in reality they are independent from the government and army. The eighth legion was formed by Mao Zedong and the Chinese Communist Party, former soldiers of the other thirteen legion claim, despite the eighth legion, been taking money and equipment from the government, they refuse to engage the Japanese and sometime, attack the other thirteen legion for their supplies, the eighth legion was also supply by the Soviet Union, some former soldiers of the eighth legion recall their frustration, because they join the eighth legion to fight the Japanese, instead, was again and again been order not to engage, even sending them to the boarder between China and Soviet Union, to be train by the Russians, but refuse to engaged the Japs, but was eager to send them to fight the Nazi, with the Russian troops. By the end of WW2, where the intention of the Communist party become clear, some of those that join the eighth legion to fight the Japanese, choose to go AWOL, when the opportunity came. And, with the backing of the Soviet Union, right after WW2, the eighth legion rebel against the Chinese government, forcing the government of the Republic of China that is still weak from WW2, to retreat to Taiwan and then the Communist rename the eighth legion as the People Liberation Army.

However, in this world, Amun and Ra, see through the tricks of the Sobek and his nation and they are not going to let Sobek and his nation of thugs, to become the alpha, after defeating Apep. Apep might be the most powerful nation of the world, during that time, but they were no match against the army of the entire world combine. As the war progress, Amun and Ra had a secret meeting with the Apep leadership, knowing that whoever win, is going to get eaten by Sobek's nation the city state Faiyum, which been using the war as an opportunity to get powerful, while both Apep and the ally force of the world get weak, preparing to create an Empire and become the next alpha. Amun and Ra, came to a secret agreement with the Apep leadership for a seize fire and let the Apep loose on the nation of Faiyum. Only when Faiyum seem to be close to be complete destroy by the Apep, did Amun and Ra once again betray Apep and attack them from behind, allowing the defeat of Apep and leaving Faiyum at ruins.

As the Apep was pushed out of their lands and into the Sahara desert, the ruling of Faiyum, was been divided amount its neighbour nations and its royalties executed.

Sobek whom was the crown prince of Faiyum, has been living in hiding, ever since, waiting for the chance of his revenge.

Sobek agreed not to kill Hathor, in exchange, Sobek want Hathor to cook for him, for fourteen days and with each meal, the fire that cook the meal, must include a handful of Hathor's blond hair, thinking it would bring him, good luck and good health.

Serket suggest for Horus, Neith and Hathor to agree for now and think of how to deal with Sobek later, considering right now, Sobek isn't asking for much. "Live to fight another day." Serket said

So, Hathor agreed.

Sobek an old warrior from the era of Nun, know about the fighting style of the Amazons and can see that both Neith and Horus got Amazonian basic.

"After Seth destroyed the school of the Amazons, my parents came across an Amazonian Master that is a fugitive and looking for a place to hide. My parents helped her, as repayment, she offer to teaching me the fighting of the Amazonians." Horus said

"I am an officer in the navy of Min, it is my wish to find a passage back there, for the war against Seth." Horus said

Sobek got no love to Seth, like all thugs, he wants to be the oppressor, not the oppressed, so, he decided to help Horus

Sobek told Horus about a passage that goes directly from Egypt, to cross the Red Sea.

"Its a bit expensive, but I think you can afford it." Sobek said

Which actor is best to play Ammit (In real Egyptian mythology Ammit is female)

Rorrie D. Travis

Jazz Baduwalia

Chapter Eleven Part 2 of 3: The Journey home

Map of the Red Sea
Horus, Neith, Serket and Hathor found the route to cross the red sea, with the instruction of Sobek.

They started travel South along the red sea, until they came close to the boarder between modern Egypt and modern Sudan. Here they came close to become far away from the region control by Seth. They cannot get far away from the coast line, moving in land is going into the territory where even the former Apep didn't dare to venture into. That dessert is the land of the dead. When they reach closer to the boarder between modern Egypt and Sudan, as Sobek promised, a small city. This city, belongs to those whom were once of the Apep. A small community of whatever is left of them that didn't return to Egypt, under the promise of Osiris. Hathor, Neith, Serket and Horus, entered the city carefully, they don't know what to expect. However, to the surprise of Hathor, Neith, Serket and Horus the people of this small town is rather friendly, they are not like the Apep that his grandfather Ra, fought. The harsh reality of been defeated by Ra and then suffer defeat in the hand of Osiris, has led changes to the Apep completely and led their further generation to leave the way of the thugs. This community, doesn't want to return to Egypt, their life here might be harsh, but it is fine and they know how things in Egypt become, after the rule of Seth. Originally, they were a community that wanted to return to Egypt under the rule of Osiris, but decided not to do so, foreseen the rise of Seth. These people survive by fishing and camels. They also know trade, travel along the coast of the Red Sea, but they only got one ship, the Apep was driven out of Egypt, before entering the bronze age, relying a stone tool means, making ships are insanely expensive.

Horus, Hathor, Serket and Neith went to meet with the mayor of the city.

"Our ship, is to trade important goods, with society that are South of our land, it is precious cargo. We got over two thousand people living within our town and little room to spare. There is nothing you can offer us in trade." the Mayor said.

"My Lord." Horus said and put a huge bag of wheat onto the floor of the room, in front of the mayor. "And there are even more that we got to offer"

The Mayor took a look at the wheat "This is almost one kilo of food, how could you have that many?" the Mayor said

"We also saw there are lots of sick people in your city, injured. Give us a ride for our journey and we will help them." Serket said

The Mayor fall to his knee, in his eyes, these are not mere human, but gods that walk amount us.

"If you are able to cure those who are sick, we will be forever grateful." the Mayor said

So, it was decided, three kilo of wheat and in addition, one bronze axe, to help make their life easier and Serket would look at those who are wounded, in their hospital. Their witch doctors, can do little for most of them, other then making their life a little bit more comfortable, before they die. For some, Serket was able to use a form of herb to disinfected the wounds, before stitching it up, for others Serket disinfected it with fire, before stitching it up.

There are others, with only one choice, Serket order for people to tied up their leg to stop the blood from floating out of the body and got the patient drunk with beer and tied the patient up and number of men holding him down and with a single blow of the axe, chopped off the leg. Afterwards, the wound was disinfected with fire and herbal leafs.

Not all survive the procedure, some of them live, others died. But Serket warn them the danger of the procedure, beforehand, but, these people know if they do nothing, they are going to die, anyway.

When the ship of the town returned, Hathor, Serket, Neith and Horus jumped onto the boat. It is not a very big ship, only the size of a sail boat. Horus as a proficient sailor volunteer to help in the sailing of the ship, while been aboard. The ship sail along the coast of the Red Sea, passed the east coast of modern Sudan and reached the East coast of modern Eritrea, during the journey the ship made three stops, to make trade with local villages, what these people got to offer in trade, is unique and different, from what Horus have seen. Horus as a trader, was soon to recorded all of these in his journal.

It is during their journey that Horus discover, that Serket and Neith been teaching Hathor to read and write.

"How long has this been going on?" Horus asked

"Since we left Cynopolis." Hathor replied. "I am tire of always been a burden to everybody. Everybody around me, Serket is a witch doctor. Neith is a warrior and educated in maths and some witchcraft, you are a warrior, witch and trader. I can only make bread, only know enough about fighting to handle one or two minor street thugs with the element of surprise, because they expect me to be a complete helpless damsel in distress. I guess I want to be more. I use to be a slave, I want to know more then what a slave could possibly know."

By the time the ship reach a place close to the boarder of modern Sudan and modern Eritrea, the ship made its first full stop and is prepare for repair and resupply. This ship is the common property of four Apep city along the coast of the Red Sea, this city is the second Apep city along the coast. This ship, is their most treasured, it is how they trade and maintain connection with each other. During this period of travel between Eritrea and Yamen, the ship again stopped at two coastal town and trade with them.

After the ship was fixed and resupplied, the ship started to set sail again and continue to travel. When they reached the Southern boarder of modern Eritrea, the ship travel North and reached the west coast of modern Yemen and started travelling North and started travelling along the West coast of modern Yamen, here along the Southern west coast of modern Yamen, is the third Apep city, with a population of four thousand. If the the Apep, to travel further North along the East coast of Yamen, it would reach Persia, which is modern Iran, next to them would be Babylon, which is modern Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Palestine and Israel. At this stage, Horus, Neith, Serket and Hathor got the choice, to leave the ship and travel north along the coast of Yamen, until the reach modern Oman, continue to travel North along the coast of modern Oman and they will reach the Golf of Oman, which would be territory of Persia and then through Persia, take the long route home, but that route to modern Persia along the coast of modern Yamen and modern Omen is not charted. Alternative, they can continue to travel with the ship, until they reach the last city of the Apep, located near territory of modern Saudi Arabia city Jizan. There, Hathor, Horus, Serket and Neith would travel North, until they reach modern Duba, which is where Horus' home is located, but the route between these two pieces of land, is also not charted. However, the reason Horus is able to live on a land, free from the rule of Seth, is also due to that land is not charted, technically speaking, it belongs to the abyss.

After discussion, it was decided to continue with the ship and travel to the location of modern city of Jizan. So, when the ship was once again been resupplied. Horus, Neith, Serket and Hathor, again got onto the ship and start their journey.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Chapter Ten Part 3 of 3: Arrest

Ma'at (ancient Egypt)
Adam was outraged after hearing the report from his five Ninja like spies.

"How dare him, HOW DARE HIM!" Adam yelled in anger "I want to report this to father."

"Or, you handle it yourself and take all the glory." said Qadesh whom was also in Adam's bed.

A little spoil brat like Adam, is like a piece of cake, for a high class prostitute like Qadesh to easily seduce and manipulate.

Qadesh came to the Mediterranean Sea with Michael. Her excuse is that she missed her old neighborhood at Israel. On the other hand, she wants to accompany Michael, fearing that he be lonely. Her real reason is to get intel on the happenings of Seth forces, to Baal. It is not hard to get those intel, considering Qadesh is sleeping with Michael and in the same time, cheating on Michael with number of senior officers within Seth's forces. Qadesh easily sleep her way throughout the army and is able to get any intel she wants. The violent years of her late childhood and early teen, led Qadesh, not able to bare children, so, she won't get pregnant.

"Go back to Cynopolis with your men and get the glory you deserve." Qadesh said, it is much easier if Anubis only need to deal with Adam, rather having to deal with Seth, also.

"Yes, glory and honor. It will be mine." Adam said, as Qadesh grab hold of him from behind, the two of them are in bed together. Adam turned around and kissed Qadesh and led her down on the bed.

Adam spread Qadesh's legs apart and started penetrating her missionary style.


Upon returning from the Mediterranean Sea and on another trip to another city to get supply, Adam led his army on a detour and stop in front of the city of Cynopolis again.

Anubis soon realized that Adam's arrival seem unfriendly and order for the city gates to be closed.
Adam ride out of the city with an entire regiment of soldiers.

"What is it that give me the pleasure of this meeting, brother?" Anubis asked, standing in front of his army.

"You are under arrest" Adam said

"I don't think so." Anubis said "Ammit"

Ammit gave a hand signal

The soldiers was right away at arms. The archers fired a wave of warning shots that landed in front of Adam's army

"I am not under arrest, you are, for disturbance of peace. Consider this as a warning. The next time, the arrest will be real." Anubis said

"Where are those that stole the herbs for real, brother?" Adam said

"You dare accuse me?" Anubis said with anger "and if I made the mistake, then maybe it is you that stole the herbs for real and now putting the blame on people. You are under arrest!"

"You dare accuse me? You are under arrest!" Adam yelled

"No, you are." Anubis yelled so the whole army could hear.

"No, you are!" Adam yelled

The two army prepared to fight.

At this time, Eve rode out of the city and to the army

"Boys, there are no need to point weapon at each other, let's go inside the city and talk." Eve said

"And what right do you have to be here and speak, woman?" Adam said

"The fact she is the lady of this city, gave her the right." Anubis replied

Adam thought for a second, "lower your arms." Adam ordered his soldiers.

Adam ride his horse into the city, with Anubis, Ammit and Eve. The Regiment of Cynopolis city guards remain outside the city gate, on top of the city wall were archers.

Adam entered the city and entered Anubis' palace, Adam again accused Anubis of been involved with the herb stealing process.

Anubis again denier it.

Adam is outraged and launched to attack Anubis. Ammit saw it and was quick to block Adam's attack.

"You dare attack me, a prince of Egypt?" Adam said in anger, looking at Ammit

"Why not? I am Prince Anubis' body guard." Ammitt reply

Adam and Ammitt engaged in combat, Ammit went easy on Adam, but even so, Adam was no match against Ammit and within five moves, Ammit, used both his palm and pushed heavily upon Adam's chest and Adam fall backwards and fall down. Throughout the fight, Ammit hold back, making sure he didn't injured Adam.

 "My father can have you executed for it." Adam said

"My words against your word and I got prince Anubis to stand for me." Ammit said

An outraged Adam, re-engaged Ammit, but, once again, despite Ammit hold back, he easily knocked down Adam, within five moves, tackling Adam to the ground.

Adam was angry, scream and yelling like a mad man.

Anubis stood up from his chair.

"Let him go, Ammit." Anubis said

Ammit let Adam go. Adam stood up and he didn't look happy.

 "I already told your brother, there are no additional herb given to any remote village, you are mistaken." Anubis said, five Cynopolis city guards come into the room

"Corporal, place Prince Adam under arrest." Ammit said

"Yes, my Lord" the Corporal in command said

Adam was angered

"Wait." Anubis said

The city guards stopped.

"Consider this as a sign of good faith, brother." Anubis said and then he turned to the guards "Let him go."

"Yes, my Lord." the Corporal said

The soldiers moved back, an angry Adam walked out of the palace and left the city, Anubis, Ammit and a sector of twenty-five Cynoplis city guard and their commanding sergeant, escorted Adam, out of the city. Adam returned to his army. Adam still seem unhappy and return to his senior officers.

"Give the order, we are moving out!" Adam said

A little while later, Adam and his troops started to leave and soon, they are all gone.

"Keep the city on high alert and send word to Master Bes and Mastress Taweret, it is possible that Adam's soldier will attack their village, let any able body person, to move into the boundary of the city wall. All the reserves will be called into active duty, tell the city guards to stay on high alert, in case any attacks, especially during the night, especially tonight." Anubis said, if the reserves is mobilize Anubis would have up to five thousand soldiers, these people join the army to protect their home, the city of Cynopolis, this is unlike any other city under the rule of Seth, only Anubis can have that many reserves. .

"You really think that Adam would sink that low, my Lord? If that is the case, why didn't you let me kill him?" Ammit said

"Adam might be a spoil brat, but he is also a prince, my father won't take lightly to his death. Killing him, will cause us, even more problem in the long run." Anubis said

Adam is Anubis' half brother, he is born after Seth raped a woman. To avoid the gossip, Seth killed the woman and tell the people that he created Adam out of the mud, which is something, everybody know, is a lie.

Cops arresting Cops: Ever wonder what happen when both party got the authority to arrest the other and are professional trained warrior/law enforcer? Sometimes it can get really weird and funny in all the wrong way.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Chapter Ten Part 2 of 3: Herbs

Ammit (modern art)
Three days after the army of Adam left, the city gates of the city of Cynopolis opened again. Horus, Serket and Hathor returned the village of Bes and Taweret and met up with Neith that was already there. The medicine they provided to Bes and Taweret helps, but it is still not enough. However, this is the most that Horus and Neith is able to do. The people of the village was still burying their dead.

Serket hopes to stay and help and do what she can for the people of the village first, Serket's specialization might be in dealing with poison and wounds, but, she still know enough about medicine to give Bes and Taweret a hand. Neith, Horus and Hathor agreed to stay behind at the village and help, until Serket is prepared to leave. That night, Bes, Taweret, Horus, Serket, Neith and Hathor stayed in the village, they all stay in the hut, where Bes and Taweret has been staying. However, later during the night, there was the report of movement. That would be the sound of soldiers. Horus and Neith right away became alert. As the people of the village, panic, Horus and Neith, as the only two professional warriors spring into action. 

"Gather all the able body fighting man, of the village. If there are any woman that know anything about fighting, tell them to come too. Neith, you gather them and prepare them for battle. I am going to go and do some recon work and see exactly what are we up against." Horus said

"Alright" Neith replied.

With Neith preparing the people of the village for defense, Horus, sneaked into the darkness and went to recon what they are up against. Horus counted one platoon of soldiers, they look like logistic, one sector of soldiers wears woven basket on their back carrying a basket full of medical herb and got a hammer in their hand. The other sector look more like combat unit, with soldiers armed with spear and shield. 

Horus returned to the village

"They don't look like there are here for a fight. They look like...logistic. Only one sector with 25 soldiers are properly armed, the rest, not so much." Horus said

"What you think we should do?" Neith said

"Prepare the village for defense. Hopefully they are just passing by. We will ride out with a group of the best fighters of the village, if they actually come to the village." Horus said

So, Neith handpick twenty-five of the villages, best and most talented fighters and gave them some basic training in combat, as much as she could give, within the two hour notice. But it is obviously not enough

After a while, the alarmed sound, the soldiers are coming to the village. Horus, Neith and their twenty five men came out. 

The soldiers stopped and went into defense formation. 

"We come in peace" The sergeant said "Cynopolis city guards." 

From behind the soldiers in formation, three people rode out, Anubis, Ammit and Ma'at. 

"Ammit?" Neith said

"Neith?" Ammit reply

Obviously the two of them know each other.

With that, the tension was lowered. 

"What are you doing here?" Neith said

"We come to bring medicine. After the medical thief within the military camp, Lord Anubis figure there must be some sort of plague going on, under his jurisdiction, he first throw Adam off, by finding some thugs to be the scapegoats and secretly send his men to look for nearby villages, to find issue of plague spreading. When he heard what is going on here, he come with medical supplies." Ammit said

Neith took a look at Anubis that was sitting on his horse, Anubis looked a bit like a pretty boy type. 

"Lord Anubis' character, I can vouch for, otherwise, I won't be working for him." Ammit said

Neith took a look at Horus "they are alright." Neith finally said

"Lower your weapons." Horus said

"I am sorry, my Lord, but considering the circumstances..." Neith's sentence was cut off

"I understand, the important thing now, is to help those people." Anubis said. 

The soldiers went into the village with medical supply.

Anubis took a look at Horus "You were the guy I fought a few nights ago, aren't you? The one that was stealing the herb." Anubis said

Horus didn't say anything. Anubis smiled and enter the village. 

The medical supply that was brought forward was enough for the whole village and to cure everyone. 

"Everybody should be fine within four to five days, thank you, my Lord." Bes said to Anubis

"Master Bes, you are too kind. Without you and Mastress Taweret, how can the people of this village become free from this plague. And without Master Horus and Mastress Neith, there is no way I could have know what happen here. Just, hopefully the next time, Master Horus and Mastress Neith, would just talk to me or my people, rather then trying to steal herbs. Apart from that it is I that own an apologize. My father tax too much herb from the people, for his war, otherwise, you won't be lacking medical supply and the plague won't cost the death of so many people." Anubis said

Anubis and his soldiers made camp within the village that night. 

Ma'at went to talk to Horus that was in the middle of the village. He was sitting on a log, looking at the stars of the night sky. Ma'at know the importance to build up Anubis' support and after the event of stealing herbs, she know of Horus' character and his fighting skills and that Anubis can use a man like this

"So, you are Horus, the one that been stealing herbs." Ma'at said

"Yes." Horus replied

"I once know a Horus, well, I know him, but he won't know me, he was just a baby. The crown prince, when the Pharaoh Osiris was in power. He would be your age by now, if he is still alive." Ma'at said, not knowing this Horus she is speaking to, is the same Horus, whom is the son of Osiris and Ishtar.

"Do you know who I am?" Ma'at asked

"You are the lady Ma'at, you use to serve the Pharaoh Osiris, but now, you deflect to Seth. I apologize for my rude language, my Lady, but I don't think much of you, because of that." Horus said

Ma'at smiled "You are still young, there are lots of things, you don't understand. A basic military principle, retreat, doesn't mean defeat, it mean live to fight another day. I am forty years old, I don't dare to say that I know a lot, but I know enough to understand that principle. " Ma'at said

"What is your point, my Lady." Horus replied

"Why did you went to steal those herbs four nights ago." Ma'at asked

"For the people of the village." Horus replied

"We can use people like you." Ma'at said

"I apologize for been blunt, my Lady. But Seth, is not the type of person, I plan to serve." Horus said

"Don't let him hear you saying that or Seth would have your head." Ma'at said "But, I fully understand. I am not talking about Seth, I am talking about Anubis." Ma'at said

Horus turned his head around and took a look at Ma'at. 

"Anubis is a good man, he will make a good pharaoh one day. Sooner or later, it would be Anubis' time, to replace Seth as pharaoh. But the problem is Anubis still lack supporters, he need good men by his side to help him. Men that are good and competent, whether it is in term of military or academic. Right now, it is hard for Anubis position as pharaoh to be secure, after the death of Seth, despite him been the rightful heir. For a start, there is Michael that is able to quickly launch a military coup against him, after Seth's death." Ma'at said

"Why are you telling me all of these?" Horus asked

"The fact you would risk your life, to steal medical herb, proves that you are a good man that is willing to do what it take, for the people and the country and for justice and the fact that you are able to go into that military base and come out of it, alive, proves all that I need to know, about your skill, as a fighter. But the question is, do you want to be a vigilante, doing what is right, in the darkness or do you want to be a great man, making a difference on a grand scale. Those who got great skills, should have great ambition. Those who are intelligent, know to seize the opportunity. If Michael successfully rebel against the rule with a military coup, after the death of Seth, you can image, it is just even more years of oppression, genocide and tyranny, To prevent that from happening, Anubis need to have his own supporters." Ma'at said 

"You make a good case, my Lady and I will keep it under advice." Horus said

"Just don't take too long, to make up your mind. Seth is an old man. The one that been stealing the corps of Osiris that was also you, isn't it? Min and I are old friends." Ma'at said, Ma'at turned around and nodded to the servant standing behind her

"Yes, my Lady" the servant said and went to pulled out a horse and a carriage, this horse, is none the less Horus' horse and carriage that Horus await to reclaim. 

"Considering this as a sign of good faith." Ma'at said and then she gave Horus a piece of cloth. Upon the cloth was a drawing of Horus and a letter to Ma'at from Min, talking about the dangerous Horus is in and ask Ma'at to look out for him, but didn't reveal Horus' identity as the son of Osiris. 

"Whoever you are, take good care of yourself." Ma'at said, before walking away.


Luring in the darkness was five men that has been following Anubis and his men in secret. The guy is kinda like a ninja. But considering this is Egypt over 5000 years ago, where Ninja doesn't exist yet, we know he is not a Ninja, maybe an ancestor art form, to the Ninjas. Luring in the darkness, the five of them spied on what Anubis and his men were doing. They were send by Adam. Adam is never fully convinced that the thugs been arrested and killed are the ones that truly stole the herbs. So, he left a few of his men behind, to spy on Anubis and see what will happen next, having seen what happened, they prepare to go back and report this to Adam.

Which actress is best to play Ma'at
Aarti Mann
Freema Agyeman