Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Chapter Ten Part 3 of 3: Arrest

Ma'at (ancient Egypt)
Adam was outraged after hearing the report from his five Ninja like spies.

"How dare him, HOW DARE HIM!" Adam yelled in anger "I want to report this to father."

"Or, you handle it yourself and take all the glory." said Qadesh whom was also in Adam's bed.

A little spoil brat like Adam, is like a piece of cake, for a high class prostitute like Qadesh to easily seduce and manipulate.

Qadesh came to the Mediterranean Sea with Michael. Her excuse is that she missed her old neighborhood at Israel. On the other hand, she wants to accompany Michael, fearing that he be lonely. Her real reason is to get intel on the happenings of Seth forces, to Baal. It is not hard to get those intel, considering Qadesh is sleeping with Michael and in the same time, cheating on Michael with number of senior officers within Seth's forces. Qadesh easily sleep her way throughout the army and is able to get any intel she wants. The violent years of her late childhood and early teen, led Qadesh, not able to bare children, so, she won't get pregnant.

"Go back to Cynopolis with your men and get the glory you deserve." Qadesh said, it is much easier if Anubis only need to deal with Adam, rather having to deal with Seth, also.

"Yes, glory and honor. It will be mine." Adam said, as Qadesh grab hold of him from behind, the two of them are in bed together. Adam turned around and kissed Qadesh and led her down on the bed.

Adam spread Qadesh's legs apart and started penetrating her missionary style.


Upon returning from the Mediterranean Sea and on another trip to another city to get supply, Adam led his army on a detour and stop in front of the city of Cynopolis again.

Anubis soon realized that Adam's arrival seem unfriendly and order for the city gates to be closed.
Adam ride out of the city with an entire regiment of soldiers.

"What is it that give me the pleasure of this meeting, brother?" Anubis asked, standing in front of his army.

"You are under arrest" Adam said

"I don't think so." Anubis said "Ammit"

Ammit gave a hand signal

The soldiers was right away at arms. The archers fired a wave of warning shots that landed in front of Adam's army

"I am not under arrest, you are, for disturbance of peace. Consider this as a warning. The next time, the arrest will be real." Anubis said

"Where are those that stole the herbs for real, brother?" Adam said

"You dare accuse me?" Anubis said with anger "and if I made the mistake, then maybe it is you that stole the herbs for real and now putting the blame on people. You are under arrest!"

"You dare accuse me? You are under arrest!" Adam yelled

"No, you are." Anubis yelled so the whole army could hear.

"No, you are!" Adam yelled

The two army prepared to fight.

At this time, Eve rode out of the city and to the army

"Boys, there are no need to point weapon at each other, let's go inside the city and talk." Eve said

"And what right do you have to be here and speak, woman?" Adam said

"The fact she is the lady of this city, gave her the right." Anubis replied

Adam thought for a second, "lower your arms." Adam ordered his soldiers.

Adam ride his horse into the city, with Anubis, Ammit and Eve. The Regiment of Cynopolis city guards remain outside the city gate, on top of the city wall were archers.

Adam entered the city and entered Anubis' palace, Adam again accused Anubis of been involved with the herb stealing process.

Anubis again denier it.

Adam is outraged and launched to attack Anubis. Ammit saw it and was quick to block Adam's attack.

"You dare attack me, a prince of Egypt?" Adam said in anger, looking at Ammit

"Why not? I am Prince Anubis' body guard." Ammitt reply

Adam and Ammitt engaged in combat, Ammit went easy on Adam, but even so, Adam was no match against Ammit and within five moves, Ammit, used both his palm and pushed heavily upon Adam's chest and Adam fall backwards and fall down. Throughout the fight, Ammit hold back, making sure he didn't injured Adam.

 "My father can have you executed for it." Adam said

"My words against your word and I got prince Anubis to stand for me." Ammit said

An outraged Adam, re-engaged Ammit, but, once again, despite Ammit hold back, he easily knocked down Adam, within five moves, tackling Adam to the ground.

Adam was angry, scream and yelling like a mad man.

Anubis stood up from his chair.

"Let him go, Ammit." Anubis said

Ammit let Adam go. Adam stood up and he didn't look happy.

 "I already told your brother, there are no additional herb given to any remote village, you are mistaken." Anubis said, five Cynopolis city guards come into the room

"Corporal, place Prince Adam under arrest." Ammit said

"Yes, my Lord" the Corporal in command said

Adam was angered

"Wait." Anubis said

The city guards stopped.

"Consider this as a sign of good faith, brother." Anubis said and then he turned to the guards "Let him go."

"Yes, my Lord." the Corporal said

The soldiers moved back, an angry Adam walked out of the palace and left the city, Anubis, Ammit and a sector of twenty-five Cynoplis city guard and their commanding sergeant, escorted Adam, out of the city. Adam returned to his army. Adam still seem unhappy and return to his senior officers.

"Give the order, we are moving out!" Adam said

A little while later, Adam and his troops started to leave and soon, they are all gone.

"Keep the city on high alert and send word to Master Bes and Mastress Taweret, it is possible that Adam's soldier will attack their village, let any able body person, to move into the boundary of the city wall. All the reserves will be called into active duty, tell the city guards to stay on high alert, in case any attacks, especially during the night, especially tonight." Anubis said, if the reserves is mobilize Anubis would have up to five thousand soldiers, these people join the army to protect their home, the city of Cynopolis, this is unlike any other city under the rule of Seth, only Anubis can have that many reserves. .

"You really think that Adam would sink that low, my Lord? If that is the case, why didn't you let me kill him?" Ammit said

"Adam might be a spoil brat, but he is also a prince, my father won't take lightly to his death. Killing him, will cause us, even more problem in the long run." Anubis said

Adam is Anubis' half brother, he is born after Seth raped a woman. To avoid the gossip, Seth killed the woman and tell the people that he created Adam out of the mud, which is something, everybody know, is a lie.

Cops arresting Cops: Ever wonder what happen when both party got the authority to arrest the other and are professional trained warrior/law enforcer? Sometimes it can get really weird and funny in all the wrong way.

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