Saturday, January 11, 2020

Chapter Twelve Part 2 of 3: Bastet

Bastet (ancient Egypt)
Horus was given the rank of Captain within Min's navy.

The structure and rank of Min's navy is similar to that of Seth's army and the rebel army of Khnum. One Lance Corporal, command one private. A Corporal command five. A sergeant command twenty five, a Lieutenant command fifty, a Captain command two hundred and fifty. A Major command one thousand. A Colonel command up to five thousand. Ishtar as the Admiral is second in command after Min, in addition, six Vice Admirals rotate command with the Admiral.

There are a few different type of warships. The smaller ships, got a crew of twenty five. Ten are responsible for rowing the boat. Another ten, are equipped with shield and lance, to defend and five archers responsible for attack. The ship is command by a sergeant, a Lieutenant command two ships and a Captain command ten ships. The larger ships got a a crew of fifty, with twenty men responsible for rowing the boat, twenty archers for offensive and twenty soldiers with lance and shield for defense, the ship is command by a Lieutenant and a Captain command up to five ships.

There is a second type of ships. This ship got wooden shields build onto the ships, allowing fewer men needed for defense. Hence the small ships got ten archers for offense, five soldiers with lance for defense and five to row the boat and for the large ships it got thirty archers, ten with lance and twenty for rowing boat.

On all ships,all archers are equipped with a hammer, in case enemy boarded the ship. The additional shield build onto the ships, was expensive for those days, so, those ships are limited in number.

Horus was given the command of ten small ships, with no build in shield, he is familiar with the flexibility of this class of ship. The lower ranking soldiers, ranking Corporal or lower are all new recruits, with no experiences, the war require rapid expansion of Min's forces. all the existing sailors that can be promoted, has been promoted, the lower ranking are all new recruits, the best performing new recruits are given the rank of Corporal, the second best performing are given the rank of Lance Corporal and the worse performing are given the rank of Private. Amount the new recruits within Horus' ships, he saw one familiar face, it would be Lucifer, now at the age of seventeen, Lucifer seek revenge on Seth, for the destruction of his home. Horus first met up with his senior ranking officers, the five Lieutenants and ten Sergeants and started training with his sailors. It is a newly formed unit, many of the Sergeants are also recently promoted to the rank of Sergeant. So, Horus start to intensify the training of the sailors. For him, it is a form of training also. As a warrior, he need to be an elite fighter, but as a commander, the most important thing isn't his own personal fighting skill but his strategic skill to win a battle.

The fleet of Min also played war games, to prepare for the battles to come.

Hathor was been assign to the logistic units and started been trained as a nurse upon the island of Cyrus. Serket also awarded the rank of Captain and become a witch doctress within the surgical ward.

Within the witch doctress ward, Hathor also came across a female colonel that is a head nurse. To Hathor's surprise, it is her older sister Helen.

Helen, now had her head shaved, is a nun to the believe of Karma. Helen spend most of her last years, making up for her mistakes. She was sixteen when she was sold into slavery. Knowing what her father is like, she told her father, when the children from the nearby village, refuse to let her join their club, resulting in her father violently assaulting  and killing one child, in the name of "protecting my little princess". But that is what her father is like, he think, he can do anything he want, if it is in the name of protecting his daughter. The world never lack parents of such sort. The term "bully" is a very abstract term. The problem is, if a person try to rape a girl and the girl's boyfriend come to the rescue and stopped the rapists, what the boyfriend did also qualify as "bullying the attempt rapists out of raping the girl." There was a time where the term "protecting your kids from bullying", mean protecting your children from actions, such as those who bashed up your kids for their lunch money. But these days, some parents think, if you can find any excuse to label the other kid as a bully, it is justifiable even for an adult to violently assault a child, in names such as "protecting my little princess." and with attitude like this, if an "anti bullying law" really emerged, an attempt rapists might only need to go to prison for three years for attempt rape, but the boyfriend that stopped the attempt rapists, would need to spend the next thirty years in prison for bullying, Hathor's father is a thug, so it shouldn't surprising that he is like this, despite he live 5000 years ago.

It is during this time, where Helen was been sold into slavery, Helen started believing in the concept of Karma, a fancy word for "What goes around comes around". When her father was alive, Helen on multiple occasion, misused her father's desire to protect his children to force other people to do as she please with those attitude of "You better do as I say or my daddy will come and bash you up." and now, she need to pay for all the time, she misused her father's desire to protect his children.

While, Hathor was still a child thus, too young to understand what was going on, Helen was a teenager that should be old and mature enough to know better, due to Helen, six children were unjustifiably tortured and died in the hand of her father in the name of "protecting my little princess". The last one happened when Helen was fifteen. A group of children caught some fish and cooked it under the fire, before they were ready to eat it, Helen think the fish smell good and decided to take it for herself, the other kid disallow Helen to take their fish, snatched the fish back and won't give it to Helen. So, Helen went home to crying to her dad and because it qualify as "bullying Helen to give them their fish back." Helen's angry father came and killed that kid, repeatedly assault the kid in the head until he is dead and chopped him into little pieces.

As a revenge of all the evil that Helen's father and his daughters did in the name of "protecting my little princess",for each child that Helen's father unjust killed, in the name of "protecting my little princess" Helen as the oldest was been raped twice and her other fourteen years old sister was raped once, Hathor was not raped, because the judge concluded as she is not yet a teenager, Hathor was too young to be raped. So, Helen was been raped twenty six times, over a period of thirteen days,while her sister was been raped, thirteen times, over a period of thirteen days, while their father was been forced to watch with him limbs cut off. Then, after feeding their father to the wolfs, Helen and her sisters was sold into slavery.

Helen was been sold into a brothel and became a sex slave, she was been raped everyday. But what really made Helen fall to breaking point, is when the brothel sold her to Germanic and at Germanic, Helen realized she was pregnant. Germanic, a region where cannibal was still been practice, well into the era of the mid Roman Empire and when Helen's son was born, her Germanic owners took her son to be cooked and eaten. Helen tried to escape with her child, but was been captured and brought back, seen her son was to be eaten, Helen broke down in tears and repent asking the gods to punish her for her crimes and not to punish her son.

The person who saved Helen, was a former student of Ptah. A monk that believe in the concept of karma, what goes around comes around and it is during this era where Helen came to her believe that, it is due to what goes around comes around that all of these happened to her, because she once misused her father's ill believe of he can do anything if it is in the name of "protecting my little princess" and she use that to her advantage to do a "you better do as I say or my daddy will come and bash you up" attitude.

Helen since then also became a nun of Karma and went by her nun name "Bastet" and tried to make up for the mistake of her past. What Bastet didn't know is that her baby son, Imhotep, whom she thought was eaten by the Germanic, actually survived, also purchased by another monk of Karma and send to live in Persia. But not knowing her son live, Bastet would need to live forever, with that pain.

Bastet is a very different person from the one that Hathor remember as a little girl. The Helen that Hathor remember was an emotionally fragile, angry, narcissist, mean, snobby, bitchy and spoiled, little brat. But now, Bastet is this person that is a very clam, kind, gentle, happy and charming person that is always smiling. After becoming a nun of karma, she learn to let go of all her obsessions, as it is merely self destructive. American psychologist Philip C. McGraw once wrote in his book, when people believe in something badly enough, they evaluate everything in a manner in coalition with their believe by looking for examples and constructing opinion in favor of the believe.

For a long time, the repeat rape and death of her son haunted Helen. It was why they punish criminal thugs by ass raping the male thugs and raping the female thugs, multiple times, to create traumatizing experience that would stay with them for the rest of their life and likely to traumatize them for years to come and if they are not to be executed, they hope the rape to cause them to suffer from post traumatic stress disorder, as a result. That is how they punish thugs for their violent crimes. And until Helen became a nun of Karma and became Bastet, she woke up screaming nearly every night, with the nightmare of her son been taken by cannibals and all the times that she was raped, since becoming a slave and forced to witness her father's limb been chopped off and been repeatedly ass rape for a period of one year. When the sentencing punishment was to be rape, male would usually be ass rape from behind, as it is the only way the gay men responsible to execute the rape, is able to penetrate his ass. Female would be rape missionary style, as they think it is more traumatizing to be forced to witness them self been raped, a second executioner would be responsible to stabilize her head, so she is forced to witness what is happening to her and cannot turn her head to look away. When it is a male, a bronze mirror would be place in front of him, forcing him to witness himself been ass rape from behind, through the bronze mirror, he would have his head tie to a rope and the gay man responsible for raping him, must use the rope to hold up his head, forcing him to witness himself been ass rape within the bronze mirror. However, lots of time, the terrifying horror of been rape or ass rape, is sufficient to scare most people out of committing crime, thus rape and ass rape as a punishment for criminals, rarely happen. That was another reason why such punishment was put in place, to scare people out of committing crime in the first place, because been rape is more horrible to some people, then death. When rape is not able to achieve such traumatizing effect, other form of torture would be used, as substitution and the executioner would get very creative, using various methods including beating, sleep deprivation, burning them with fire, denier access to food, forcing to perform harsh labor in the cold with no cloth until both their feet and hand bleed, whipping and so on. Till date, Singapore's legal justice system still use whipping as a form of punishment for criminals that been found guilty of a crime and it work very well, in decreasing crime rate, sometimes, it work much better then prison. Despite using rape as punishment for criminals or to chop off their hand, like what Saudi Arabia is doing, can argue to be far too cruel, not to mention rape might not work with all, considering if coming across a criminal that actually enjoy the sexual experience it won't be rape, thus defeat the punishment purpose. The type of whipping that Singapore is doing, can be considered, as it might better help to rehabilitate criminals and help decrease prison overcrowding with fewer that re-offender, due to the horrible nature of been whip, with multiple lashes. In ancient China, female criminals make up 1/3 of all prostitute, women that committed serious crime such as murder, drug related crime and human trafficking after been found guilty of their crime. In ancient China they believe, a person guilty of a serious crime, during his or her year of sentencing, his or her right of freedom of choice is the property of the state, so the state can restrict what they are allow to do and force them do anything they want and that include forcing them to be prostitutes. As a result, the attractive looking female criminals are usually leased out to brothel, as prostitutes by the prison, against her will. Because her freedom of choice belong to the state and the state consent for her to have sex with any men that pay the state or brothel to have sex with her, the law didn't consider it as rape.

As Bastet, she spend everyday of her life, making up for her past mistakes, by doing good deeds. She teach people to let go of their obsession and that what goes around comes around, so they don't make the same mistake that Helen made in her past and ended up with the same fate Helen suffered, maybe a fate worse then Helen, when what goes around, finally comes around. But she didn't do this simply due to a fear of what goes around comes around. She truly know what she once did as Helen is wrong and deeply repent for it and why she is dedicating the rest of her life, been a nun doing good deeds and she truly is a change person, in no way, resemble the girl name Helen that she once was.

Which actress is best to play Helen (Helen and Bastet play by different actress to symbolize they become two different people)

Lindsay Lohan

Paris Hilton

Which actress is best to play Bastet

Elizabeth Henstridge
Erinn Hayes

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