Monday, January 6, 2020

Chapter Ten Part 2 of 3: Herbs

Ammit (modern art)
Three days after the army of Adam left, the city gates of the city of Cynopolis opened again. Horus, Serket and Hathor returned the village of Bes and Taweret and met up with Neith that was already there. The medicine they provided to Bes and Taweret helps, but it is still not enough. However, this is the most that Horus and Neith is able to do. The people of the village was still burying their dead.

Serket hopes to stay and help and do what she can for the people of the village first, Serket's specialization might be in dealing with poison and wounds, but, she still know enough about medicine to give Bes and Taweret a hand. Neith, Horus and Hathor agreed to stay behind at the village and help, until Serket is prepared to leave. That night, Bes, Taweret, Horus, Serket, Neith and Hathor stayed in the village, they all stay in the hut, where Bes and Taweret has been staying. However, later during the night, there was the report of movement. That would be the sound of soldiers. Horus and Neith right away became alert. As the people of the village, panic, Horus and Neith, as the only two professional warriors spring into action. 

"Gather all the able body fighting man, of the village. If there are any woman that know anything about fighting, tell them to come too. Neith, you gather them and prepare them for battle. I am going to go and do some recon work and see exactly what are we up against." Horus said

"Alright" Neith replied.

With Neith preparing the people of the village for defense, Horus, sneaked into the darkness and went to recon what they are up against. Horus counted one platoon of soldiers, they look like logistic, one sector of soldiers wears woven basket on their back carrying a basket full of medical herb and got a hammer in their hand. The other sector look more like combat unit, with soldiers armed with spear and shield. 

Horus returned to the village

"They don't look like there are here for a fight. They look like...logistic. Only one sector with 25 soldiers are properly armed, the rest, not so much." Horus said

"What you think we should do?" Neith said

"Prepare the village for defense. Hopefully they are just passing by. We will ride out with a group of the best fighters of the village, if they actually come to the village." Horus said

So, Neith handpick twenty-five of the villages, best and most talented fighters and gave them some basic training in combat, as much as she could give, within the two hour notice. But it is obviously not enough

After a while, the alarmed sound, the soldiers are coming to the village. Horus, Neith and their twenty five men came out. 

The soldiers stopped and went into defense formation. 

"We come in peace" The sergeant said "Cynopolis city guards." 

From behind the soldiers in formation, three people rode out, Anubis, Ammit and Ma'at. 

"Ammit?" Neith said

"Neith?" Ammit reply

Obviously the two of them know each other.

With that, the tension was lowered. 

"What are you doing here?" Neith said

"We come to bring medicine. After the medical thief within the military camp, Lord Anubis figure there must be some sort of plague going on, under his jurisdiction, he first throw Adam off, by finding some thugs to be the scapegoats and secretly send his men to look for nearby villages, to find issue of plague spreading. When he heard what is going on here, he come with medical supplies." Ammit said

Neith took a look at Anubis that was sitting on his horse, Anubis looked a bit like a pretty boy type. 

"Lord Anubis' character, I can vouch for, otherwise, I won't be working for him." Ammit said

Neith took a look at Horus "they are alright." Neith finally said

"Lower your weapons." Horus said

"I am sorry, my Lord, but considering the circumstances..." Neith's sentence was cut off

"I understand, the important thing now, is to help those people." Anubis said. 

The soldiers went into the village with medical supply.

Anubis took a look at Horus "You were the guy I fought a few nights ago, aren't you? The one that was stealing the herb." Anubis said

Horus didn't say anything. Anubis smiled and enter the village. 

The medical supply that was brought forward was enough for the whole village and to cure everyone. 

"Everybody should be fine within four to five days, thank you, my Lord." Bes said to Anubis

"Master Bes, you are too kind. Without you and Mastress Taweret, how can the people of this village become free from this plague. And without Master Horus and Mastress Neith, there is no way I could have know what happen here. Just, hopefully the next time, Master Horus and Mastress Neith, would just talk to me or my people, rather then trying to steal herbs. Apart from that it is I that own an apologize. My father tax too much herb from the people, for his war, otherwise, you won't be lacking medical supply and the plague won't cost the death of so many people." Anubis said

Anubis and his soldiers made camp within the village that night. 

Ma'at went to talk to Horus that was in the middle of the village. He was sitting on a log, looking at the stars of the night sky. Ma'at know the importance to build up Anubis' support and after the event of stealing herbs, she know of Horus' character and his fighting skills and that Anubis can use a man like this

"So, you are Horus, the one that been stealing herbs." Ma'at said

"Yes." Horus replied

"I once know a Horus, well, I know him, but he won't know me, he was just a baby. The crown prince, when the Pharaoh Osiris was in power. He would be your age by now, if he is still alive." Ma'at said, not knowing this Horus she is speaking to, is the same Horus, whom is the son of Osiris and Ishtar.

"Do you know who I am?" Ma'at asked

"You are the lady Ma'at, you use to serve the Pharaoh Osiris, but now, you deflect to Seth. I apologize for my rude language, my Lady, but I don't think much of you, because of that." Horus said

Ma'at smiled "You are still young, there are lots of things, you don't understand. A basic military principle, retreat, doesn't mean defeat, it mean live to fight another day. I am forty years old, I don't dare to say that I know a lot, but I know enough to understand that principle. " Ma'at said

"What is your point, my Lady." Horus replied

"Why did you went to steal those herbs four nights ago." Ma'at asked

"For the people of the village." Horus replied

"We can use people like you." Ma'at said

"I apologize for been blunt, my Lady. But Seth, is not the type of person, I plan to serve." Horus said

"Don't let him hear you saying that or Seth would have your head." Ma'at said "But, I fully understand. I am not talking about Seth, I am talking about Anubis." Ma'at said

Horus turned his head around and took a look at Ma'at. 

"Anubis is a good man, he will make a good pharaoh one day. Sooner or later, it would be Anubis' time, to replace Seth as pharaoh. But the problem is Anubis still lack supporters, he need good men by his side to help him. Men that are good and competent, whether it is in term of military or academic. Right now, it is hard for Anubis position as pharaoh to be secure, after the death of Seth, despite him been the rightful heir. For a start, there is Michael that is able to quickly launch a military coup against him, after Seth's death." Ma'at said

"Why are you telling me all of these?" Horus asked

"The fact you would risk your life, to steal medical herb, proves that you are a good man that is willing to do what it take, for the people and the country and for justice and the fact that you are able to go into that military base and come out of it, alive, proves all that I need to know, about your skill, as a fighter. But the question is, do you want to be a vigilante, doing what is right, in the darkness or do you want to be a great man, making a difference on a grand scale. Those who got great skills, should have great ambition. Those who are intelligent, know to seize the opportunity. If Michael successfully rebel against the rule with a military coup, after the death of Seth, you can image, it is just even more years of oppression, genocide and tyranny, To prevent that from happening, Anubis need to have his own supporters." Ma'at said 

"You make a good case, my Lady and I will keep it under advice." Horus said

"Just don't take too long, to make up your mind. Seth is an old man. The one that been stealing the corps of Osiris that was also you, isn't it? Min and I are old friends." Ma'at said, Ma'at turned around and nodded to the servant standing behind her

"Yes, my Lady" the servant said and went to pulled out a horse and a carriage, this horse, is none the less Horus' horse and carriage that Horus await to reclaim. 

"Considering this as a sign of good faith." Ma'at said and then she gave Horus a piece of cloth. Upon the cloth was a drawing of Horus and a letter to Ma'at from Min, talking about the dangerous Horus is in and ask Ma'at to look out for him, but didn't reveal Horus' identity as the son of Osiris. 

"Whoever you are, take good care of yourself." Ma'at said, before walking away.


Luring in the darkness was five men that has been following Anubis and his men in secret. The guy is kinda like a ninja. But considering this is Egypt over 5000 years ago, where Ninja doesn't exist yet, we know he is not a Ninja, maybe an ancestor art form, to the Ninjas. Luring in the darkness, the five of them spied on what Anubis and his men were doing. They were send by Adam. Adam is never fully convinced that the thugs been arrested and killed are the ones that truly stole the herbs. So, he left a few of his men behind, to spy on Anubis and see what will happen next, having seen what happened, they prepare to go back and report this to Adam.

Which actress is best to play Ma'at
Aarti Mann
Freema Agyeman

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