Thursday, January 9, 2020

Chapter Eleven Part 3 of 3: The Kuru Demon

(Semetic God of agricultural, hunting and
(Semetic = modern Arabs)
Serket, Horus, Hathor and Neith with the help of the Apep, once again via their ship travel to their last stop, a coastal town on the west coast of modern Saudi Arabia, along the red sea, close to the modern Saudi Arabia city of Jizan.

But there is still a journey of travel from Jinza, to Horus' home at Duba. Most of the road between this region is not been mapped, Horus first ask for the mayor of the Town for help, asking about what they know about the route between Duba and Jizan.

"Where is that. It is the first time I heard of that place." the Mayor said

"Northern, along the eastern boarder line of the Red Sea." Horus replied

"We live here a place free from the conflict of the world. But the conflict is never far away from us. Our Great Grand parents' generation, follow the way of the thugs, the end result, we were almost been wiped out of existence. Now, we are all that is left of our civilisation, we try to maintain peace, with all our nearby nations. The way of the thug, in the long run, it will only lead to the destruction of self. The founder of our society, when it was first form, it was the law, not to venture far from our land, it is due to a simple reason, they fear the descendants return to the way of the thug and by doing so, it will destroy what is left our civilisation. The way of the thugs, can help you maintain superiority, at most for a while, but never forever. Why? Because when you follow the way of the thug, you are along. A single arrow easily break, but many arrows put together, is difficult to break. Thugs, are always along, outside their tribe or even themselves, everybody is an enemy, prepare to over throw your dominance, whether it is those who are not thugs or other thugs, they might even unite against you. That is what happened to the Apep, we might be the most powerful nation in all of Egypt, during that time, but even so, we are no match against the combine strength of the world. The founder of our society, disallow us to travel far, from our land, due to a fear that the descendants return to the way of the thugs and ultimately, lead to our self destruction. I will gather what we know about the land around us, to help you, in your travel, but I am afraid it won't be much of a help." The mayor said.

"What about your ship, if you help us to sail further north, we promise to pay you handsomely." Horus said

"I am tempted, but our law, disallow our ship to travel beyond this town. These are the law, founded by our founders. The way of the thugs, cannot return to the way of the Apep, otherwise, it will destroy us." the Mayor said

Horus, Neith, Hathor and Serket dare to say nothing more, they thanked the mayor and left.

The mayor as promised gave them all information, about the region nearby to their town that he know of.

Horus, Neith, Hathor and Serket continue to travel North, along the coast of the Red Sea. Most of these lands are not charted, Horus, Neith, Hathor and Serket found themselves to now be explorers, venture into the abyss. There can be dangerous, fortune, there are Horus and Neith that are both elite warriors. As they travel, they recorded the land they cross within their journal. The first town they came across was close to modern Abha, a small stone age community, they got nothing to offer Horus in trade, despite they were tempted. They move onto the next town, is close to modern Al Qunfudhah, the small coastal town of only one hundred, rely on agriculture, Horus sold them, two bronze tool that make it easier to harvest the wheat and to cut away the weeds, in exchange of some wheat. The next town for their travel is close to modern Jiddah.

On their journey to Jiddah, Horus, Neith, Hathor and Serket came across a group of cannibals.

Horus and Neith are not frighten of these stone age cave men. Horus and Neith each grabbed a sword and engaged the cannibal, killing many, working as a team, Horus and Neith triple their fighting strength and killed over twenty cannibals. But soon they discover they are in trouble. These cannibal might be weak, but they number in hundred. They are desperate for food and any outsider is tempting. Suddenly, the sound of horn blowing from behind. Soldiers emerged, these soldiers are equipped not by swords, instead they are equipped with wooden staff, over thirty warriors, quickly defeated the cannibals. The head of the warriors reveal his identity. His name is Ninurta.

Ninurta led Horus, Neith, Hathor and Serket back to his camp town.

"You are not from this area. Who are you?" Ninurta asked

Horus explain their travel to Ninurta.

Ninurta smiled "Egypt, I haven't return there, for over twenty years. When Seth took power in Egypt, I was travelling into the abyss, across the Red Sea, to spread the art of agricultural to the land, across the Red Sea. It was part of Pharaoh's Osiris plan, to better the world, to end the great famine. When the entire known world, has learned the art of agriculture, we spread it into the abyss. We travel by boat, past the Red Sea, to this land, but it is during this time, we heard of Pharaoh Osiris' death and his brother Seth took power. The good Pharaoh's entire bloodline is killed and that make his brother Seth, the legitimate heir, to the throne. Since then, we stay here, spreading the art of agriculture to the land of the abyss. They are not bad people. They are cannibals, because they are desperate. For the past twenty years, we travel this land, to spread the art of agricultural, as the Pharaoh once requested. But, here, it is different. Much of the land is dessert. crops are hard to grow. We must first convince them, to be willing to move to live by the coast, where the land can be harvested." Ninurta said "What is your name, my child?"

"Horus, my Lord." Horus said

"Neith, my Lord." Neith said

"Hathor, my Lord" Hathor said

"Serket, my Lord." Serket said

"The trip to your home is not a difficult one, but there are cannibals on the road. My men and I will accompany you there." Ninurta said

So, with the company of Ninurta and his men, Serket, Horus, Hathor and Neith started travel along the coast of the Red Sea, North to Duba."

They first reached that town close to Jeddah, this is the main base camp of Ninurata and his men

"The Apep should have ask you to stay in their town, until we arrived. My people, travel this region, a lot." Ninurata said "This town of only three thousand might not seem much, but in this region, it is pretty good already."

From a bit of distance away, a native came to the city crying for help. She got down on her knee and beg and cry, holding her ten years old son in her arm.

Ninurata went to the front of the woman and kneel down.

"Somebody get me some water." Ninurata said

When the water arrived, Ninurata try feed the child water, but the child won't swallow.

Ninurata shook his head and stood up "Another one." he said "There is nothing we can do."

Serket went to kneel by the child and started checking all of the child's vitals. "The Kuru demon" Serket frowned and said

"You are a witch doctress?" Ninurata asked

"I specialised in treating cut wounds and poison. But I know bit about demon infection too." Serket said.

"So, you know what sort of demon it is." Ninurata

"Demon of the cannibal curse." Serket said

"Whenever there are cannibal, there will be those who are infected by the Kuru demons" Ninurata said

"What is the Kuru Demon?" Hathor asked

"It is said the soul of a person is in the brain and the nerve of a person. During the era of the great famine, some people become cannibals. The soul of those who got eaten seek revenge and turned into a demon and when the brain was eaten the demon enter the cannibal's body and ate his soul and then killed him, if that dead person was again been eaten the demon would again eat that next person's soul and so on. Kuru happen in four stages, the first stage you keep smiling, then you start shacking uncontrollably, afterwards he would fall to the ground not able to walk or move but just keep smiling, trembling. The last stage, he won't even be able to eat, he can't swallow and starve to death. There are ways to rid the body of the Kuru demons, but it is very difficult and only work during the early stage. But, this is the first time, I've actually seen a case of such." Serket said

"Here, it is not uncommon. You are too young to know the great famine. But the Kuru demons was more frequent in Egypt, back in those days, also." Ninurata said "Obviously, this child, must have eaten a person and let the Kuru demon, into his body."

After three days, Serket, Hathor, Horus, Neith and Ninurata and a group of thirty warriors prepare to move further north, they will be crossing cannibal land, so travel in group is a must. They still travel along the water line. They reached the place close to modern Yanbu. This is a known cannibal town and there is a need to be careful. They are just going to travel as a pack, very quickly, to get pass them. But as they travel, they discover one thing, the Kuru demon, infected the town.

The people of the town are terrified, as they don't understand why any of this is going on. Along the road, there was those that are dying of starvation or just lying there trampling and won't stop smiling.

Serket didn't hesitate to stop, wanting to help these people.

"Young Mastress Serket, we need to leave." Ninurata said

"I am not leaving until I am sure, I cannot help these people." Serket said "Whatever you said, I am still a witch doctress."

"May I remind you Mastress Serket that this is a cannibal village." Ninurata said "I've try to persuade this village to agriculture many times, they won't listen. If they listen, maybe the Kuru demon won't effect their village so badly."

"If you don't want to stay, I can stay here myself." Serket said

This is a small village of only thirty people, but over half is effected by the Kuru demon.

"Ask them, who else is still been effected." Serket said

Ninurata's men took a look at him. Ninurata nodded, so one of the men started speaking in the local dialect. The people of the village gather every person of the village. Serket exam every one of them.

"I thought you specialise in wound and poison, this is demon infection." Neith said to Serket

"Kuru demon was so common during the era of the great famine. Every witch doctor know, how to cure it. I might never seen a case, until today, but I can handle it." Serket said

Serket exam every, man, woman and child of the village, out of the thirty of them, eighteen has been infected, ten can still be saved.

Serket first return to the cart and took out her kit, she need to perform the surgery, before it is too late. With the help of Ninurata's men, for ten day straight, Serket performed ten surgery, three died during the surgery. Amount those whose surgery is successful, they still need medicine. After a few weeks, most made a full recovery, but one still died.

"Let them know if they don't turn towards the art of agriculture, this demon will still return to their village." Serket said

Ninurata's men translated. After this scare of the Kuru and Serket saving their life, what is left of this small village is grateful to Serket and also terrified of Kuru returning and agree to start moving towards agriculture. But, now, there are only a few of them left, out of a once village that is once over one hundred.

Ninurata and his men continue to escort Horus, Neith, Hathor and Serket up North

Historian explain Kuru virus, discovered in the early 20th century amount cannibal of the Pacific nations. The bacteria infection, enter the brain and nerve system and turn the brain into a sponge like substance, those infected start by uncontrollable smiling, follow by trembling, later he lost all control of his body and can just lie there and tremble all day, afterwards he can no longer swallow and die of starvation, when the infected person is again eaten by another cannibal that cannibal would also be effected. But the scary thing is, biologists discover, most people living in the EuroAsia landmass is naturally immune to the Kuru virus. Hence the theory, most of us got cannibal ancestors and it is those who are genetically immune to the Kuru virus that survive and pass the immunity to their offspring. So far, there are still no cure for Kuru disease

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