Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Chapter Eleven Part 1 of 3: Sobek

Sobek (Egyptian Demon)
Horus, Neith, Hathor and Serket travel further North. The further they travel North, the more soldiers they see and at time, they saw soldiers going into villages rounding up people to be used as slave labors to build ships. This is still the era where bronze tool is rare and stone tool dominate, if it is that expensive just to make a horse carriage, using stone tool, can you image, how much harder is it to build warships?

Horus, Neith, Hathor and Serket avoided the main road and stay far away from the Nile rivers, as they travel. The ordinary places that Horus use to cross the Red Sea, to his home, along the Southern coast of the Red Sea, is dominated by soldiers. The place where Horus live, belongs to modern Saudi Arabia, north of modern Sudan, East of Egypt and south to modern Jordan. The normal route was travelling via the coast of modern Saudi Arabia to, Jordon or Egypt. Due to the territory of modern Saudi Arabia is mostly dessert, it was not colonized by any nation, allow the small handful of dwellers there to be free from Seth's rule. but its dessert landscape also mean, with the exception to its coast line, growing crops there is almost impossible. A lack of people also mean, it is hard to find ship that travel directly from Egypt to Saudi Arabia via the Red Sea.

The tension between Seth and Baal was high, as Baal's forces insist on their control over, the Mediterranean sea. Seth and Michael has fortified their defense along the Southern coast of the Mediterranean sea and launch gorilla attack to keep Baal's forces away from Egypt's South coast, Baal used his influence on modern Palestine and Israel to also assert his influence and launch continue gorilla attack upon Seth's army there. It forces Seth's army to pull back, but strengthen their defense upon modern Jordon and Syria. Unable to go from Egypt to Jordon, means that Horus, is not able to go home.

The soldiers of Seth worked those peasants taken as slaves with little food, water or rest, those that became too weak to work, as a result, is killed on the spot. Those who are forced to be slave hated Seth and Michael, as a result and when given the opportunity, sneak to Min's side.

Unable to return home, Horus decided to for now, to do what he know to do best and that is trade, he also asked Neith about the possibility of working with the rebels for now, as he got much to offer. It is now that Neith revealed to Horus that she got orders to see if Horus truly is the son of Ishtar, as Neith would recognize Ishtar and report back, from her point of view, she cannot abandon her mission, at least not yet and that mean, for now, she cannot reveal to Horus the location of the rebel base.

This leave Horus returning to do what he knows best and that is trade. As, Horus, Neith, Hathor and Serket made camp and Horus, Neith and Serket was studying the trade map, to decide where to trade next, they saw five soldiers of Seth.

The rank of Lance Corporal has been added to all of Seth's army. Each Lance Corporal command one Private and the Corporal still command four soldiers, now including two Lance Corporals and two Privates.

The five soldiers walked to an elderly man. The old man got dark brown skin and short woolly hair that has gone all white, the wrinkles upon his face was really clear.

"By the order of the Pharaoh Seth, you are hereby drafted to serve the pharaoh to build ships for his army." the Corporal said

"You got lot of guts, young man. Do you know who I am?" the old man said

"I don't care who you are" The Corporal said "Take him away." the Corporal said to the soldiers

One private and his commanding Lance Corporal walked forward to arrest the old man.

Horus and Neith was about to come to help the old man, but it appears, the old man is able to take care of himself. Before the two soldiers even know what is going on, the old man threw two punches, the left hand punched the Lance Corporal, the right hand punched the Private, both on the throat and killing both of them in one punch. The other three soldiers attacked with their spears, but the old man was quick to use the spear of the two soldiers that he already killed to kill two more soldiers, leaving only the Corporal still alive. The Corporal started running away. The old man grabbed one spear from the ground and threw it, killing the Corporal.

The old man return to his relax state, it kinda reminded Horus when he first met Min, where Min killed number of thugs easily, while in a relax state. However, Horus got a feeling that this old man, is not like Min. The old man saw Horus, Serket, Neith and Hathor, at first he paid no attention to them, until he saw Hathor gathering some wild fruits. The old man started accusing Hathor as a thief saying that it is his land.

Horus and Serket was quick coming to Hathor's defense, saying they don't know this is the private land of the old man. The old man don't care and moved to kill Hathor.

Seen Hathor in danger, Horus was quick to make a move trying to stop the old man, but was quickly been thrown aside by the old man. Neith was quick to come, also thrown aside by the old man.

Neith and Horus stood up.

"Old master, our friend really don't know these are your fruits. Please forgive her." Neith said

"I don't care, she steal my fruit, she need to die." the old man said

Seen the old man moving to kill Hathor again, Horus and Neith moved to fight the old man, but combine, they are still no match against the old man. Horus and Neith are highly trained warriors, so, they are not as easily killed, like those five soldiers, but they are still no match against the old man combine, after exchanging over twelve moves, Horus and Neith are slowly not able to handle the old man's attacks. This old man, might be old, but he got skills. Serket quickly pulled Hathor away and return. The old man landed his palm on Horus chest pushing backwards, he grabbed Neith and tripped her to the ground and grab her neck from behind and was about to kill her via breaking her neck, when Serket quickly returned and yelled "WAIT!"

Surprisingly, the old man did stop, but he was still holding onto Neith's neck and can kill her, in one move. Horus stood up. Serket was quickly to give Horus a hand signal, informing him not to move.

"I know who you are, Grand Master Sobek and I also know you once kneel in front of the Great Grand Master Nun and sworn allegiance to him, in front of the table of Aten. You are about to break your oath, this woman, in front of you, she is Neith, the fifth generation decent of the Great Grand Master Nun." Serket said

Sobek took a look at Serket "If you don't believe me, check her tattoo, it bare the mark, of the house of Nun."

Sobek took a look at Neith's back, Neith's tattoo confirmed her identity. Sobek let Neith go "and how am I suppose to know, is that tattoo real?"

"You know the law, a false tattoo is punishable by rape, follow by death. What woman would risk getting rape, over this?" Serket said

Horus and Neith both know of the name Sobek, he is a ruthless warrior. He is from the era of his great grand father Ra. He is once, one of the most ruthless warrior along the Niles River, he rank along side with his great grandfather Ra, as one of the greatest warrior of his time and it appears, even at his high age of seventy six, his ability to fight, has not fallen, if anything, maybe increased. But the problem is that, Sobek is not a good man, he is a thug and when a thug, is an alpha male that is bad news. This must be the first time, Horus came across a thug that is tougher then he is, it is a dangerous situation. As tough warriors, Horus and Neith are accustom to dealing with thugs, via one method, kill first and ask question later, but that won't work this time. However, Serket seem to know how to handle it, as a woman, with her weak physic state and not a trained warrior, Serket is use to having to deal with male thugs that is tougher then she is, as a result, while Horus and Neith, isn't sure what to do right now, it is Serket that knows how to handle Sobek.

Sobek sat on the original table of Aten, under the leadership of Nun, the most respected warrior and leader of his time, to created peace throughout the land, Nun created the table of Aten, to unite the world. The high council of the table of Aten includes eight seats. North, South, East, West, North East, North West, South East and South West. The Northern Seat, belong to the leader of the table of Aten, with Nun sitting upon the Northern seat.

The second highest seat, was taken by Ptah, the greatest wizard in all of the land, during that time. The other six seats, are chosen from the six other nations, amount them include Ra whom was still a prince during that time and Sobek.

After the death of Ptah and Nun, the table of Aten fall apart, but when the threat of the Apep rise, it is under the leadership of Ra that the people reunite under the table of Aten. Apep, was the most powerful tribe of the time and they were dangerous, like most thugs, Sobek believe in putting himself in the position of the alpha male so to enslave the others, to his will and believe all those who doesn't serve and honor him, above all else, to be evil.

Thugs doesn't like been enslaved, not even by other thugs, therefore, Sobek and Ra got a common enemy. When Ra called for the world to reunite under his leadership, to fight the Apep, Sobek agreed. The Northern seat is now taken by Ra, the Southern seat taken by Amun, as a result, they were also frequently been refer to as Amun-Ra. However, Amun and Ra are not idiots, they know the tribe of Sobek are just waiting for the opportunity, using this war as a jumping step, to become the next alpha and if a thug becomes the alpha, he would enslave the world, so, Sobek would do as little as he possibly can. Amun and Ra, cannot have that. This is similar to what the communist did in China during WW2, when the Japanese attack, the Chinese army, lack ammo so badly, the Chinese infantry had one rifle per two soldiers, the other soldiers need to rely on using swords. They had no cavalry and minimum artillery. Until the US President Franklin D. Roosevelt start selling fighters to the Chinese, the Chinese got no air force, which is why, despite the Chinese army originally was able to use the great wall of China as a defence line, to, keep the Japanese from marching South, eventually the Japanese fores was able to break through and early fighter pilots of Chinese air force during WW2 was made up via hiring former fighter pilots of the US air force as mercenaries, to serve as pilots and to train Chinese pilots.

But what the Chinese got is number and landmass, so, as the Japanese forces try to take the large landmass of China, the Chinese let loose of a large number of gorilla behind Japanese lines, crippling their supplies and on the front line, let loose a large army to overrun the Japanese zombie apocalypse style, while this strategy might be not effective, along the eastern coast line, where Japanese troops are well supplied, once the Japanese forces started moving inland and had the gorilla continue to harass their supply lines from behind, this become very effective against the Japanese been low on supply, forcing them back to their ships, it cause the already nature resource low Japanese, to start running out of nature resource and got no choice but to pull out of China, however, not willing to give up, the Japanese military that despite claim to fight in the Emperor's name, but in reality is holding the Emperor as a puppet, attacked Australia for its nature resource, first attacking the US forces at Pearl Harbour so they cannot reinforce the Australians and quickly took control of the Philippines and defeated the British troops station at Singapore like they are nothing and then massacre the Australian navy and air force, but the plan didn't work, due to US still managed to send Australia reinforcement before Japanese troops can take Australian land and led the US to declare war on Japan. In China, the gorilla warfare that was suppose to harass the Japanese supply lo make the Zombie apocalypse attack on Japanese troops possible and with minimum casualty rate, was perform by 13 para-army legions, supply and equip by the Chinese army and government, each legion is in charge with one of the 13 gorilla warfare district, despite claiming to be part of the Chinese military, in reality they are independent from the government and army. The eighth legion was formed by Mao Zedong and the Chinese Communist Party, former soldiers of the other thirteen legion claim, despite the eighth legion, been taking money and equipment from the government, they refuse to engage the Japanese and sometime, attack the other thirteen legion for their supplies, the eighth legion was also supply by the Soviet Union, some former soldiers of the eighth legion recall their frustration, because they join the eighth legion to fight the Japanese, instead, was again and again been order not to engage, even sending them to the boarder between China and Soviet Union, to be train by the Russians, but refuse to engaged the Japs, but was eager to send them to fight the Nazi, with the Russian troops. By the end of WW2, where the intention of the Communist party become clear, some of those that join the eighth legion to fight the Japanese, choose to go AWOL, when the opportunity came. And, with the backing of the Soviet Union, right after WW2, the eighth legion rebel against the Chinese government, forcing the government of the Republic of China that is still weak from WW2, to retreat to Taiwan and then the Communist rename the eighth legion as the People Liberation Army.

However, in this world, Amun and Ra, see through the tricks of the Sobek and his nation and they are not going to let Sobek and his nation of thugs, to become the alpha, after defeating Apep. Apep might be the most powerful nation of the world, during that time, but they were no match against the army of the entire world combine. As the war progress, Amun and Ra had a secret meeting with the Apep leadership, knowing that whoever win, is going to get eaten by Sobek's nation the city state Faiyum, which been using the war as an opportunity to get powerful, while both Apep and the ally force of the world get weak, preparing to create an Empire and become the next alpha. Amun and Ra, came to a secret agreement with the Apep leadership for a seize fire and let the Apep loose on the nation of Faiyum. Only when Faiyum seem to be close to be complete destroy by the Apep, did Amun and Ra once again betray Apep and attack them from behind, allowing the defeat of Apep and leaving Faiyum at ruins.

As the Apep was pushed out of their lands and into the Sahara desert, the ruling of Faiyum, was been divided amount its neighbour nations and its royalties executed.

Sobek whom was the crown prince of Faiyum, has been living in hiding, ever since, waiting for the chance of his revenge.

Sobek agreed not to kill Hathor, in exchange, Sobek want Hathor to cook for him, for fourteen days and with each meal, the fire that cook the meal, must include a handful of Hathor's blond hair, thinking it would bring him, good luck and good health.

Serket suggest for Horus, Neith and Hathor to agree for now and think of how to deal with Sobek later, considering right now, Sobek isn't asking for much. "Live to fight another day." Serket said

So, Hathor agreed.

Sobek an old warrior from the era of Nun, know about the fighting style of the Amazons and can see that both Neith and Horus got Amazonian basic.

"After Seth destroyed the school of the Amazons, my parents came across an Amazonian Master that is a fugitive and looking for a place to hide. My parents helped her, as repayment, she offer to teaching me the fighting of the Amazonians." Horus said

"I am an officer in the navy of Min, it is my wish to find a passage back there, for the war against Seth." Horus said

Sobek got no love to Seth, like all thugs, he wants to be the oppressor, not the oppressed, so, he decided to help Horus

Sobek told Horus about a passage that goes directly from Egypt, to cross the Red Sea.

"Its a bit expensive, but I think you can afford it." Sobek said

Which actor is best to play Ammit (In real Egyptian mythology Ammit is female)

Rorrie D. Travis

Jazz Baduwalia

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