Sunday, January 5, 2020

Chapter Ten Part 1 of 3: Blame it on the thugs

Ammit (ancient Egypt)
Adam was furious about the thief that entered the camp last night and demanded and wanted to enter the city of Cynopolis to find the thief. Standing in front of the forces of Adam, half of all Cynopolis' city guards and para-city guards, standing in battle formation.The rest are all in the city been recalled to active duty. Riding out to greet Adam was Anubis and Ammit. Together that is up to two thousand soldiers.

Adam's soldiers were also in formation, as Adam demanded for Anubis to open the city gate and let his men in.

"Cynopolis got it rules, brother, without the order of our father, no outside army may enter." Anubis said

"I don't care what is your rule! There was a thief. I will take this city by force, if I need to!" Adam yelled

"You really want to fight? I am prepare for it. Give me the time and I will find the thief myself, but if you try to take this city by force, don't you dare think, I will hesitate." Anubis said

Adam was angry and gave his soldier the order.

"Ammit" Anubis said

"Yes Sir." Ammit respond and made a hand signal.

In battle formation, every city guard of Cynopolis was ready to fight, the first platoon two squares of twenty five stand in the front, the first two line of those two square raise their shield and had their spear raised. The third, fourth and fifth line are archers, each with the arrow drawn. The second platoon run backup for the first platoon. Standing right behind them in two squares, one at the left, the other at the right. Third and fourth platoon stand in the same formation, next to the first and second platoon. The fifth platoon stand in the back, prepare to run backup for the first, second, third and fourth platoon. The first company stood on the front left, the second company on the front right. The third company stood behind the first company preparing to be their backup, the fourth company stood behind the second company, preparing to be their back up.

"I've got an entire Division and you got only one regiment, you think that you really got enough?" Adam said

"I got more reserves, in the city. In addition, may I remind you, your soldiers are logistic. Mine are combat. Give me time and I will find you, your thief, but if you try to run this city by force, you better prepare yourself for a fight. Or do you want explaining to father, why you wasted his soldiers away over a little quarrel." Anubis said

Angrily, Adam ordered for his soldiers to stand down.

Anubis and Ammit ride to the back of their army.

"Keep all para-city guards on active duties with the city guards. Do not let anybody in or out of the city." Anubis said to Ammit.

"Yes my Lord" Ammit replied

"Major, whatever happen do not let that army enter the city, understand?" Anubis said to the commander

"Yes my Lord" the Major said

"What we do about the thief, my Lord?" Ammit asked

"After father order for over 99% of medical herb to be given to the government in tax, for his campaign against Baal, there aren't enough herbs left. The military got way more herb then it actually need. The city of Cynopolis got enough medical herb, but its nearby village that is a different story. We need to first find out what sort of diseases the stolen herb can cure and check the villages to see whether there are wide spread of those diseases in those villages. But first, we need to get rid of Adam and his army Division." Anubis said

"Find some gangsters, put the blame on them, say they steal the herb to be sold in the black market. Cut on their tongue, so, they cannot speak to defend themselves and execute them in front of Adam and his army." Anubis said

"Yes, my Lord" Ammit replied. "But, how many gangster, should we captured?"

"As many as you deem fit, who cares, they are just gangsters." Anubis said

"Yes, my Lord" Ammit replied

So. Ammit went to execute Anubis' orders. Anubis rode back to the Regiment of troops, that is standing there against Adam's men.

As instructed by Anubis, the group of city guards tasked with finding the thief, put the blame on a group of thugs. They pick a gang that has multiple record of assaulting against shop keepers and forcing them to pay protection fee. The soldiers charged into their homes, during the night and capture all thirty gang members and cut out their tongues as instructed. The thugs was been tied up and thrown in front of the army of Adam. the city guards brought forward private herb of Anubis palace, which Eve gave to the city guards, to used to put the blame on the thugs. The city guards claim for these to be the herbs stolen by the gangsters, from the military camp, to be sold on the black market and place it, in front of Adam's army.

"How would you like to execute them, brother?" Anubis said

"Depends on you, brother" Adam said

Anubis took a look at the boss of the gang, a man in his fifties that got track record of violent crime. Next to him, is his son that is no better.

Anubis ordered for the mobsters' to be tied up and all four of their limbs been chopped off. Afterwards, the mobsters son and daughters were arrested, their sons was been put on trial by the men of their village and their daughters was been put on trial by the women of their village, if their sons and daughter are found guilty to be thugs by the people of the village. They will be tied up in front of their mobster fathers.

Anubis original wanted to order for their sons to be tied up and be ass rape, in front of their mobster fathers, but then he remember Seth's law regarding gay sex. Maybe a reason Seth is so against gay sex, is the fear that if he was ever been defeated and is been sentence for his crime, his sentencing would also involved, him been ass rape that is why he is so eager to kill off all gay men, so there be nobody to rape him, if that day come.

Anubis order for if the mobster's son is found guilty of been a thug, they should cut off his genitals and feed it to the wolves and then his chest cut open and his heart dug out, in front of his mobster father, as his father is been forced to watch. If his daughter is found guilty of been a thug, she would be raped, in front of her mobster father and then she should be chained up and offer to the soldiers of Adam as sex slaves, if she is beautiful, beheaded if she is ugly.

Then, the corps of those sons and daughters of the mobsters, should be cooked and the mobsters should be forced to eat the flesh of their own sons and daughters.

Afterwards, Anubis ordered for all the mobster fathers to have their eyes dug out, so the image of how their son was been torture to death and how their daughters was been raped and kill, is the last thing they see and afterwards throw them into the dungeon for the rest of their life. As for those mobsters with no sons or daughter that is been found guilty of been a thug by their fellow villagers, these mobsters was been executed via having each of their limb been tied to a horse and let the horse pull them in four opposite directions, until they were been torn into four pieces and die.

"Is that enough of a punishment for you, brother?" Anubis said

Adam nodded. Adam is not truly satisfy or fully believe these thugs are the one that stole the herb, it almost seem too convenient, especially considering Adam knows that Anubis hate to torture anything that is not a thug. Anubis won't even torture an animal. Thugs, are the only one, he won't hesitate to torture or kill. However, Adam has been delayed here for five days and got no choice but to leave. So, Adam told Anubis that he is satisfy and order his soldiers to move forward and to the Mediterranean Sea.

Which elderly actor is best to play elderly Amun-Ra

Herb Fame as Ra
(Really served as a cop: Washington DC Police Force 1970~)
(Later US Marshal Service)
Steven Seagal as Ra
(As if we can afford Steven Seagal LOL)
 (Really served as a Cop: Jefferson Parish Sheriff Department 1980s)
Erik Estrada as Amun
(Really served as a Cop: edford County, Virginia Deputy Sheriff 2009~)
(St. Anthony Police Department in Idaho reserve police officer 2016~)

Ernie Hudson as Amun

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