Saturday, January 4, 2020

Chapter Nine Part 3 of 3: Love Sucks

(modern art)
Anubis woke up in the morning, naked in bed. His wife Eve was also naked sleeping next to him. Anubis was quick to get dressed.

“My Lord” Eve was still a little bit sleepy

“Hey.” Anubis said, he kissed his wife in the forehead, before returning to his task.

Anubis knows that after what happened yesterday, Adam is not going to take it lightly and having already wasted one night, due to the effect of the succubus, Adam might already have done much.

Anubis was quick to exit the room, soldiers was standing on guard outside

“Find Ammit, we got work to do.” Anubis said to the soldier

“Yes, My Lord” the soldier said


Hathor woke up extremely early in the morning. She was in a good mood, after last night. Serket return to the inn with some hot tea. She is not that warm with Horus after what happened, yesterday, but as an expert on toxin Serket know that Horus still got some toxin within his body that need time to get out, the tea she got can help to rid the body of the effect of the succubus powder completely, Serket woke up early, to go to the market, to get the ingredient and ask the inn kitchen to boil the ingredient in water, she still consider Horus as a friend and she is still a witch doctress.

Serket knock on the door of Hathor’s room “Tell Horus to drink this, it will help to combat the effect of the powder.” Serket said to Hathor

“What powder” Hathor asked

Serket just remember that Hathor would know nothing about Horus was been under the effect of succubus last night.

“Just give Horus the tea, he would know what you are talking about, tell him to drink it while its hot.” Serket said

“Why don’t you come in and give it to him, yourself?” Hathor said

But consider what happened last night, Serket, really don’t want to talk to Horus right now.

Serket thought for a second, she know that Hathor had a major crush on Horus for ages and doesn’t have the heart to tell her that Horus was under effect of the succubus powder. Plus, whether Horus ever remember what happened last night was questionable.

“Alright” Serket said.

Hathor left the room to go wash up for the morning. When Horus woke up a little while later, he had a massive head ace.

“You was effected by the succubus powder yesterday.” Serket said

Horus head was still acing. Upon Hathor’s bed there was a little bit of blood, on the sheet, virgin blood.

“Did I rape anybody last night.” Horus asked

“No” Serket replied “What was the last thing you remember”

“Its all a blur. I came back here, still under the effect of the powder and I went to knock on Hathor’s door and...” Horus sentence suddenly stop

There was silent in the room

Serket isn’t sure why Horus stopped, is it because he realized the first woman he had sex with last night, was her or did he think for the entire night, it was Hathor all along.

Serket broke the silent “You like Hathor, don’t you?” Serket said

"It is just lust, people get over it." Horus said

"I think there are more then just lust. You got couple faces." Serket said

Couple faces 夫妻臉 another pagan superstitious proven by modern science, it has been proven, while seeking a romantic relationship that translate beyond lust, but turn into lasting love, it is most likely to happen between two people that are genetic opposite, the more two people are genetically opposite, the more likely the two people can better appreciate their positive qualities and tolerate the negative quality and thus, let romantic love develop. When the genetic opposite is great enough, it is even possible a beautiful woman that all man desire, would chose a poor broke beta male, over an alpha male that is also a prince charming and a handsome man might chose the fat and ugly girl over the pretty girl that is how strong of an effect, genetic influence can effect people on a neuropsychology level.  It is also why incest gross most people out, your sister can be the most beautiful woman in the world that every man desire, but only one person would be gross out by the very thought of having sex with her, because as her brother, you two are far too genetic similar. This is an evolution instinct as the genetic opposite can better produce healthy offspring. On the other hand, genetically far too similar, can produce offspring that are stupid are more likely to suffer physical or mental illness.

However, most of these people that got great genetic opposite, their face generally look very similar on first glace, but once you look in detail, most of their characters are exactly opposite to each other. Ancient people refer to this as couple face and while seeking an arrange marriage for their children, apart from seen whether they make a good couple via looking at their astrology charts, they will also see if the two children got couple faces, the evidence prove of the couple face thing work, is amount countries whose religion believe is mainly pagan and that pagan religion believe in couple face, a high rate of arrange marriages work out very well and are very happy together, during the era where arrange marriage was the norm and even today, couple with higher rate of couple face, are also less likely to get divorce, while those with lower rate of couple face, are way more likely to get divorce. The genetic opposite thing, do create a lot of odd and unusual couples, former US President Bill Clinton is well known to be a womanizer that just wanted to party even when he was in college, his wife former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton was well known to be an ambition driven woman and a radical feminist, a lot of people doesn't understand why somebody like Hilary Clinton would repeatedly forgive her husband's affair, but even those who know them in college, fail to understand how a radical feminist and a womanizer would ended up together. Legionary martial artists Bruce Lee, is already an ultimate alpha male and a nice guy with bad boy attitude, in his 20s, guys like that can have any women he want, however, while, most movie depicting Bruce Lee's life, had an extremely beautiful actress playing his wife Linda Lee, from real photos when they were young, Linda Lee is at most lower average in appearance. British actress Kiera Knightly, is a complete dream girl with a networth over 60 million, most women like this go for guys that make just as much money or more money then her, yet, she is in a happy married with a working class musician that struggle to just live paycheck to paycheck and got as little muscle as you typical teen movie nerd.

Ishtar and Osiris is another odd couple, made possible by sufficient genetic opposite, they might be getting together due to Ishtar's admiring of Osiris, been able to save the world through the art of agriculture, but it is their genetic opposite allowing them to have a relationship strong enough to stay together. By all logic, this is a relationship that can't survive and would split apart, very quickly, due to there are much for both party to endure.

Despite, admiring Osiris been able to saved the world with the art of agriculture, allows Ishtar to fall in love with Osiris, it doesn't change the fact that Osiris is still a cripple and that is a major turn off for any woman and the idea of having sex with a cripple can make many woman's skin crawl. In addition, all men wants to be alpha, all women wants to be with an alpha, it is an evolution instinct and as a result of that, like all women, Ishtar like an alpha male and that mean when she excel in something, she hope her husband to further excel in that arena and like all men, when the women over excel over him in a certain arena, especially in terms of making money or as a warrior, it can be intimidating and cause some men to lose interest in her. It goes as far as, amount adults, women prefer men taller then her and men, doesn't really like the idea of their wife been taller then him, despite most can live with it, if it is not taller by too much. Thus regardless how much she admire Osiris, it doesn't change the fact she is a extremely fit and great warrior and Osiris is a cripple and a nerd. On the other hand, a tough warrior woman is already pretty intimidating idea for most men that are not warrior, let along a cripple. In addition, Ishtar is a lustful woman. The school of the Amazon doesn't exactly encourage marriage, instead encourage orgy for pro creation, helping to create a sexual liberal culture amount the Amazonian and Ishtar is an extremely lustful woman, by the age of sixteen, Ishtar already had sex with sixteen different men and lost her virginity when she was only thirteen. For a woman like that, it take a man that she really like very much, for her to be willing to commit and for her to be able to commit. In fact Ishtar love Osiris so much, not only she never cheated on Osiris, even after the death of Osiris, she is not able to enjoy herself taking on another lover or having sex with another man and never did it again, despite her lustful nature, after all despite she cannot have sex as much as she once had, due to needing to be a good mother to Horus, it doesn't mean she need to start been a nun. On the other hand, Osiris due to his crippling body, was still a virgin, men are not big fan of the idea of their partners having former sexual partner, let along if he never had sex before, knowing she had sex with so many men before, can be a deal breaker, as he is not able to endure it. Most men that never had so many lover, prefer women that also had very few lovers, in the past, especially those that she had sex with. In fact fearing that her sexual past would become a deal breaker for Osiris, the night before their wedding, Ishtar led to of her two handmaids into Osiris' room, to have sex with him, something else most women, probably won't be able to endure or is willing to do, even knowing it is their boyfriend's bachelor party and technically speaking they are not yet married. Yet, by all odds a relationship that by all reasonable logic shouldn't be able to survive, didn't ended up in a quick break up, with Ishtar cheating on Osiris, Osiris start having an affair or breaking up with Ishtar due to her sexual past or Ishtar can not endure Osiris' crippling body or her own desire for been with a great warrior. That is the power of genetic opposite, it can help to create a relationship strong enough to endure all those things, sometime to an extend, where it doesn't even bother them. And despite genetic opposite cannot create love at first sight, it is great at creation love at second sight. It was part of the reason, Sin wanted Ishtar to be Osiris' bodyguard, Sin might married her daughters for political alliance, but she won't be willing to do it so easily, without at least seen there are sufficient couple face and if Seth didn't turn out to be such a bad person, Nephthys wouldn't have left him, either, it is unlikely any degree of couple face can endure something like that.

“I am afraid she is still too young.” Horus replied

“She is sixteen and you are only eighteen. I think she is old enough to know what she wants.” Serket said

“True, but when we first met, she was only fifteen. Do you really know she is making a good decision in a clear head?” Horus said

Serket smiled “In one more year, she will be seventeen. If she still like you by then, you can be certain that you are not taking advantage of her. I do hope that you will ask for her hand in marriage by then.” Serket said

“I am sorry if this hurt your feelings.” Horus said

Serket smiled “Don’t be, I image the future. My husband is somebody that I like and he like me back, the same way. I don’t think I want to be a substitute.” Serket said

“For what it worth, I do like you.” Horus said

“I know and I like you too, but, in my dream, I hopes to be the first preference of my husband, not second. I know I am twenty one, pretty old for a woman that is still unwed, but I don’t want to settle. I don’t mind staying unwed forever, if that is what it means to be.” Serket said

“I understand.” Horus said

Serket smiled “Drink the tea, it will get rid of the succubus, inside your system.” Serket said

“Thanks” Horus replied

“Why did you use the succubus powder, I thought you change the formula into that of a sleeping powder?” Serket asked

“I ran out of the powder with the exchange formula. The succubus powder is made by five form of nature resource and cooked under fire, until it form a new form of powder crystal. It can be an addictive substance and taking to much of it and you will die. The powder is cursed by the demons. What I did is again cook the powder with three other form of substances, it neutralize the curse of the demon and reduce the addictive effect, but only put those who are expose to it, into a deep trance. Yesterday, I ran out of my modified powder and when in danger, I threw a handful of the original powder, towards him. Surprisingly, his reflex was fast and quickly cover his face and wave the powder back towards my direction. We both got hit by some powder, despite, been able to use our hand to cover our nose, in time.” Horus said

“Somebody that is a match against you, there are not many amount the army of Seth that can do it, unless it is...a member of the twenty-four elders” Serket said

“I don't think he is a member of the twenty-four elders. I remember each of their faces, from our last fight.” Horus said

“But whoever, he is, the succubus powder effected him and gave me the time to get away. It effected both of us and the powder took effects within a few minutes. But I was able to pull myself together and return to the inn. But, as the night pass, everything become more and more of a blur.” Horus said

“Drink the tea it helps to remove any more succubus powder toxin remain in your body, from your urine.” Serket said

“I thought your specialization is scorpion toxin.” Horus said

“True, but I know some about other form of toxin, also.” Serket said

What Serket and Horus didn’t know is that Hathor was outside the door. She didn’t hear the entire conversation, only the last part where Horus talk about been effected by the succubus powder and everything became a blur, after returning to the inn.

Hathor was upset, she thought that Horus came to her room that night, because he like her, but after hearing that conversation, it is her conclusion that Horus was only in her room that night, due to the effect of the succubus powder, nothing more.

Hathor ran out of the inn's building and into the back court yard of the inn, Hathor started crying. She was really upset, a little while later, she heard the sound of Horus coming. Horus wanted to check, if Hathor is alright, considering she been gone for so long. Hathor quickly wiped away her tears, not wanting Horus to see her cry.

“Hey” Hathor smiled

“Are you alright?” Horus said

“Of course” Hathor said

“Hathor, about last night...” Horus’ sentence was cut off

“Its alright.” Hathor quickly said “I know you were effected by the succubus powder and the only reason you did what you did, was due to the effect of the succubus. You weren’t yourself last night, I might not be a witch, like you or Serket, but I can tell that you were under the effect of the succubus. I slept with you, because you saved my life from slavery.” Hathor said,

Hathor might like Horus, but she still wants to save face, Hathor quickly smiled “I was about to be sold into becoming a sex slave, when you saved me, remember? If it isn’t because of you, I will be a sex slave by now that is why I was willing to do it, last night. You don’t need to worry about me, you didn’t rape me.” Hathor lied “But don’t get use to it, last night was a special circumstances, because you were under the effect of the succubus.” Hathor smiled

“Alright” Horus said

Hathor forced a smile onto her face and left the courtyard. She returned to her room inside the in. Serket was no longer in there. Hathor closed the door behind her and started crying.

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