Friday, January 3, 2020

Chapter Nine Part 2 of 3: Succubus

(Christian Demon, inspire by multiple Pagan Goddess
combined, including Ishtar. Base on the Christian concept of
all other gods are demons pretend to be gods)
Horus, escaped back to the inn. Serket and Hathor was not expecting to see Horus' return. The original plan was that once Horus and Neith has got their hand on the herb, they are to go directly to Bes and Taweret, in case of the city shut down.

Neith whom got both woven baskets of herbs, went to the village of the plague, as planned. Horus, returned to the inn.

"Horus" Hathor and Serket both yelled out in the same time.

"Stay away from me." Horus said, he know too well, about the effect of the succubus powder and doesn't want to do something, he would regrade.

Horus was sweating furiously. He quickly rushed back into his room and locked the door. Horus started looking for water and started drinking. After that Horus started trying to meditate, to stay clam, but the strong sexual urges, is still difficult to control, especially in his state of mind.

Hathor was worried, she wanted to go check on Horus and went to knock of Horus' door, but Serket quickly grabbed onto Hathor's arm and shook her head. Serket's specialization might be in healing injury and dealing with scorpion poison, but she can tell that Horus is effected by the succubus powder and is trying to prevent himself from doing something that he would regrade.

"Go back to your room and lock your door." Serket said

Confused, Hathor did as she was told.

Serket return to her room. Despite Serket and Horus never establish an official relationship as lovers, they been in a lover like relationship, for the last six months, so Serket has decided that if it really comes down to it, she be willing to give herself to Horus that night, especially considering, she doesn't want to see Horus doing something he will regrade, due to the effect of the succubus powder, despite she know Horus is a very discipline person.

Horus continue to meditate within his room, he continue to find his body burning up with heat. Horus lied his back against the wall, to try cool down, he fall asleep, with that sense of sexual urge still difficult to control, he must have masturbated at least five times, to release the sexual urges, but, very quickly, after the release, the desire to have sex started building up again.

Horus again woke up and then fall asleep again, multiple times. Finally, in his half asleep state, where his mind can no longer think clearly, Horus tumbled and walked towards Hathor's room.

Serket whom was waiting in her room, was surprise that Horus would chose Hathor's room, considering there is nothing romantic about their relationship. Fearing that Horus would ended up doing something that he would regard the next day, Serket was quick to come out of her room.

"Horus" Serket said

Horus took a look at her, in his disarrayed state, Horus thought it was Hathor. Resisting the temptation obviously took a toll on Horus, he fall to the floor lean against the outside of Hathor's door.

Serket quickly ran to Horus' side. "Hathor." Horus said weakly and fainted again.

Serket was quick to help Horus, back to his room and help him onto his bed. Horus was still sweating, Serket brought Horus more water and let him drink it. Serket looked at Horus, his mind is still in a state of disarray and struggling to control his sexual urges. Serket took off her cloth and climb into Horus' bed, but Horus thought that she was Hathor.

Serket felt a bit heartbroken, she like Horus, a lot.

"Its me, Serket." she said softly, deciding to give Horus one more chance.

"Serket" Horus said weakly

Serket softly kissed Horus on the lips, before climbing onto his body and had sex two times, but after the second time, Horus mistaken Serket to be Hathor again. Serket didn't let the third time finish, she got off the bed, half way through. She was expecting for Horus in his state to try rape her, but, Horus' discipline is demonstrated, Horus didn't try to grab her or rape her, he just lie there growling, softly and weakly like a half asleep mad man. For most women, sex is an emotional thing, so, it must sting to find out, the guy you are having sex with, actually want somebody else and mistaken you to be somebody else, especially after giving your heart.

Human brain got a logical and an emotional side, been logical and rational, doesn't mean he or she got no emotions, it just mean their ability in emotional management, is much higher. Like all warriors, Horus are trained to be emotional detached, so to help him, remain calm in the high stress and high danger nature of combat environment and not let his emotions cloud his judgement, to make bad decisions.

As a result, with very rational people, like Horus, it is only during time like this, where the logical side of their brain, is numbed, can we truly see their true emotional desire.

The fact that Horus would chose Hathor's room over Serket, when the rational side of his brain shut down, proves that he desire Hathor more.

"I will get you some water." Serket said, she put her cloth back on, for a second Horus almost raise his hand to grab Serket, but his self control managed to force himself to lower his hand again.

Serket close the door, as she exit the room, she place the table, in front of the door, to prevent Horus doing something he regrade. Serket placed the wig onto the table, before leaving.

Horus still in his disarray state, turn and growl on the bed and fall to the ground. Horus saw Hathor's wig. "Hathor" Horus said weakly, but, suddenly, he realize the wig got no body. "Hathor?" Horus said, he quickly got to his feet, not able to properly walk, he climb over the table and open the door and went to knock on Hathor's door.

Hathor opened her door and saw Horus there "What is wrong?" Hathor frowned and said

"Alright, you are safe." Horus said, weakly

"Of course I am safe, what are you worry about?" Hathor asked

"Nothing." Horus said, he still exercise enough self restrain and didn't try to rape anybody.

"Let me try something." Horus said

"What is it?" Hathor said

Horus moved forward and tried to kiss Hathor on the lips, but Hathor didn't move away and kissed back. After that, Horus went full on animal like, he close the door behind him, grabbed Hathor and started grabbing and kissing her furiously. But then Horus stopped and jumped backwards "I am sorry." Horus said and fall to the ground

"Its alright." Hathor said and walked next to Horus and kneel down.

Horus took a look at Hathor, he found his hand, running along one of Hathor's beautiful long legs. But, Hathor didn't protest, so Horus moved to kiss her again and Hathor kissed back, they were quick to disrobe and Horus threw Hathor onto the bed and took her virginity.

Outside, Serket return with the water, she heard the sound coming out of Hathor's room. Worrying that Horus ended up doing something he regrade Serket was quick to put down the water and the fire torch in her hand, she peak into the room, it look consensual, so, Serket close the door behind her and left the room.

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