Sunday, December 8, 2019

Prologue: The Twenty-Four Elders

Eye of Horus
(Ancient Egypt)

“USELESS!” Seth screamed in anger. He was in the throne room of the palace Yahweh.

“Completely useless!” Seth screamed and kicked over a table

In front of him, was the twenty-four elders, each took a knee.

They kneel in standard formation, the sixteen wearing black robe and red bandit, was at the back, in front of them are those with black rob and blue bandit. In front are the four Captains, the first was wearing the head of a lion as a hat and the lion’s skin as a coat. The second was wearing the head of an ox as a hat and the ox’s skin as a coat. The third was wearing the head of a man as a hat and his skin as a coat, the fourth was wearing a hat with the head of an eagle and a coat with part of its skin attach to it. Attached to each coat there are six wings. Upon the coat and wings, there was eyes been drawn all over it. During the rule of Osiris, even the killing of animals that live upon the land can be categorize as murder under the law of Maat. But under the rule of Seth, even killing a man who is not a man of Seth, could be tolerated, by the law. In front of the four Captains, were the Lieutenant General in charge of the twenty-four elders, Issac, he was wearing the head of a lamb as a hat, with an addition five horns been attached to it and an additional five eyes been drawn onto the hat.

Seth is furious when he heard a person has been collecting the body parts of Osiris, “I will kill them! KILL THEM! KILL THEM!!!! THIS BETRAYAL...DAME YOU!!!! I will kill those evil bastards, those sinful evil demons! Those demons, those evil sinful things, that worship other gods, that refuse to worship me as their one and only true god. I will kill them. They will die  THEY WILL ALL BLOODY DIE! AND BURN IN THE FIRE OF HELL!!!!” Seth scream in anger, “I will make you pay. Revenge, Revenge! REVENGE! REVENGE!!!!!!! REVENGE IS MINE!!!!!!!!! REVENGE!!!!!!!!!!!!  I WILL KILL THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!” Seth yelled. And with that Seth ordered for each team of the twenty-four elders, each accompany one company of infantry soldiers, to go to a corps of Osiris that has not yet been stolen and to capture the thief, when he comes to steal the corps of Osiris. “I want he tied up and killed. I want his entire family burn on the stake and all his friend and family and his entire village destroy and killed. Killed! Ha ha ha ha, Killed! KILLED! REVENGE!!!!!!!!” Seth yelled with anger and then Seth calm down a bit “But, if he repents for his sin, I will let him live and only need to watch his friends, family, parents, wife and children die, but I will let him survive. I am merciful aren’t I. Seth the merciful, the one and only true god. God is love. God is forgiving. Aren’t I forgiving?” Seth whispered.

But, now, the army of Seth let Horus slip away.

“USELESS!!!!!!!!!” Seth yelled with anger. In front of him, is the Captain of the Company of ordinary soldiers that were there to catch the thief stealing Osiris' corps.

“YOU!!!” Seth screamed “If I cannot get the head of the thief. Then I will HAVE YOUR’S” Seth yelled

“My Lord” the Captain was soon to bag for his life.

“GUARDS! ARREST HIM!” Seth yelled.

Knowing what sort of danger, he was in, the Captain quickly tried to fight the guards, but was soon been tackled to the ground

“Bring him to the open, cut down his flesh, piece by piece. YOU WILL DIE!!!!!!!!” Seth screamed

“You will burn in hell Seth. You Will burn in hell!” the Captain yelled as the guards dragged him away

“CUT OUT HIS TONGUE!” Seth screamed in anger “How dare he say I will go to hell. I am the ONE AND ONLY TRUE GOD!” Seth screamed “That blasphemy cannot be tolerated. KILL HIS ENTIRE FAMILY!”

“Holy, holy holy is the lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come” The five senior ranking commanders of the twenty-four elders was quick to say

“You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things and by your will they were created and have their being” the twenty-four man in black robe said

“Yes, I am the one that created everything. I made everything right and just. I remade everything in the way of justice, away from the sickening way of my brother and those who come before him. ONE AND THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE GOD!” Seth yelled.

“Holy, holy holy is the lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come” The five senior ranking commanders of the twenty-four elders was quick to say

“You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things and by your will they were created and have their being” the twenty-four man in black robe said

“Holy, holy holy is the lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come” The five senior ranking commanders of the twenty-four elders was quick to say again

“You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things and by your will they were created and have their being” the twenty-four man in black robe said

Standing on the two side of Seth’s throne room was Seth’s General Michael and other five Lieutenant Generals.

At this stage Uriel one of the six Lieutenant Generals laughed “You calm to praise and worship our one and only true god. But how am I supposed to know, you don’t have a hand in this.” Uriel said

“And what is that supposed to mean!” Issac who is both the leader of the twenty-four elders wearing the head of a lamb with seven eyes and seven horn and a Lieutenant General of Seth, said angrily

“The twenty-four elders never lost a single mission, before you become its commander.” Uriel said

“The current members of the twenty-four elders are handpicked by you. How are we supposed to know, you didn’t give the order to sabotage the mission?

“Uriel! Don’t dare you!” Issac said angrily

Issac quickly kneel to Seth “My Lord, I swear on my life, I did no such thing. But as for Uriel, isn’t he the one that allocated the company to the corps. Maybe he did something.” Issac said

“Issac you!” Uriel said angrily

Uriel quickly got on his knee also “My Lord, My God. I Uriel swear on my life and my children’s life, I did no such thing.” Uriel said

“I don’t care! What is what! But one thing I know, it is your fault, not mine. I am always right, always just, always perfect. Are you saying I am stupid enough to make a wrong choice! THE FAULT IS WITH YOU!” Seth screamed

“We don’t dare” Issac and Uriel said at the same time

“Holy, holy holy is the lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come” The four senior ranking commanders of the twenty-four elders was quick to say, to support their commander

“You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things and by your will they were created and have their being” the twenty-four man in black robe said

Michael and the other Lieutenant Generals also got on their knee.

“Holy, holy holy is the lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come” Michael and the six Lieutenant Generals said at the same time.

“Holy, holy holy is the lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come” Michael said

“You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things and by your will they were created and have their being” the six Lieutenant Generals said

“Holy, holy holy is the lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come” Michael said again

“You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things and by your will they were created and have their being” the six Lieutenant Generals said

"His work is perfect. All his ways are just; a god of faithfulness and without injustice. He is righteous and upright" Michael said

"His work is perfect. All his ways are just; a god of faithfulness and without injustice. He is righteous and upright" the other six Lieutenant Generals said.

"That is correct. I am always right, perfect and just. You are to be blamed. It is always everyone else's fault. It is never my fault, because perfect. I am always right. But I am your god. I am love and I am merciful. So, you shall live. I forgive you. But the next time, you will be killed.” Seth said

"But those three, must die." Seth pointed to the team of the twenty-four elders that failed in their mission.

“That is right, blame it on them!” Issac was quick to point the blame at his own men, to save his skin.

“KILL THEM!” Issac said

The three members of the twenty-four elders was quick to stand up, as the ordinary soldiers came forward to try to arrest them. But those ordinary soldiers were no match against these three men.

“Protect our Lord!” Issac quickly said

The remaining members of the twenty-four elders was quick to stand in front of Seth, to form a protection wall. The smart thing to do right now is to send his men to fight the three, but this make Issac look better.

Uriel is not going to lose the chance to make him look good and jumped into the fight, the three team members of the twenty-four elders combine was less of a match against Uriel along. But was able to hold their ground.

Issac is not going to let Uriel had all the glory and charged forward. These three men are no match against the combined force of Issac and Uriel. One of the men in red bandit was quick to push the one in blue bandit backwards

“Sergeant! Go!” he said

The two men in red bandit tried to fight Uriel and Issac, but was quickly defeated.

The sergeant took a look, he knows that all was lost and quickly jumped out of the throne room and into the darkness.

Uriel and Issac was quick to follow charging out and into the darkness. But when Seth became out of sight their attention turns to each other, neither one, want the other to be the one that can bring back the head of this man and started fighting each other.

Uriel and Issac each got a sword at the other’s throat. They both took a step back.

“You sacrifice your own men, for your career. You are as cold as it gets, Issac.” Uriel said

“Don’t for a second think, I don’t know what you are doing. You want to climb the ladder, you rank number six, amount the six Lieutenant Generals, you pull me down, you get to move a spot up to number five.” Issac said “Seth might be a stupid insane old man, but his insanity also makes him not predictable. I suggest you, be careful what you say. Crazy people, are not predictable.” Issac said

“You too, as far as we know. You are the one that will die.” Uriel said

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