Sunday, December 8, 2019

Chapter Two Part 1 of 3: Qadesh

(Ancient Egyptian)
(Ancient Canaantte)
Qadesh was in the room of Michael, within his home. She is the former high class prostitute turned spy, for the forces of Baal. She is the mistress of Michael, the General of Seth’s army and behind Michael’s back, she is in a sexual relationship with Uriel. It is Qadesh’s every intention to destroy the forces of Seth from within and through sharing a bed with Michael and Uriel, Qadesh got more then enough first hand sensitive intel for Baal. Qadesh was recruited by Resheph, to become a spy of Baal. For Qadesh, her hate towards Seth is personal, especially her hate towards Michael.

It was years ago. Qadesh was still a little girl, only nine years old and lived in a small village, close to the Nile river. It is a village of wheat farmers. Life was originally good under the rule of Osiris, but then, the rule of Seth came. Every year, the tax rate increase, until the peasants are starving, under the high tax rate. 90% of the wheat they grew was taken by Seth leaving very little for them, to feed their family. Hungry the villagers frequently hide food and lie about the amount of wheat they harvest, so they can have more food to feed their children

The local tax collector, once worked for Osiris. He doesn’t approve of Seth, but kept his mouth shut. As a tax collector of Seth, it make him qualify as a man of Seth, so he won’t starve, but he understand how difficult things are for the other villagers. So, he frequently turn a blind eye to the villagers hiding food. Sometime, when he saw something suspicious of wheat hiding, he would enter only with two of his most loyal men and when seen the food, he ask the two men standing by his side “Did you see any food?” the first would say “no” he then asked the second “did you see any wheat?” the second would say “no” and then he would say “I saw no wheat, either.” And they left, pretending they didn’t see the huge quantity of wheat right in front of them.

The peasants would be so grateful and says “Thank you, my Lord, thank you, my Lord.”

And the tax collector would say “Thank you for what, there are nothing in there.”

The villager would quickly said “yes, of course, there are nothing in there.” And quickly get up.

But life for the peasants are still hard. One day, the tax collector had an idea. For years, the peasants rely on the annual flood of the Nile, to gather the water needed for their farming of the wheat. The tax collector got an idea, what if they build a canal, so the water can move more inland, for farming purpose? This way, more land that are further away from the Nile river, can be use for farming. But the canal needed to be hide from the knowledge of Seth, otherwise, if they are going to ended up producing more food, Seth would demand them to pay an even higher percentage of tax.

So, he told the idea to the villagers. The villagers thought it is a great idea, so, they gather as much of what little wheat they can afford and hire an architect to help them design their hidden canal and the villagers, themselves work as labor to build the hidden canal. The canal helps to bring more waters, the villagers hide the canal with wood and logs upon it and fetch water from it during the night. They produce more food, to feed their family. They love the tax collector. But the jealous mayor of the town reported it to Seth.

Seth was furious when he heard how the people of the village build a canal to increase food production, but hide it, so they can use the food to feed their children that are starving and dying, rather to honor him, Seth was furious.

“HOW DARE THEM!!!!!!!!!!” Seth yelled in anger, when he heard it

“When you have more food, when you found way to produce more food. They should use it to honor me above all else. ME!!!!!!!!! THEIR GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They need to be punish for their wicked way. I am their god, I am their King. I am their god King, my will is the law, their duty as peasants is to serve and honor me above all else. You have extra food, but you don’t use it to honor me, instead use to to save their children? They think the fact those children are starving and dying is good enough OF AN EXCUSE!!!!!!!!? THEY NEED TO BE PUNISH!!!!!!! THEY NEED TO DIE!!!!!!!!! THEY NEED TO PAY FOR THEIR EVIL SIN!!!!!!!!!! REVENGE!!!!!!!!!!!! REVENGE!!!!!!!!!!!! REVENGE!!!!!!!!!!!! How dare they place the life of their children above me, HOW DARE THEY!!!!!!! THEY ARE EVIL!!!!!!!!!! REVENGE!!!!!!!!!!!! REVENGE!!!!!!!!!!!! REVENGE!!!!!!!!!!!!” Seth yelled in anger

Out of his rage, Seth order to send his men to the village and kill every children of the village under the age of ten. The children are to be tied up and cooked upon a fire, while still been alive and then fed to the crocodiles. That was the order of Seth.

But, Anubis, might be Seth’s son, but he is in no way, like his father and he is the army Captain that Seth send to execute this order. Anubis is good and just, he believe in the principles of the three Horai, peace, harmony and justice. The principle of justice cannot violate the principle of harmony and the principle of harmony cannot violate the principle of peace. Once the army arrived Anubis got no choice but to execute this order. Anubis send his personal body guard, Gabriel, to travel ahead of the army to inform the villagers, about what is to come and he try to delay the time for the soldiers to arrive at the village, he found excuse to delay for three days, till the soldiers march to the village and during the march, he found every excuse he can find that can help to increase the time, for the army to reach the village.

“Send my father gifts, lots of gifts and repent. You did nothing wrong, but in his view, he is always right. So, despite you did nothing wrong, repent. Father loves fear and submission. You show him that, he just might forgive you, for doing something that is not wrong.” Anubis wrote in the message he led Gabriel send to the village.

So, the villagers send their people to travel none stop day and night, with gifts and every thing they got, as gifts to Seth, to show their repent, despite Seth is the one at fault and they did nothing wrong. When they fear that is not enough, three most beautiful virgin girls, some as young as fourteen was been send to Seth. Seth saw the gift and after been pleasure by the beautiful teenage girls and taking their virginity, Seth is no longer angry and recall the troops that was send to kill their children. But now, the villagers got nothing to eat. They are all starving to death.

The tax collector of the village felt sorry for the villagers, started to help the villagers. Open the storage of his home, to give what he can afford to give, to the villagers. The Mayor is again jealous, seen the love that the tax collector is receiving.

Which actress is best to play Nephthys

Karan Ashley

Hannah Simone

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