Sunday, December 8, 2019

Chapter 1 Part 1 of 3: Khnum

Khnum (ancient Egypt)
A few days later, Horus is finally strong enough to walk around.

Horus was invited to meet with the head of the people that saved his life.

Horus was led to a great hall.

In front of him, was an old man, he looked a little a bit like President Obama. This man his name is Khnum.

Inside the room there was Neith and four more Lieutenants, under the command of Khnum

Horus was led into the room via Serket.

Khnum is a great warrior, he enlisted in the army when he was only fourteen, to fight under the great pharaoh Ra, against the Apep. After the defeat of the Apep, he remains in service under the leadership of Pharaoh Gab and then under Osiris. Khnum was within the Special Forces known as "The Guardian of Nile".

Despite the Twenty-four elders and the Guardian of Nile, are of same standard elite cover operation unit. The Guardian of Nile, like modern Special Forces can function both as elite Cover operation unit and elite infantry unit. Yet, they number up to three hundred, way more in comparison to the Twenty-four elders.

This is due to, there are more that are loyal to Osiris, thus, the Guardian of the Nile, are able to have those from all branches of the army to try out for the Guardian of the Nile, while the Twenty-four elders must be chosen from the High Templar that Seth can be certain is loyal to him. Also due to there are more that are loyal to Osiris, the Guardian of the Nile never lack elite warriors to provide special train to get the soldiers up to that Special Forces standard, just like modern Special Forces. No elite warriors are willing to help Seth train his Special Forces, thus, the Twenty-four elders must rely completely on experience, to get them to that standard.

The Guardian of Nile got two Colonels, each command one hundred and fifty soldiers. A Major command fifty soldiers. A Captain command twenty five soldiers. A Lieutenant command five soldiers, including himself. A Sergeant command two soldiers including himself. The lowest rank within the Guardian of Nile is a Corporal. Much like modern Special Forces, the Guardian of Nile can serve both the function of elite infantry unit and elite cover operation unit, they are like the Japanese Samurai and the Japanese Ninja roll into one.

Seth tried to get the Guardian of Nile to submit to him, but when Seth initiate his military coup, the Guardians of Nile went AWOL, declare their loyalty to the one and only true Pharaoh, the pharaoh Osiris. They hold their ground and killed over three thousands of soldiers of Seth, until they were over run. What is left of the Guardian of the Nile, retreat to fight another day and form the rebels, to overthrow the rule of Seth. They also got many people embedded in the men of Seth. Neith is one of them.

By the time the Guardian of the Nile was overrun, Khnum was already a Major, within the Guardian of the Nile.

"You are Horus” Khnum asked

"You are correct.” Horus replied

"The one that been stealing the corps of Osiris.” Khnum asked again

“That is correct.” Horus replied “The pharaoh Osiris is a great pharaoh. His corps should not be humiliated this way.”

“You are either very brave or you are very stupid. Or, you are truly a man of Seth, trying to infiltrate us.” Khnum said “So, which is it?”

“If you suspect I might be an infiltration spy of Seth, why did you save my life?” Horus asked

“As a rebel head, it is my duty to be suspect everything.” Khnum said “Always be prepare for the worse.”

“I got no love for Seth. He killed my father.” Horus said

“Yet, you wear a badge, of a man of Seth.” Khnum said

“And, so did Neith, serve as the body guard for the daughter, of a princess of Seth.” Horus said “I got that badge, from a friend who is a friend of a Prefect of Seth. I do business with many Prefects. I am a trader of high class good and under the rule of Seth, the rich get wealthier, the poor get poorer. As a trader, I need to choose who I do business with and it is those who can afford to purchase the luxury goods.” Horus said

“I lost men, saving your life. The life of many men, in exchange for the life of one. This is normally not worth it. So, you better tell me, why are you worth it?” Khnum said

“And how am I supposed to know, whether you people are truly the men of Seth, trying to get information out of me?” Horus said

“I guess you are not speaking. Fine. Guards, lock him away.” Khnum said

The guards moved forward to try capture Horus. Horus started fighting the guards, they are no match against him. But Horus got no intention of killing the guards.

After seen it, Neith jump forward and engaged Horus, the two of them are evenly matched. Neith's fighting style is a mix between Amazonian and the Guardian of Nile. She is only a level six Amazonian and never completed her level five training, her further training, was by Khnum after she joined the rebels and she learn equally much from Khnum, as she learned from the Amazons. Neith isn't a genius like Horus and completed her Amazonian training in five years like most Amazonian, if she was not train by Khnum, she won't be a match against Horus.

Despite Neith is just an average student, Khnum is a great teacher and under Khnum's instruction, Neith progress at a speed, as fast as Horus. However, Neith is still six years older then Horus, twenty-four years old. She been with the rebels since she was nineteen.

“Amazonian fighting style. Where exactly did you learn it?” Neith said

“I got no idea what you are talking about.” Horus said

Neith and Horus continue to fight for eight moves.

“I can recognize any fighting style whether it is Amazonian or new fighting style, based on Amazonian, who is your master.” Neith said

“I got no idea what you are talking about” Horus said

Khnum had enough and jump forward to engage Horus.

Horus and Khnum fought a few moves, but Horus was no matched for Khnum and soon, Khnum knocked Horus to the ground

“Stay down, if I wanted to kill you, I would have done it, already.” Khnum said

Neith moved forward and wanted to engage Horus. But Khnum quickly raised his arm, signal for Neith to stop.

Suddenly, the alarm sounded.

A soldier ran in “My Lord, army of Seth, approaching.”

“Neith, go out and check what is going on.” Khnum said

“Yes, my Lord.” Neith replied

“My Lord, Horus has been with me the entire time, there is no way, and he gave this Intel to Seth.” Serket said

“I know.” Khnum said, he started walking out of the room


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