Saturday, December 14, 2019

Chapter Two Part 3 of 3: Resheph.

Book of Revelation: 24 elders
The mayor whose name is Job order for the soldiers to chase after the children of the village, whom escaped while the adults of the village fought to buy them time escape.

“All those who dare to define our Lord, God O Mighty must be punished! Because those children chose to escape rather then obey the will of our Lord God O Mighty, which is for them to die, these children must receive further punishment. Capture them if you can and bring them back. Those children should be skinned and tied up, under the sun during the day and the cold during the night, wearing no cloth. Pieces of their flesh should be cut down from their body, but not enough to kill them and they shall remain tied under the sun of the day and cold of the night, until they die, of the sun of the day, cold of the night or of thirst or starvation. Only when they cannot be capture shall you kill that child on the spot. All Hail our Lord! God O Mighty!” Job yelled

As for the infant that are too young to survive such torture long enough to die such painful death. Job order the solders to grab the infant and smashed their head against a rock

“Blessed is he who seize your infants and dashes them against the rocks!!!!! The Blessing of our Lord!!!! For you are doing the work of our God! OUR LORD!!!! OUR LORD GOD O MIGHTY!!!!!!!!” Job yelled

And that was what the soldiers of Seth did. They went into the forest and nearby village to find and capture any children they suspect to be from this village, capture the children and bring them back, if they can, kill them on the spot, if they couldn’t. Even the infant. Some of the infants from the village of Qadesh, escaped in the arm of teenage girls that are send to take the toddlers and infant to escape. When been captured by the soldiers of Seth, the teenage girls would be raped and then killed and the children brought back, to be executed in the manner that Job instructed. The babies, would be place in a line, where the soldiers of Seth grab huge rock and smashed them across their head, until the baby died.

“Your eye shall not pity them, for they are evil demonic thing from the devil, for they did not follow the will of our Lord GOD O MIGHTY!” Job yelled, as the soldiers executed the infants, smashing the rocks against their heads again and again. The infants seem to know, what is going on and won’t stop crying, when they was been placed in a row and prepare to have their heads been smashed apart.


As a group of children ran, from that village of Qadesh, escaping from the soldiers of Seth, they escape into a woods. Three children, led by an older boy that was eleven years old. Five soldiers chased after them.

Suddenly one soldier was killed by a figure that jumped down from the tree. The figure killed another soldier and smashed his head apart with his hammer.

“Blessed is he who seize your infants and dashes them against the rock. I believe that is your rally cry. Not so fun, when it is one of your own, getting your head been smashed apart, isn’t it?” the figure said. He is a masculine black man, wearing no shirt, but only pants, he got two hammers, one in each hand, he is wearing a mask, so, you cannot see his face.

“Who are you?” the Corporal in command said

“Go away now and I might just let you live.” The figure wearing the mask said

“By the order of our Lord, God O Mighty! You are order to surrender and stand down.” The Corporal said

“I worship no false gods, Seth.” The masked figure said calmly

“You shall not take the Lord’s name in vain.” The corporal said

“Seth, is a crazy little bitch.” The masked figure said

“You shall not take the Lord’s name in vain!” the corporal yelled and attacked, but the masked figure easily dogged to the left and smashed his hammer against the chest of the corporal and killed him.

The other three soldiers started running away. But the masked figure grabbed the spear of one dead soldier and throw it, killing one soldier. He grabbed the spear of the second dead soldier and killed another.

“Are you alright, child?” the masked figure said

“Yes, thank you, sir.” The eleven years old boy said

“Good” the man wearing the mask said

The man wearing the mask disappeared, he later reappeared in a small village when another team of Seth’s soldiers were about to kill two children. This time, it is a boy and a girl. The boy is about the age of seven, the girl is only four years old. The masked man grabbed his bow and killed two soldiers from behind.

The other three soldiers turned around and tried to engaged the man, he dogged to the side, killing the commanding corporal with his left hammer and further dogged killing another. He broke the last soldier’s spear with his hammers and killed that soldier on the spot.

Again and again, the man ambushed soldiers of Seth that are chasing after the children, in this gorilla warfare manner and killed thirty five soldiers and saved the life of sixteen children.

But the life of the children were still in danger, the masked figure gathered the children in a hidden location in the woods. That same eleven years old boy that the mask figure rescued first, was put in charged. The masked figure took off his mask, this man, is none the less, Min. After Anubis went to ask Thoth and Ma’at for help, Thoth and Ma’at send their servants to travel to the Mediterranean sea to find Min, whom they know is the only warrior great enough, to handle this situation and that to hide his identity, from the men of Seth, he changed his name into Baal.

Baal took a look at the children he saved, this is an era, where Min is yet, to become the powerful Lord that rule the Mediterranean sea, he is merely the Captain of one merchant ship that travel those waters.

One or two boys, he might be allow to let them work as the boy upon his ship, doing the lowest ranking sailor job, but the rest, he would need to find elsewhere for them to stay.

Min took a look at the eleven years old boy that he left in charge

“What is your name, child.” Min asked

“My name is Resheph.” The boy replied

What the bible say about killing children (shocking: must see)

Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock!
Psalm 137:9

Samaria shall bear her guilt, because she has rebelled against her God; they shall fall by the sword; their little ones shall be dashed in pieces, and their pregnant women ripped open.
Hosea 13:16

O daughter of Babylon, doomed to be destroyed, blessed shall he be who repays you with what you have done to us! Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock!
Psalm 137:8-9

Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has known man by lying with him. But all the young girls who have not known man by lying with him keep alive for yourselves.
Numbers 31:17-18

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