Friday, December 20, 2019

Chapter Three Part 1 of 3: Job

Book of Revelation: Lamb with 7 eyes and horns,
worshiped by the 24 elders, to free Yahweh
from his cage, at the bottom of the waters

The children, Min send some of them to Thoth and Ma’at, to be servants in their home. But despite been servants, Ma’at insist for the children to be educated and teach the children herself. Min himself picked two, to work as boys on his ship, one of the two boys is Resheph. The rest. Min through the help of his friends, managed to arrange places for them, some ended up working in the farms, other ended up with other ship Captains of the Mediterranean sea.

Qadesh and the other four children whose parents handed to Anubis, return with Anubis. Anubis let the girls to either work on his farm or in the laundry room, the boys was let to become apprentices with his palace blacksmiths.

When the news of Job winning the bet, the tax collector was instantly arrested by the soldiers that was assign to assist him to purge the village.

Seth was over joyed when he heard what Job did, he order the soldiers to bring forward the body of the dead children that Job has killed and happily rewarded Job, with a new mansion, many life stocks and many servants. Seth also chose a handful of beautiful women, which is assign to become Job’s adopted daughters. Adopted daughter is just a name, in reality, these women are there to service Job, sexually. Job praised Seth greatly.

Seth brought forward the tax collector and order for him to be thrown in prison and await his execution, which involved nailing him to a cross and let him die upon it.

Seth is overjoyed, day and night, he praised Job for his loyal service to him and hung the dead body of the sixty one dead children and infant proudly upon the city gates, as a sign of Job’s loyalty and submission to him and awarded Job many times, afterwards. The tax collector was been tortured day and night, within his underground cell, whipped, beaten, sleep deprivation treatment, leave in the cold with no cloth on. On the day of the execution, he was brought in front of Seth, as a man, beaten, naked and skinny to the bones.

By this stage, Seth has awarded Job with up to 7000 sheep, 3000 camels, 500 yoke of oxen and 500 female donkeys and made Job the wealthiest man in his city state.

There is something that Seth wants more, then to kill the tax collector, he want the tax collector to admit that Seth is the one and only true god and that he is a creation of Seth and that Seth created all things, thus, he must in all way submit to Seth. Anubis told the tax collector, if he just pretend to submit to Seth, Seth would let him live. But the tax collector refuse and cursed Anubis for it.

The day of the tax collector’s execution, he was thrown in front of Seth, by the soldiers, with a mob of spectators, that was rally to be in front of palace Yahweh, to witness the execution. Seth stood upon the balcony of the palace Yahweh

“Where did you come from?” Seth said, still wanting the tax collector to say that he comes from Seth

But the tax collector refuse to admit he is a creation of Seth “I come from the people that come to the earth and upon that earth I am born and upon that earth I walked up and down upon.” The tax collector said

Seth was angry, he want the tax collector to become more like Job

“You ever consider to be like my servant Job. There are nobody like him on earth. He is a blameless and upright man. He fear me, his one and only true god and turn away from the evil way of you alike.” Seth said

The tax collector laughed “You think he fear you for no reason, Seth? Didn’t you put a hedge of soldiers around his house and all he has? You blessed his work of genocide and increase his possession in land. But if you touch all that he has and I promise you Seth. He will curse you in your face!” the tax collector yelled

Seth was furious “Fine, I will let you see his loyalty, all that is of his should be destroy, only he should not be touched and we will see what happened!” Seth yelled “Your execution shall be delayed, to see how wrong are you!”

So, Seth order his soldiers to destroy everything Job got. At night archers with flaming arrows killed all of his servants and animals and they charged and raided the place killing every living thing and the daughters that was given to him via Seth, Seth executed them.

But Job know better then to cursed Seth right now. Job know, Seth is a mere shallow man that want to hear himself been flattered. Plus none of these children are truly his and he cannot be bothered to care less.

Job went to the Captain of the soldiers and asked him to give Seth a letter, upon the letter it wrote “I came naked into the world, from the womb of my mother. I shall leave naked also. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. Blessed to our Lord.” Job said

When Seth received the news, he was overjoyed and told his soldiers to bring out the tax collector and throw him to the ground in front of palace Yahweh, in front of him, with many spectator that Seth ordered the soldiers to round up. Seth once again sat upon the balcony of the palace Yahweh and he read out the letter that Job wrote to him.

After reading the letter, Seth turned to the tax collector

“Where did you come from?” Seth said to the tax collector

“I come from the people that come to the earth and upon that earth I am born and upon that earth I walked up and down upon.” The tax collector said again

Seth was  furious.

“You ever consider to be like my servant Job. There are nobody like him on earth. He is a blameless and upright man. He fear me, his one and only true god and turn away from the evil way of you alike.” Seth said

“That is because you didn’t harm his body. Touch his skin and his flesh and he will curse you!” the tax collector replied

So, Seth ordered his soldiers to attack Jobs home and burned it down to the ground and burn and torture him for day and night.

Job’s wife, came to see him. He only married Job for the money and now, seen what happened, she wants nothing to do with him. “Just curse Seth and die, so I can remarried” she said to him coldly and left.

This day again, Job was been dragged to the public court and been tortured by the soldiers. “Why didn’t I die at birth, then none of this would happen and I will never need to suffer through these pain that Seth is putting me through!” Job started crying.

But Job’s friends showed him no sympathy, Job got no real friend, not after what he did to that village. Instead they just want to take the opportunity to suck up to Seth, by cursing Job and with so many spectators, there are many that can witness them cursing Job.

“How dare you question and complain about the will of our Lord, God O mighty.” Eliphaz jumped upon the alter where Job was been tortured and said

“My complaint is just, Eliphaz and by the look of it, my life, no longer have hope” Job said weakly

But Job’s so call friend, just want to suck up to Seth, in exchange for wealth and status. “You should repent to our Lord God O Mighty” Bildad whom also walked upon the alter said.

“My sin? Where is the arbitor! Who is the justice that come to settle this dispute! I give you my whole Seth! I killed for you! What more you want from me!” Job yelled in anger

“You deserve worse! Our Lord God O Mighty, is always right! How dare you ask for an arbitor to settle the dispute! Even if Seth come to a house and accidentally set your house on fire, it is your fault, for not making your home fireproof.” said Zophar, his third so call friend, as he walked onto the alter

“Seth did this to me, but do not for a second think I am inferior to you, just because if I don’t obey him! Still, I got hope in him. I hope. Sooner or later death will come to us all, even to Seth and his tyranny rule would end” Job replied

But Job’s so call friends are only interest in taking the chance to suck up to Seth.

“This wicked man does not fear or respect our Lord God O Mighty!” Eliphaz yelled to the crowd of spectators

“Miserable comforter you are.” Job replied softely.

“God punish the wicked and you are wicked!” Bildad yelled to the spectators, pointing to Job.

“My only mistake is to follow the wicked way of Seth. Those who follow the will of the wicked, die by the will of the wicked.” Job said

“This wicked man shall suffer!” Zophar yelled, to the spectators pointing to Job

“The wicked do prosper” Job said, looking at Zophar with so much hate.

“Job’s is a great Evil!” Eliphaz once again yelled towards the crowd of spectators pointing at Job

“Where is Seth! Come in front of me and let me confront him for such injustice!” Job yelled

“God is righteous!” Bildad said

“Righteous? Seth’s majesty cannot be found!” Job yelled “This is what it is like living under the rule of Seth, fear and oppression, treating us like maggot, for his amusement. I did no wrong and I know it. I use to be like a King, now, I am been cursed like a slave. But I will maintain my integrity.”

The three man no longer be bother to answer Job and left, but before leaving, they gave a bag of gold to the Captain of the guard, asking him to make sure that Seth would know of the conversation today. So the Captain made sure that Seth heard of the message.

When Seth heard of how Job cursed him, he was furious, but he was happy to hear the three man, that proclaim his greatness and rewarded them with much land and wealth.

When seen how much wealth the three men got, just by doing what they did. Elihu, the son of Bildad, also wants a piece of it. The next time Job was been pulled in front of the spectator in the city square and was been tortured by the soldiers, Elihu was quick to jumped onto the alter.

“God is great! And God is Just! How dare Job say that Job is right and God took his justice away and conduct unjust upon him! You should be ashamed of yourself, Job! You, Job is wicked!” Elihu said screaming towards the spectator and pointing at Job.

Elihu dropped to his knee and started to pray “Holy, holy, holy is the lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come.” Elihu yelled

The spectator none of them love Seth, but they didn’t dare not to get down on their knee and pray also

“You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things and by your will they were created and have their being” the crowd said, with disgust

The book of revelation, probably one of the shortest book within the bible less then thirty thousand words. But due to the thickness of the bible, very rarely properly read.

There are great difference between the pop culture and the actual bible version of this story.

The pop culture image the rise of the evil Anti-Christ and its army of demon and Michael the General of Yahweh led the angels to fight them.

The actual bible account is different. It tells the story that Yahweh originally been sealed under the water, was been released via the 24 elders that worshiped the ox, eagle, owl and human with 6 wings and eyes all around and lamb with 7 eyes and horns, sacrificed the lamb with 7 eyes and horn, to free Yahweh. When Yahweh is free, he release his army of angels and the four horsemen of the apocalypse to seek revenge on the world, for not worshiping him as one and only true god and not serving his will above all else and invaded the kingdom of Babylon. When Satan saw this, Satan (depicted as a female) led her army of demons to fight against Yahweh's army, to protect humanity, hence a great war took place. An angry Yahweh continue to punish those who refuse to serve him and worship him as one and only true god, above all else. The punishment claim in the book of revelation, reflect what soldiers normally experience in war and many people who live upon the land conquered by Yahweh, as punishment for not serving Yahweh and worship Yahweh as one and only true god, Yahweh gathered them in a giant wine press and squash them to their death. Yahweh then turn his attack upon Egypt and send his two prophets, to foreseen the future, as they do so, they torture the people of Egypt. So, Satan killed the two prophets. The people of Egypt celebrate the 2 prophet's death, so an angry Yahweh, send a giant earthquake upon Egypt and the Egyptians surrendered. Eventually Satan gathered army from all four corners of the world and pushed Yahweh's force back, till Yahweh only control, his last strong hold and had Yahweh's city destroyed. So, Yahweh destroyed the world only taking his faithful followers to his new world. 

However, base on the Christian/Judaism/Islamic believe for Yahweh to be always right and just, their doctrine's believe think what Yahweh is doing here is good, fair and just and it is Satan's action of protecting humanity from having to submit to be Yahweh's slave and worship him as one and only true god, otherwise executed, to be conducting something evil. 

If we look at the book of revelation objectively, we realized, what the bible is doing is like, if Nazi won WW2 and after Hitler died, the Nazi said, not worshiping Hitler as one and only true god to be evil. And ironically, in China, during the Mao Zedong era, the same thing happened, despite Mao was still alive, between 1960~1976, in school, the children are made to pray to Mao 3 times a day and to follow the concept of "Let Mao's will be done" and "Mao is always right", much like the Christian concept of Yahweh is always right and let Yahweh's will be done. The only thing that is missing from Mao Communist era was they didn't say "not to take Mao's name in vain." 

The story of the book of revelation, might be a fiction inspire by the Israel Babylonian war. (601BC~586BC) as the two stories greatly parallel, but with an alternative ending with Yahweh's victory. In actual historical record, ancient Israel went full on ISIS style against their neighbor nations, the Kingdom of Babylon for worshiping other gods, which is not Yahweh. The war led to the ultimate defeat of Israel and been conquer by the Babylonians, which to end the threat of the Yahweh cult, torn down all Yahweh temples in Israel and took the Israel leaders and Yahweh faith priests, back to Babylon as hostage. It is during this time, the Yahweh faith became a religion of the paper and the Torah emerged and Yahweh worshiping became the religion Judaism that we know today and later, Christianity and Islam. 

Within the book of Revelation the war literally was with the Babylonians, most punishment that Yahweh implement upon the Babylonians reflect hardship face, especially by soldiers during war. The Euphrates river the main river of ancient Babylonian Kingdom was been mention repeatedly, including the original cage Yahweh was been seal within, was at the bottom of that river and in the end, it claim when Yahweh destroy the world and went to the new world, there was no temple of Yahweh, as Yahweh is the temple itself, parallel with similar to when ancient Israel was defeated, the temples of Yahweh was torn down and Yahweh faith become a religion of paper.

The reference of Satan here, might be the combination of Ishtar and Lilith. Lilith is the later Judaism re imagined version of Ishtar. In early Judaism mythology, Lilith was been refer to be a demon even more powerful then Yahweh and rebel against Yahweh's order to marry Adam and instead marry a demon (Osiris) that lived by the red sea. Furious, Yahweh send his angels to create a giant flood to destroy the world, saying that he would kill 100 of Lilith's children per day. As a revenge, Lilith killed the angels and a great war took place, many angels died, until Lilith was driven into the abyss. And Lilith seek revenge for her dead children by curing the children of Yahweh, by creating the succubus to kill the sons of Adam and cause the daughters of Adam to have miscarriage. This story was later taken out of the Torah, due to it contradict the believe of Yahweh's power.

Interesting, within the book of revelation, it refer to Satan also as "The Great Prostitute" and he say the filth that is created through her sexual act in relationship that disobey Yahweh, is human, the human language, human nations and human civilization.

Interestingly, Ishtar the single goddess that transpire in every culture, in Euro Asia, mythology, in many cultures she is been referred to as the Mother Goddess and is the mother of all humanity and living been on the earth. This is especially in modern Hindu and China Taoism. She was known by different names in different culture, including Athena (GreeK), Aphrodite (Greek) (Ishtar+Hathor) Freya (Norse) Frigg (Norse), Nuwa (China) Innann (Persia), Astarte (Mediterranean Sea), Ishtar (Mediterranean Sea/Babylon) Isis (Egypt), Nuwa 女媧 (China) and Devi (Hindu). In Chinese mythology when the demon 蚩尤 an evil black dragon send a giant flood to destroy the world, for not worshiping him as one and only true god and serve his will above all else, it is Nuwa that killed the black dragon and ended the flood.


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