Friday, December 13, 2019

Chapter Two Part 2 of 3: Massacre

Book of Revelation: Four Horsemen
So, the mayor again wrote a letter to Seth telling Seth that the reason the peasants are able to avoid paying tax, is due to the tax collector has been letting them get away for under reporting the amount of wheat they produce.

When Seth heard the news, he was again furious. But the people love the tax collector and inform him of it and on that very same day, the tax collector also wrote a letter to Seth, it said the mayor is the one that force him to turn a blind eye to the villagers, for under reporting the amount of wheat they produce for tax purpose, because they are starving under the 90% tax rate and claim the mayor think that the life of the villagers is more important than paying tribute to Seth, saying “Job (the mayor) says that ‘Seth got more food then he need, so the starving children is more important, then serving the will of Seth’ and force me to overlook their under reporting.”

Seth was furious and demand to kill the Mayor. But the Mayor, claim that the tax collector is lying and it is the tax collector who believe the life of the starving children is more important then the will of Seth.

Seth was furious and brought both of them in front of him, both men claim to be the loyal servant of Seth and the other is the one that think the life of the starving children is more important then serving the will of Seth, because Seth won’t starve.

After seen the two of them argued, Seth became furious “ENOUGH!” Seth yelled in anger.

This got both men to stay quiet, otherwise, Seth might have both their head, especially considering his emotionally unstable state.

“This what we are going to do. Each of you would be given fifty soldiers to assist you. Your mission is simple. Kill every men, women and children of that village. Whoever is the first to complete the task and give them the most brutal death, I will believe him, the other one, I will kill.” Seth said

The tax collector was shocked and went to ask for Anubis for help. Anubis was only fourteen during that time, send his servants to find great warriors to protect the people of the village and ask for help from his mentor Thoth and Ma’at. Anubis spend the night riding to the village accompany only by his six body guards. Anubis reached the village before the soldiers of the mayor arrived, saying he can save the life of five boys and five girls.

“I will tell the mayor’s soldiers that I came to this village to personally oversight the process of the massacre to make sure the village is been thoroughly purged and with me I bring my servants, which are these children.” Anubis told the villagers.

Angry at Seth, the villagers displace their anger towards Anubis.

“Enough!” cried Anubis’ body guard, Gabriel. “He came here to do what he can to save you or maybe I should just kill you all now!”

Anubis told Gabriel to lower his weapon and prepare to leave.

The villagers claim that they don’t need Anbuis’ help and they can take care of themselves. But some parents, worry about their children’s life was soon to send their children off with Anubis and Anubis gathered three girls and two boys, amount them was Qadesh, which was only ten years old during that time.

When the soldiers of Seth came, the peasants of the village furiously fought back, but as mere peasants they were no match against the soldiers of Seth and was getting wiped out by the forces of Seth.

When seen it, Qadesh wanted to scream, but a servant of Anubis quickly covered her mouth, fearing that she revealed her identity as a girl from this village.

But Qadesh never forget the face the Captain that ruthlessly killed her entire village, that young Captain is Michael, which would one day be the General of Seth’s army and from that day forward Qadesh promise that one day, when the opportunity come, she would kill Michael, to avenge her people and her parents’ death. 

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