Sunday, December 22, 2019

Chapter Three Part 3 of 3: Brothel

Horus vs Seth (ancient Egypt)
So, for over a period of one and a half year, every once per few days, Job would enter Quadesh’s room during the night and rape her. One day Qadesh had enough. Job whom now only got one hand left, due to the other hand been smashed beyond repair by Seth, was eager to tell Qadesh to go take a shower, after Qadesh spend her day working the farm. That is Qadesh’s everyday life, during the day, it is farm work, during the night, whore. Qadesh now thirteen years old, secretly hide a dagger beneath her pillow, when Job went into Qadesh’s room that night, Job didn’t realize how Qadesh wasn’t screaming and resisting with all her strength, like she normally would, the only thing Job care about is his physical pleasure. Afterwards, Job fell asleep, like he always do after raping Qadesh. Qadesh grabbed the dagger out from beneath her pillow and stabbed Job, she stabbed him repeatedly, again and again and again and again and Job died on the spot.

Afterwards, Qadesh ran, she ran out of the house, she kept running, she doesn’t know where is she going, she just know she need to keep on running. For day and night, three days and three nights, until one day she fall asleep under a tree. Coming towards the meadow where Qadesh sleep was a shepherd boy, that is fourteen years old, only a year older then Qadesh. He find Qadesh to be really beautiful. When Qadesh woke up, she was shocked and frighten, but she was also very hungry, after she hasn’t ate for three days. Everyday, when the boy come to meadow to herd his sheep, he would bring extra food for Qadesh to eat and after a while, the two children would also start talking. The boy’s parents wonder why their son is always eating so much food and one day followed him in hiding and saw what happened. The boy’s mother decide to let Qadesh come to their home and stay with them. Because Qadesh and the boy like each other, they hope to get married. The parents of the boy at first disagree, thinking that they are still too young and despite it is common practice for girls to get married in their teens, during that era, for a girl that is under the age of sixteen, still require the consent of her parents, as she most likely won’t have the maturity to make such important life decision and Qadesh’s parents are dead and so are all other elders of her family. But Qadesh seem to be a nice girl and she and her son like each other. The boy’s parents thought for a day and a night. The next day, the boy’s mother let Qadesh and the boy to be in front of her and talk to them about the commitment of marriage and why it shouldn’t be entered lightly, without good consideration. She want the children to think it over separately for seven days and if they still wants to be married, afterwards, she and the boy’s father would agree to the union. When the two children still claim they want to be married seven days later, the boy’s parents agree to the marriage, as they promised.

After the marriage, everyday Qadesh would accompany the boy to the meadow to herd sheep and with two people working together, more sheep can be managed. But after eight months of marriage, Qadesh caught the eye of a local man of Seth. Under the law of Seth, a man of Seth can have the wife of any person who isn’t a man of Seth, if he killed her husband. So, when Qadesh's husband refuse to give Qadesh to him, as his whore, this man of Seth killed Qadesh's husband. Considering Qadesh's husband is a fourteen years old boy with no training, he naturally is no match against this fifty years old man in a fight. The man hold Qadesh's husband to the ground, as he used a rock to smashed it against Qadesh's husband head, again and again, until he died, there was blood everywhere. 

Qadesh ran home, seeking help, she found both her father in law and mother in law are dead, killed by the soldiers of Seth, by the order of this man of Seth and that man of Seth burst into the house with soldiers of Seth as his backup, he order the soldiers of Seth to wait outside, while he forced himself upon Qadesh and raped her. The man of Seth order for Qadesh's husband to be cut into five pieces, including head, body and four limbs and to be hung on the streets, as a warning to any men who refuse to give their wife to him, for sex.

Qadesh doesn’t want to be the wife of this man and with the help of others from the village, Qadesh escaped. Qadesh traveled far, all the way to Israel and was adopted by the local brothel.

An interesting fact about brothel of some ancient cultures, prostitutes are always the best educated for their era. Some ancient culture, already realized that men are more likely to be sexually attracted to a woman that is smart and well educated. This is an evolution instinct. Just like women might find alpha male, to be a sexually desirable trade. By been nice, smart, independent, rational and better educated, helps make a woman a better mother, as a result, evolution led men to find a woman to be more sexually attractive, when she is nice, smart and well educated. Some ancient society including China and Japan, already realized it, during the era where most women are very ill educated, the brothels like to seek out young girls from extremely poor family but the brothel owner can tell, she would be really beautiful when she grow up and offer to take the girl in, via a contract, with her parents, the contract agreement, dictate for the brothel would take good care of the girl and raise her, on her parent's behalf, but after she turn sixteen, she must serve number of years within the brothel. 

It is the intention, to later make these girls high class escorts, not just some cheap prostitute. Been beautiful is simply not enough for the girls to be sexually desirable enough as high class escorts, she also needed to be educated. After the brothel took in the young girls, the brothel owner would start to educate the girls, by sending them to school or hiring tutors to educate the girls, in addition, the girls also need to learn performance arts, such as dance, music and singing and in addition, they also need to serve as the brothel cleaners. By the time the girls turn sixteen her level of education should at least be of high school standard. Qadesh was a fast learner, so the brothel owner was willing to take her in and when she reached the age of sixteen Qadesh became a high class escort.   

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