Monday, December 23, 2019

Chapter Four Part 1 of 3: Spy

Qadesh never forget about the face of Michael that destroy her family, her village and became the reason, why she ended up in a brothel. Qadesh counted the day where her contract with the brothel is over and she can leave to seek revenge, upon Michael. In a world where the majority of women are not that well educated, an educated women stand out and considering Qadesh is already really beautiful, having the substance of an educated woman just make her seem more desirable. It is not hard, for her to get the reputation as one of the most desirable high class escort in all of Israel. It has gone to the extend, where Qadesh doesn’t even always need to sleep with the client, as she generate enough money for herself and the brothel, just having men booking her for her company, men whose wife cannot even read and write and cannot have intellectual discussion with him. But occasionally, Qadesh still need to sleep with the clients, but not very often.

But one thing positive did come from been in the brothel for Qadesh, it let her get educated and knowledge is power and one day, she intent to one day use this to her advantage to seek revenge for her family and her village.

One day, Qadesh came across a client that booked her for a wealthy party, Qadesh is there merely as a performer and to dance. The client book a large hall, where Qadesh and number of dancers danced and that night, Qadesh entered the room of the client. But the client had no interest in sleeping with Qadesh, but tested her ability in seduction, performance, dancing and her sexual desirability.

A few weeks later, that same client returned, but again, Qadesh was only book to perform as a dancer and that night, when Qadesh entered his room, sex is again, not on the table. Just like that, Qadesh came across that client in the same manner, over a period of months.

Finally, one day the same client booked Qadesh again. But this time, there are no party. The client’s people led her onto a boat and from the boat, she travel to the island Gozo of the Mediterranean Sea. By this time the forces of Baal has dominated the Mediterranean Sea, Qadesh was led to an office of a small fishing harbor of these waters, this place, unlike the mainland, there isn’t the sight of homeless and people starving to death on the streets. The people spoke well of Baal’s rule and how the economy recover since he took power, in the region. The harbor was full of fishermen loading their catch onto the land. Qadesh enter a small lounge room within a building, the lounge room face a court yard and there was a swimming pool in the court yard. A while later that same client enter the room. The lounge room was private, with no other people in it. The client close the curtain, so the people outside cannot see the conversation inside and sat down on a chair, across Qadesh.

The client put a piece of animal skin with writing on the table and asked Qadesh to read it. Qadesh read the writing on it, after finish reading it, Qadesh soon realized, these people doesn’t want her as a prostitute, they want her, as a spy and who make a better spy, then a beautiful, intelligent woman that is both erotic and seductive and know how to seduce a man?

“And why do you trust me? You know I am an escort.” Qadesh asked, despite been a prostitute isn't doing anything wrong, because it is not hurting anybody, people that become prostitute, got a reputation of not been good people. They got the reputation to be the type of people that would do anything for money, even if it means committing murder and their only loyalty is towards money, otherwise, they won't be willing to do such demeaning job.

“Because, I know about your history. Your village was been genocide by the forces of Seth. The Captain that led the genocide, Michael, is now the General of Seth’s army. I know you were been forced to be a daughter of Job at the age of twelve and was been raped by him, until one day you had enough and killed him and escaped. And to survive, you ended up in a brothel.” The client said

Qadesh is surprised, she never told anybody about her past, before she become a prostitute.

“If you are able to get that information, you should know, it won’t be hard for Seth’s men to get those info, also.” Qadesh said

“But the only problem is that, I didn’t get most of those info through checking up on you. I got those info, because I am from that village also. My name is Resheph.” The client said

“Resheph? You are Resheph?” Qadesh was surprised, this is the same boy that use to play with her, near the waterfall.

“You want revenge on Seth this is your chance.” Resheph said

Inspire by real event that took place during the late Han dynasty (202BC~220AC) "Diaochan", a novel written in the early 14th century told the story when a nutritious warlord hold the Emperor hostage and as a puppet, the Governors of the Southern States of China form a plan to rescue the Emperor, by sending a beautiful woman, to become the warlord's mistress and create friction between the Warlord and his General, so, the Southern States' army can defeat the Warlord and rescue the Emperor

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