Saturday, December 21, 2019

Chapter Three Part 2 of 3: You can't reason with a crazy person

The sound of Job continue to condemn Seth, went into the ear of Seth and he was furious. When he first heard of Elihu praising his majesty, Seth is overjoyed and rewarded him with much wealth and women, for his sexual pleasure.

But Seth was still furious at how Job condemn him and chose to go their to personally seek his revenge.

Days has passed, Job was again been dragged onto the streets by the soldiers and upon the alter, in front of so many spectators, the soldiers once again torture Job, burning his skin with fire.

“Curse you Seth! Curse YOU!” Job screamed in pain, as the soldiers burned his skin.

“ENOUGH!” A voice burst into existence from behind.

This voice is that of Seth, surrounded by his soldiers.

The crowd went down on their knee, so did the soldiers.

The angered Seth walked to the alter and gave Job a furious beating.

“Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation! Who determined its measurements! Who laid the corner stone when the stars sings! Was it you? Or me!” Seth screamed in anger as he beat Job angrily hitting, punching and kicking.

“It was I who close the doors of the sea, when it was born! And created the clouds! NOT YOU!!!” Seth screamed in anger, he sat upon Job and punched him across the face again and again and again, until Job’s tooth fell out

“Was it you that command the morning and dawn! Have you ever enter the depth of the sea! Has the gate of hell been reveal to you! NO!!!!!!!!” Seth screamed so angrily, that he looked about he is about pop a vain, Seth’s face is all red, he grabbed Job to his feet punch him furiously and threw him over and used a hammer and heavily smashed down upon one of his hand

“HAVE YOU ENTERED THE HOUSE WHERE THE SNOW ARE BEEN STORE!!!!!!? WHAT ABOUT HAIL THAT I RESERVE FOR WAR!!!!!  CAN YOU GO UP INTO THE CLOUDS WHEN THERE IS A FLOOD!!!!!!? DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY CLOUDS ARE THERE!!!!!!? NO, I CAN!!!!!!!!!!! HOW DARE YOU QUESTION ME!!!!!!!! HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!?” Seth screamed as he repeatedly smashed Job’s hand again and again in anger, until the bone been smashed to powder.

“ANSWER ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?” Seth yelled in anger as he punched Job again and again and again. Seth’s punched Job so heavily, Job fell to the ground.

Seth was both screaming  angrily and crying in the same time, now. “ANSWER ME!!!!!!!!!!!?” Seth screamed in anger, as he cry.

Job lied on the ground, he said nothing.

“WHAT CAN YOU DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?” Seth screamed in anger

Seth’s insanity gave him a great imagination, of what he did and can do.

Job know Seth is a little man that just like to hear people sucking up to him and Job decided to humor him “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Job said softly “I know you can do all those things and everything you do must be just and therefore I despise myself and repent.”

Technically speaking, Seth has lost his bet with the tax collector. But in Seth’s view, Seth is always right. So, it cannot possibly be a situation where he is wrong. Therefore, Seth’s mind started twisting the facts to convince himself that he is right. Considering Job has apologized, Seth convinced himself that Job never fail in his loyalty towards Seth and never cursed Seth and has and is still that same loyal servant of Seth that never changed. This is a recognized mental disorder by psychologist. Sometime, when a person believe in something badly enough they start evaluate everything in a manner in coalition with their believe, by looking for examples and constructing opinion in favor of the believe and ignore all else. White supremacists is a best example of such, when white supremacists use to rule Australia, they disallow blacks to receive proper education, fearing they would surpass the whites and then claim the reason black people are not getting decent jobs, is because they are lazy. Due to there is a long era where white supremacists dominated western politics, there are many distortion to history, there are many none western innovation that influenced the west prior to the industrial revolution, the mainstream western view, till date still think it is a western innovation that influence the world. For example, modern university system, is actually an Egyptian system, the civil service examination system used in UK, US and France and many other western nations, is actually from the Chinese. What we today refer to as western medicine, is actually Arabic medicine. Real western medicine died with the fall of Roman Empire, but much later Arabic medicine was introduced to the west, for most of the dark ages, when people got sick, they just went to the church and prey, which is part of the reason why, the black plague lasted for 100 years, because people only practice this sort of voodoo none sense, when they get sick. The list of historical distortion to maintain the concept of “white race is the master race” continue, due to the political power and influence of the white supremacists during that era. Many still got an influence till date, in fact, even the concept of “race” is none sense invented by white supremacists. Biologist has since long ago claim, the very concept of people of different skin color to be of different race, is none sense. To scientifically qualify as different race or by the scientific term “breed”, require minor DNA difference between each breed and still similar enough to produce offspring and their offspring can produce offspring and so on, like you see amount different breeds of dogs. However, amount all races of human, such DNA difference never existed. Instead, what happen is, human are always capable of producing those with a great variety of skin color via human DNA. But natural selection favor certain skin colors in certain arena. Black skin tone are better protected from sun burn and skin cancer, is the heated sun of Africa. Caucasian skin tone, make better camouflage in the icy cold snow of Europe. But ultimately, there are no DNA difference, between the two race or any other Homo Sapiens. The concept of human are of different race is none the less invented by European white supremacists, as a method to justify white race is the master race, but its strong influence remain till date, where the majority of modern people, still believe people of different skin color, is of different race! 

Seth’s mind started to work, on distorting facts in a manner that allow to say, he won the bet against the tax collector and ended up saying that Job never cursed him, because he repent, therefore, it is not a situation where he cursed him. It is not so surprising consider Seth would even distorted fact in a manner that allows him to believe that he created the entire universe. Therefore, in his mind Seth won the bet against the tax collector and order for the tax collector’s execution. Seth order for the tax collector to have a hook stab right through his stomach and through the hook, have him hung upon a tree and died this way, slowly and painfully and that is how the tax collector died.

But in Seth mind, information started to change, the three friends of Job that he rewarded, for cursing against Seth, if Job never cursed Seth and never seize been loyal to Seth, then Seth rewarded them for the wrong reason. In Seth’s mind information started to change to say that he know what Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar is doing, all along, but decide to play the fool and put Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar to the test and see whether they would repent for their sins, but they didn't repent for their sins. So, now, Seth order for Eliphaz, bildad and Zophar to be executed. Seth order the soldiers to cut upon their stomach and cut out their guts, while they are still alive and let them slowly died that way and that was how the three men died.

Seth decided to restored Job’s wealth, with 14000 sheep, 6000 camels, 1000 yokes of oxen and 1000 female donkeys. Seth started pick the most beautiful young girls he can find to be Job’s daughters. Amount those who are been picked was Qadesh, which was working in the laundry room of Anubis’ palace and was been renamed as Keziah. These three girls are only daughters in name, but whore in practice and during her first night within Job’s home, she was been raped by Job, despite only been of twelve years old, during the time.

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