Saturday, December 28, 2019

Chapter Six Part 3 of 3: Way of the thug

Taweret (ancient Egypt)
Horus, Neith, Serket and Hathor entered the city of Cynopolis, which is the city that is closest to the plague village. Cynopolis has increasingly become the wealthiest city in all of Egypt, the reason? Its new Prefect, is nobody, other than Anubis.

Nephthys once send Anubis to a warrior school for boys that was later destroyed by Seth. It was the order of Seth to kill every child, within that school, but, when the senior officers saw Anubis, they recognized him and brought him back to Seth.

Nephthys who never found Anubis’ body, thought that Anubis is dead.

After been returned to Seth. Ma’at decided to talk to Seth and offer to become Anubis’ teacher. Ma’at got a good reason for it. If there is nothing she could do about the tyranny of Seth, she would mole Anubis, into the ideal pharaoh that the world deserves. Ma’at didn’t tell Seth of his intention, of course. But claim that knowledge is power and power allows control over the people and who got more knowledge then she and her husband Thoth? Ma’at claim she is doing this, because she only wants to serve Seth. Seth loves it, when people are sucking to him and was quick to agree.

Ma’at and Thoth became Anubis’ tutor. Anubis didn’t disappoint Thoth and Ma’at and he became somebody that would be a wise and humane pharaoh. But, the one person that is unhappy about it, is Seth. Ma’at believes in the law of peace and humanity. Within a nation, create a peaceful society for the people, within the international community create a society of peace and harmony with mutual respect. 

Seth is a thug and thugs believes that "I am always right". Most thugs are narcissist. Narcissism, now define as a form of mental illness, those who suffer this form of mental illness lack empathy and consideration for other people, they need excessive admiration, as a result, in their world it is my way or the high way. 

When Sandam Hassan rule Iraq, he can’t be bother to care less what people do, his two sons, rape any woman they find to be sexually attractive and when Sandam was to be hung, he still think he did nothing wrong and it is the people that are at fault for not serving his will. In China, during the era of Mao Communist rule, Mao believe he is right so much, when his communism policy was falling apart and even some from within his own party was proposing to allow capitalism to a certain extend, Mao's response was to start the culture revolution and kill 10% of China's population that he deem a threat to his communism believe.

In our society, gangster frequently play double standard, where he expect people to keep their commitment to him, but doesn't keep their own commitment to others. They demand for other to obey and honor their will regardless of circumstances and would do whatever they want. It is no wonder, some cops, would turn off their cameras and just start bashing up a gangster or even torture a gangster senselessly, considering what these thugs are like, it is the only way to keep them in line, to bully the thugs into submission, so they are not able to conduct their act of tyranny against others. These thugs believe they are always right, even if they kidnap women and sold them into prostitution, they in their twisted logic think they did nothing wrong. In their own twisted logic, thugs think they can do no wrong and it is always everybody else's fault. So, the only way to keep them in line is force them into submission through intense case of bullying. So, sometime cops turn off the camera and just start beating and torturing a thug, it is their way of keeping themselves and the community safe from these thugs. It has also been proven thugs that are tortured, are less likely to re-offend, during the 19th century, Japanese law chop off people's hand if caught committing crime such as robbery and Japanese street was the safest of the time, Singapore today, practice beating upon criminals as a form of punishment (but under the supervision of medical professional, to ensure the beating won't lead to death or lasting injury) where criminals are been tied up and beaten by jailers via whip repeatedly (but the whip is disinfected first, so the whip wound won't cause bacteria infection upon the criminals) and Singapore's street is one of the safest. Singapore justice system can be a point of reference, they torture the criminals, causing them to fear to re-offend, but it is kept under strict guideline, as strict as occupation health and safety law, to ensure the torture would remain medically safe and won't lead to death or lasting injury, copy this Singapore system, might helps to dramatically decrease the rate of crime, including violent crime.

It is like in the zoo, when the alpha is a jerk and the zoo keeper gave another gorilla a piece of gorilla, the alpha start banging on the cage telling the other gorilla "If you eat that you are dead." But if the alpha is good, he protect the pack.

In human society what normally happen is, when the alpha is a jerk, a lot time, eventually all the beta join together, because together, they are the alpha and they overthrow the tyranny of the evil alpha and form a society base on peace, harmony and justice, but when the alpha is great, everybody rally behind the alpha and support him to help maintain a society of peace, harmony and justice.

Hence, why Seth is so angry when the peasants chose to prioritize the survival of their children, over serving him and the tax revenue of Seth’s rule is not to serve the nation, but to serve Seth. Like all thugs, Seth is a narcissist, so he demand to be respected and when the peasants chose to prioritize their sick and dying children, over serving his will, he felt the peasants mistreated him, leading Seth to go insane and start yelling “REVENGE! REVENGE! REVENGE!” like a crazy person. So, when seen Anubis prioritize the peasants like that and is humane towards the peasants, like that, it makes Seth furious, he think Anubis is weak, because of it.

However, Anubis is always tactful in his dealing with Seth, he would say stuff such as “if you kill every one of these fishermen, who will be there to pay tribute to our Lord God Almighty, via fish?” or “let them see how merciful you are, by not killing them, but chose to forgive them, for not sending their daughters to be your whore” and, a lot of times, it works.

Which actress is best to play Taweret?

Hattie Winston

Sherri Shepherd

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