Sunday, December 29, 2019

Chapter Seven Part 2 of 3: Anubis

Anubis (Ancient Egypt)
Abubis came to the city of Cynopolis with two regiments of troops and met up with Michael over here.

Michael isn’t happy to see him “Just a reminder, you might be the son of Seth, but I am still the General of the army.” Michael said

“And may I remind you. You might be the General of the army, but I am also the crown prince and to that extend I outrank you.” Anubis said

“Are you here, as a Colonel or the Crown Prince of the world?” Michael said

“The crown prince of the world.” Anubis said

Travelling with Anubis is Ma’at and his most loyal servant Ammit.

Michael isn’t happy and he isn’t afraid to show it, but he still acts according to formality

“My Lord.” Michael got off his horse and said and with that gave the command staff to Anubis.

During this time, within the city of Cynopolis tension has reached height. The soldiers that was originally send to kill the gays, has now joined the people of the city, to riot against the rule of Seth.

Each regiment got one thousand soldiers, Anubis and Michael together got four regiments under their command and that is four thousand soldiers. In addition there are the Cynopolis city guards that regrouped outside the city, due to not been prepared for this attack that is four thousand and five hundred soldiers.

The mob within the city of Cynopolis is no match against such fighting force.

The people within the city made two attempts to attack the army, before Anubis came, both time, Michael’s men repealed them. Michael is planning to send in the troops to massacre the city. But Anubis is currently disallowing it, Anubis know it would be a blood bath, ultimately, the soldiers would win and burn the city to the ground, killing every man, women and children, the beautiful women would be raped, before been killed. 

But it would be at high cost, to the soldiers also. This blood bath, is something that Anubis won’t want to see, regardless of the genocide of the city or the mass lost of soldiers that are just following orders and most of those whom are of lower rank, only join the army, to escaping having to pay the insane high tax rate of Seth.

Michael cannot be bother to care less, all he wants to see is to end this riot, as soon as possible, he cannot be bother to care less, about what is happening to the soldiers or the people within the city.

“May I remind you, that your loyalty should be to your father, not the peasants.” Michael said

That make Anubis furious, human are pack animals and a pack that settle upon a land, is a tribe, the position of the pharaoh is the Chieftain of the tribe. But, just like Seth, Michael believe in the way of the thugs,

“And would you like to explain to my father, why you waste away over half of his entire army Division, over nothing?” Anubis said

“Who cares about what happened to the soldiers, they are just tools, expendable resource.” Michael said

“Do you think I care about the life of those soldiers, I care about you wasting away my father’s resource as if it is nothing, my father’s valuable resource that he use to show those peasants who is their one and only true god and Lord almighty and to punish them, when they refuse to serve his will. What will my father use, when men like you, waste away his entire army like it is nothing? Or has that always been your intention, to waste away my father’s soldiers like they are nothing, until there are not enough left, for him to hold his dominance over the peasants anymore?” Anubis said

“That is an outrage” Michael said angrily

“In that case, prove it.” Anbuis said

Michael doesn’t dare to speak more.

Ma’at took a look at Michael, she knows that, if Anubis is ever to become Pharaoh, people like Michael, must die, otherwise, the second Seth died, it won’t be hard for people like Michael alike to hold control of the military and kill Anubis.

Anubis decided, to try open the dialogue of communication with the people within the city. Inside the city, the people has formed their own leadership and fortify the city, ready for a siege warfare. Anubis order Ammit, to arrange the army to hold up defense position and prepared to try open a dialogue of communication with the city’s new leadership.

But Anubis doesn’t know how to make a negotiation with the people within the city, to get them to lay down their arms

Not sure what to do, Anubis asked Ma’at.

“It is a tricky situation.” Ma’at said “I need to be honest with you Anubis. If they are really going to fight, they can really take you on for months. Now they fortify their defense, your army trying to take the city by force, it will be a bloodbath. But we both know you don’t want that, Anubis.” Ma’at said

“That is what I am asking you for your help.” Anubis said

“Listen more, talk less. Figure out what the people of the city want and understand what would it take for them to agree to surrender the city. Afterwards, determine what you can give. Remember Anubis, Seth made you the Prefect of Cynopolis. This is your responsibility and if you are going to be a good Pharaoh, you are going to deal with situation like this, in the future also.” Ma’at said

“Thank you master.” Anubis said

Which Actor is best to play Anubis

Davi Santos
William Shewfelt

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