Saturday, December 28, 2019

Chapter Seven Part 1 of 3: The Riot

Ishtar (modern art)
How, did Anubis become the Prefect of the city of Cynopolis? That is an interesting story. Seth hate gay people, the truth is, deep down inside, Seth also got some homosexual tendency and he hates himself for it, he even engaged in gay sex once.

If we take a look at the none Muslim, Christian and Judaism world, especially Asia, we realize, without the influence of Christian, Islamic or Judaism value, the mainstream view doesn’t see anything wrong about homosexuality, however, without those Christians, Muslims and Jewish fanatics discriminating against them, we won’t see a situation where the gays hit back and the gays hitting back leads to stuff such as gay pride. What that mean is, in a world where people don't discriminate others for been gays, most people think been gay is abnormal but they ain’t hurting anybody, so, everybody tolerates it and the gays think been gay is shameful, until the Christians, Jews and Mulsims started discriminating against them, leading to the gays and other people who are not Christian, Jewish or Muslim fanatics to punch back, leading to idea such as “been gay ain’t shameful” to rise. In the 90s, when Taiwan's local city government organize events for gays, due to there are so little events for homosexuals, most of the gays that come,wear a mask, because they think been gay is shameful, despite nobody discriminate against them for it. Even till date, some of those Christians that goes on protest saying “god hate fags” are in fact people who ever engaged in homosexuality and hates himself for it, leading him to become a Christian fanatic that goes on protest saying “god hate fags”.

However, when the Christians start attacking gays for been gay, beyond the talk of gay marriage, the none gay Asians become the first one to stick up for the gay community, many, not to support gay marriage, but to support gay people's human right, feeling a sense of moral outrage against such actions of the Christian groups wanting to hurt, punish or even kill gay people for been gay, because a person should have the right to do anything they want, if they are not hurting anyone. Broke back Mountain, by Taiwan American director Ang Lee, become the first Hollywood production to hit back against Christian group's push to violate such human right of the gay community. And it leads to the Buddhist community to start supporting gay people's human right, as a result. But Asian people's support to gay community usually only goes as far as backing the gays against the human right violation upon them, but once talking about civil right and gay marriage, most people don't care, because, there isn't a law saying if gay people get married they will be thrown in prison, just the current legal definition of marriage doesn't include their marriages, but they can still get married without been persecuted, it is just that it won't be legally recognized, so the same sense of moral outrage against Christians that wants to kill people for been gay, doesn't exist here.
But for the gays, this is personal and just like the harder you throw down a ball, the higher it would bounce up, so when the Christian enhance the attack, the more they will hit back.

Hence, you can image, what is people’s attitude towards gay, in the pre Christian, Islam and Judaism era 5000 years ago, must be like.

As a result, it was the order of Seth to kill any person who is gay that leads to the riot in Cynopolis. As for the man that he once engaged in gay sex with, Seth ordered for him to be murder, so, nobody ever need to know, that Seth engaged in gay sex, before.

Seth demonstrates his hate to gay people in the most dramatic and prejudice manner, within his laws

“If a man has sex with another man, kill them both”

“Homosexually acts are an abomination to God (Seth)”

“God kills everyone in Sodom and Gomorrah. Because, some homosexuals lived there”

“Every abomination the Lord hate including gays”

When a military officer of Seth killed his own son, for homosexuality, Seth praised him, with slogan in every city in Egypt, Babylon, Persia and Greek.  

“Saul is angered by his son’s homosexual affair and set an example to all parents, by killing his son and his lover” the slogan wrote

Seth praise another one of his military officer that genocide the gays

"Jehosaphat did what is right in the eyes of the Lord and took the homosexuals out of the land and exterminated them” the slogan wrote, in every city.

Hence, Seth made his psychotic rent, into law.

But Cynopolis is one city with a strong sense of self pride and its people are more united then any other, prior to the era of Osiris this is one nation with the strongest sense of nationalism, now, they are still strongly connect via a sense of brotherhood. They are not going to stand for Seth, genocide a proportion of their population, just because they are gay. 

To initiate his policy of killing gays, Seth appointed Jehosaphat and Saul to be charged with his operation of exterminating the gays, each man is given a company of soldiers, to assist him to carry out his operation. They travel from city to city and kill any gay person, they find. 

After seen the massacre of gays within the city of Sodom the people within the town of Gomorrah became outraged. The town of Gormorrah is a part of the city of Cynopolis and when Jehosaphat comes to the city to conduct the duty given to him by Seth, the people of the town of Gormorrah, hide every person within the town that is known to be gay. 

When figuring what the people within the town of Gormorrah did, Jehsaphat was outraged and ordered the soldiers to burn the town to the ground.

"If I cannot find the gays, I Will Kill EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILDREN OF THIS TOWN!!!!" Jehsaphat yelled and he ordered the soldiers to do so.

The genocide of Gormorrah became a last straw for the people of the city of Cynopolis and mass riot broke out in the city. A large and angry mob gathered on the streets of the city. The soldiers were suppose to protect Jehosphat. For soldiers, an order is an order, thus, they got no choice but to follow it. But, these soldiers finally had enough of Jehsophat's action, also.

Despite soldiers need to follow orders, nothing say they can’t intentionally do a lousy job. When the angry mob attacked, charging towards Jehosphat. The soldiers were order to get into formation by their officers, those with shield and spear on the front, archers behind. When the archers were ordered to fire upon the mob, for some reason, all the archers suddenly got horrible aim, the arrows continue to hit the nearby buildings, but missed the mob completely. When the mob attack the wall of shields, usually the soldiers can easily push a mob like this back, but today, it is as if, the soldiers got the strength of a child and got pushed to the two sides. Jehosphat and his officers finally realized something is wrong, they grabbed their weapons and tried to fight the angry mob, they killed many people from the mob, but was significantly outnumbered, the mob torn their cloth off grabbing them and kept on beating them, with sticks and stones, until they were beaten to death. Jehosphat was been grabbed by the mob and dragged to the market place, where the mob started their own mob trial upon him, because of all the gay people that Jehosphat killed, he was sentence to be forced into gay sex in public, the angry mob hold Jehosphat down, as he was been repeatedly ass raped, by one gay man after another, as his punishment for all the gay men he killed. Afterwards, the people of the city tied Jehosphat upon a pole in the middle of the city and let him died of thirst, after days without water.

The rioters also charged into the palace of the Prefect and killed him, whom killed the original Pharaoh of the city State and sworn loyalty to Seth for power and status.

When, hearing of the riot in the city of Cynopolis, Seth grew furious and order Michael to lead two regiments of soldiers to genocide the city of Cynopolis

However, it is during this time that Anubis stood up.

“Father, if you killed everybody, who will be there to serve and honor you. Who will be there to serve your will? Who will be there to honor you with tax and who will be there for you to rule over? Let me go to the city of Cynopolis, father and I will be able to end the riot.” Anubis said

Why gay people should abandon the Yahweh faiths and become a Pagan, Atheist or Buddhist

Disturbing Bible Teaching about Homosexuality

Master Ajahn Brahm is an Australian Buddhist Monk, located in Western Australia

Chinese Pagan Deity, Turshen the god of homosexuals

Mythology says, a long time ago, there was a gay couple, one day a tyrant General took many peasants to become slaves in his mines. One of the two lovers of the gay couple, was taken as slaves. The partner that wasn't been taken as slaves cried day and night, until one day a rabbit ear man walked by. After knowing what happened, the rabbit ear man told the partner that remain to plant a field of flowers and when he return in one year, he would free the slave lover. So, the partner that didn't become a slave did just that, one year later the rabbit ear man return, from his journey to cure a city of its plague. When the rabbit ear man saw the field of flower, he happily turned it into a field of gold and told the gay man to use the gold to save his lover, the gay man did just that and his partner was been free. Tursehn is also known as Yuatu, mean the rabbit of the moon, in most mythology, this god was been portray as a female rabbit goddess that live on the moon and is able to create magic cookies that can cure any plague in the world, but in the mythology associate with homosexuals, she was been transform into a male god, nobody knows why. 

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