Friday, December 27, 2019

Chapter Six Part 2 of 3: Bes and Taweret

Bes (ancient Egypt)
After one and a half month of travelling. It is time to part. Khnum and Horus said their farewell. Serket plan to return to Greek, instead of rejoining the rebels. Khnum can see that Hathor is hurting and jealous seen Serket and Horus growing close and suggest for Hathor join him within the rebels, where Hathor will be trained to become a nurse. However, Hathor still choose to go with Horus. Khnum told Neith to travel with Horus. In secret Khnum told Neith his reason, which is that he wants to see, if Horus truly is the son of Osiris. Neith met Ishtar when she was young and should be able to recognize her, despite it been over 17 years.

So, Khnum travel towards rally point two. Neith, Hathor, Horus and Serket started travelling towards Israel. Before Khnum left, he gave another two scroll to Horus, one is associate with stealth training, the other is associate with military strategy, both scrolls were passed down from Ra.

As Neith, Hathor, Horus and Serket travel towards the direction of Israel, they came across a small town. The town was been cover by plague. Close to the town there was an elderly man and his wife, both of them are witch doctors. The old man is Caucasian skin tone and got bold head. He is really old and really short. His wife, is significantly taller then him. His wife is fat and also really old.

The elderly witch doctor has been travelling up and down the Nile river for years, curing the sick. His specialization is with bacterial and virus based disease or as ancient Egyptian from over 5000 years refer to it as "getting rid of evil spirits that are inside your body."

"It is a water and air demon." Bes said. "The demon emerged from the body of all the dead corps from the upper stream, when Seth's soldiers genocide another village. Normally, when there are such big gather of dead, the demons would start feeding on the smell of the rotting corps, especially if it is during the hot summer. The correct way to deal with the problem is to, quickly bury all of the dead or burn the bodies, so, the demons cannot feed off their flesh and grow stronger, otherwise, the demons would be able to spread the illness to others via air or by water. Once the body is buried, the goddess of the earth would take care of it and feed the decomposing corps to the soil, so to fertilize it. If the god of fire took control, it would drive the demon away and rid the corps of anything that can be used to feed the demons. But to make matter worse, after Seth genocide that village, his soldiers just threw the bodies into the Nile river and they all float towards this small town. As the body decomposed the demons fed off the corps, grew strong. Through the annual flood of the Niles, they pollute all the drinking waters of the village and then it can spread via air. There are those who are been blessed by the gods and can be immune from this sort of demon attacks, but not everybody is able to do so."

Bes' wife, Taweret looked exhausted "We try to isolate those with disease symptom, from those that not yet caught the disease. Infection demons, multiply within the host body and the multiplied would travel out of the host body to a nearby host and enter a body that is not been protected by the gods, which are most bodies and continue to multiply. Eventually the demon would kill the host." Taweret said

What Bes and Taweret is what we today known as how, bacteria and virus could multiply within the host body and travel out of the host body and spread to another person via water or air. Only, without having a clear understanding towards bacteria and virus 5000 years ago, they interpreted it as demons enter the body and multiply and then travel out to infect another. Their theory isn't 100% correct, but it was close.

Horus, Hathor, Neith and Serket saw men throwing the dead into a giant pit and burning them, just as Bes and Taweret instructed. The old couple diagnose each patient, wearing a mask on their face. Those who are found without symptoms, was been gathered in another part of the village. Those who are sick, are been put into categorize "mild" "medium" and "critical". The ones that are found not contracted the disease was been ordered to stay in their homes, except absolutely necessary, Bes and Taweret said that this demon is cunning, it can hide within the body, for two to three days, until you start showing symptoms.

 Bes and Taweret told them, the ones that are categorize as critical, there are no hope for them.

"There are medicine that can help to drive the demon out of the body, forcing the demon to exit from the stools. Bury the stool in the earth. There are another form of method to help rid the demons. You see, within our body there is an army of guardian angels in white (white blood cells). When the demons enter the body, the guardian angels would fight them. But, the battles within your body make you weak and you might die of weakness in the process, there are methods to keep your energy up, so your body can survive been the battle field. There are medicines that can help to do that also. But the problem is that, we got no access to it." Taweret said

"What ingredients, we might be able to access it." Horus said

Bes wrote down the eight herbal ingredient that can cure the disease.

"These should not be hard to get." Serket whom is also a witch doctress said

"Most are easy to get. But this last one, can be hard. It is already rare, but since a month ago when Seth decided to launch war against Baal, his soldiers had been taxing an even higher percentage of medical herbs. Originally the order was to tax 100% of the medical herb. It was way more then they need. But Seth policy is that it is better to have too much medicine and throw away the extra, even if it mean, the peasants got no medicine. Seth finally agree, to lower the rate to 98% of the medical herb goes to tax, leaving 2% for the peasants. This last three type of herbs, it is already rare. Now, it is even harder to get." Taweret said

"Because of that we need to prioritize, the mild would be easily cured, they would be first to be treated, if there are any medicine left, it would be to treat the "medium". The critical are lost cost, Bes said,

As they were talking, they saw a woman that been labelled as critical screaming in fear, as two strong men, threw her into a room and chained her up and then the room was sealed up.

"The room of the dead. Nobody comes out, alive." Bes sighed and said

"If we are able to get our hand on the herb. You are able to cure them, right?" Horus said

"Yes, if there are enough." Bes said

"If 98% of all medical herbs are been taken in tax, then, the military and the local Prefect would got more then enough herbs 10% of the population controlling over 90% of a nation's resource. I say we steal some from them." Horus said

"My dear boy, do I look like somebody that are able to steal from them?" Bes laughed

"You can't, but we can." Horus said, taking a look at Neith.

Which actor is best to play Bes?

Danny Devito

Jon Lovitz

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