Friday, December 27, 2019

Chapter Six Part 1 of 3: Back to Israel

Ishtar and Osiris (ancient Egypt)
~19 years later

Khnum, Serket, Hathor, Neith and Horus travel down the road, towards the direction the rally-point two of the rebels and Israel. Khnum and Horus were walking together and talking.

“It is still your intention to travel to Sais?” Khnum asked

“After I got Hathor safely back to Israel, yes. Her blond hair, make her an easy target, to thugs.” Horus said

“It is danger for you too. You might be a fine warrior, but you are still one against many, when coming across gangs.” Khnum said

“I understand. Kill the thugs on the spot, before they can get reinforcement. Under the rule of Seth, it is a lawless society, sometime, Seth's men even use the thugs to do some of their dirty work. You need to take the law into your own hand.” Horus said

“I remember a time, where the law is just, you might get in trouble for killing a thug, but the law is just enough that even without having to take the law into your own hand, the thugs are been kept under control.” Khnum said

“I use to work for Baal, it was a world like that. It is the first time I saw a world govern by good law. Their laws follow the rule of the three Horai. Peace, Harmony and Justice. The principle of Justice is built upon the principle Harmony. The principle of Harmony is built upon the principle of peace. Therefore, the principle of justice cannot contradict the principle of good order and the principle of good order cannot contradict the principle of peace. But in other parts of the world…I remember the first time I killed a thug. I was sixteen. It was a hard thing to do. It is a lawless society and you need to take the law into your own hand. When you are dealing with a thug, it is kill or be kill. It was very hard to kill a thug, the first time, but after a while, it become easier.” Horus said

“Your fighting style, you are trained by the Amazonians, aren’t you?” Khnum said

Horus took a look at Khnum

Khnum smiled “I don’t really care. I’ve been a soldier for fifty years. I know every fighting style out there. Amazonian focus on using your enemy’s strength, against them, with minimum size or strength requirement, so, even a small girl with no muscles, can counter a man much larger and stronger. No fighting style in the world, is as focus on this principle. The fighting style you use, might not always be Amazonian, but without a doubt is built upon Amazonian.” Khnum said

Horus nodded

“I don’t really care for their law that says, 'if it is caught that their fighting style, is passed to a male, both that male and his master must die'. It is a stupid law that went against the original spirit that the school was founded on. When this school was founded, by the table of Aten, it was so, the women are able to protect themselves and their children, from thugs, if their men were defeated. We cannot denier, women’s weak physical shape, put them in a disadvantage position. So, Nun, Ra, Atum, Amun and Mut, the original members of the table of Aten, wanted to find a way to resolve the problem. Elite warriors from all over the world was chosen, to develop a fighting style that focus on using your enemy’s strength and size against them, where even a woman that is small and got little muscle, can perform and spread the teaching to the women of the world. Some of these warriors became the first generation of instructor within the school of the Amazons, later, when some of the students became masters, they can become the next generation of instructor and continue to build upon, what has been taught and develop further techniques and so on. It shouldn’t be too surprising, most of the first generation of instructors within this school, were men. What the original law of the Amazons said was never to spread the teaching, of the Amazons, to thugs. It was the universal law of the world. If a person committed a crime, is a thug, the punishment can be more serious and his genitals would be removed, so he can't birth a son, to continue his work. Men are more dangerous and harder to control, compare to women. So, when the thug is a man, the court would order the cutting off, one of his leg, when he committed a crime, if the thug is a masculine man, the court would cut off both his legs, so he will become too crippled to be a threat and make the thug, easier to control. If the thug that committed the crime know how to fight, he would be killed, so he cannot teach his fighting skills to other thugs. But, amount all sort of people there are radicals, somewhere along the line, radical took power, within the school of the Amazons. Some of these women, used to be victim of thugs, been taken as trophy, by thugs, during the great drought, they are abused, insulted, some are even raped, after their men died. When they escaped and join the school of the Amazons, some become very radical and they changed the law of the school, from not teaching the fighting style of the Amazon to thugs, to, not teaching the fighting style of the Amazon, to men. I was old enough to remember the original school of the Amazon that was the year I joined the army, to fight the Apep, under the leadership of the Pharaoh Ra, whom took over as the head of the table of Aten, after the death of Nun. I was fourteen years old.” Khnum said

"Is Osiris really your father?" Khnum asked

"Would you believe me?" Horus said

Khnum smiled "I will choose to believe you for now. If you are telling the truth, you are telling the truth. If you are lying to me. I guess you got a good reason for it. So, I will trust you for now. Anybody that would risk his life for a horse. Would be good enough in my book." Khnum said

"You were following me?" Horus asked

"You seem suspicious. As far as we know, you stealing Osiris' corps was putting on a show, to become a spy, within our camp. We need to be sure." Khnum said

"But what your mother taught you. It isn't complete." Khnum said

"What do you mean." Horus said

"When it comes to hand to hand combat. The disadvantage of Amazonian fighting style is that it is less effective against opponent that is not as heavy or large. But that I believe, you already know. I've seen you been developing your muscles, to try use size and strength, to over power that sort of opponents. The Amazons might be great in using their opponent's strength and size against them. But, they know little about anything else, when it comes to hand to hand combat. To counter this disadvantage of Amazonian fighting style, the Amazons rely on a type of herb, that can make their punches more deadly and attacking them in five critical points. But, if a man drink that sort of herb, it would be deadly poison to him. That is why your mother never told you about it. Most warriors know multiple fighting styles. All fighting style got their strength and their weakness. But with a good foundation like your it shouldn't be hard to learn something new." Khnum said

"Are you offering to teach me?" Horus said

"You got a good foundation. There are a few combat style that comes to my mind, would suit you, punching base fighting style would be good for somebody with so much muscle like you and you can learn very quickly, base on what you already know. Consider what you already know about hand to hand combat, you should be able to master it, before we part." Khnum said

"If you are willing to teach me, I would be grateful and yes, I am for certain interest in learning it." Horus said

"Alright, then, I will teach you." Khnum said

"Thank you" Horus replied

So, Horus, Hathor, Khnum, Serket and Neith travel by the day. By night, Horus and Khnum train and during their spare time, Horus and Serket spend a good amount of time enjoying each other's company and Hathor would try to hide the fact she is jealous.

Horus' speed in learning this martial art form, is amazing fast. Somebody that normally need to study for four years to master this martial art form, for those that are already elite martial artists, two years. Khnum is a great teacher, allowing the decreasing of learning speed by half again, so that is one year to master it. But due to Horus' talent, Khnum expect Horus to be master this fighting style within six months, however, what Khnum never told Horus is that, this fighting style belongs to Ra and Horus, is proficient in it, within only three months another three months of practice and Horus would be a master.  This make Khnum further believe that Horus must be the reincarnation of Ra.

Which actor is best to play Resheph (adult)

Selwyn Ward

Adhir Kalyan

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