Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Chapter Four Part 2 of 3: Michael

Arch Angel Michael
Qadesh’s chance came, when Michael came to meet with the leadership of the Mediterranean Sea an an envoy, of Seth, with an army of troops. Calling it an envoy is an over statement, the real intention is to try intimidate Baal into submission.

Baal was not scared, of course. The water is his domain and Seth knows nothing about navel combat. But, it is a chance to try get Qadesh in. Ever since he control the Mediterranean Sea , he been building up his spy network amount Seth men. Min used a technique, similar to the Taliban, twenty four independent cells, that work independently and doesn’t know about each other’s identity. It is a good technique, During WW2, Hitler’s spy network in Britain crumbled, because they only send in one guy, to the UK to manage all their spies, so, when the British caught him, that is all it took, to force him to become a double agent and every German spy that was send to the UK afterwards, were arrested upon reaching British shores.

The funny thing is that this system use by the Taliban is originally design for corporate environment, it is call "task orientated system" to split the human resource of each company into multiple cells, each cell with a leader and assign task to each cell.

Seth refuse to speak to Min as equals, claiming he is merely pirate upon the turf of Seth. But, Baal insist on been an independent authority. With neither side able to come to an agreement and see eye to eye, it was agree for an unofficial meeting, upon Israel with an envoy send by Baal, to talk to Michael. For Resheph this is an opportunity to get Qadesh in and he hosted a banquet in Michael’s honor. All appears to be civil between Michael and Resheph, but behind each of them there are military forces on stand by, ready to move, in a moment of notice.

Qadesh was been booked as the entertainment dancer, her dances was erotic, beautiful, seductive and graceful, but in no way seem slutty and she was already beautiful. Throughout the performance, she kept eye contact with Michael again and again and her eyes flirt with him. Afterwards, Qadesh left. The next time, Qadesh met Michael in a private dinner, within an inn. Resheph once again booked escort, to be company. Qadesh and a few girls wearing elegant and seductive clothing perform songs for the guests and dance for them and accompany them in their dinner, but no sex and no touching and the girls left.

Just like that again and again, through Resheph’s arrangement, Qadesh got the chance to get close to Michael and again and again, Qadesh just kinda tease his sexual desire, flirt with him a bit, but never let Michael get too close. This is a world where most women are not well educated, so, Qadesh’s beauty and her level of sophistication, let her stand out, amount the rest. A little while later, Qadesh just disappeared and is no longer been booked. Resheph told Michael, Qadesh been booked by other clients. As a solider, Michael know how not to let his emotions get the better of him. So, after a few weeks, Resheph let Qadesh be booked again, for another banquet and let Michael and Qadesh time to meet and talk in person, Michael wants to have sex with Qadesh, but Qadesh refused. Like most men of Seth, Michael is not a good person and usually under this circumstances, Michael would just rape the girl, under the law of Seth, any man of Seth can rape any woman that isn’t a man of Seth, if he wants to. But, here the situation is different, despite Israel is rule by Seth, it is highly influence by Baal, as it is geographically close to these waters and Baal got the support of the local population. It is just not a good idea to rape here and before arriving, Michael made it a strict law that none of the men of Seth, should conduct rape, while in Israel.

Qadesh was booked only for her company, not for sex. So, Michael and Qadesh only talk and drink wine, under the moon. Qadesh made her company with Michael a joyful occasion and claim she be interest in meeting with Michael again, at some time.

So, Resheph again and again, book Qadesh, so Michale got the chance for Qadesh’s company. Qadesh start talking about how she hate been a prostitute, but cannot leave, until her contract is complete and eventually won Michael’s sympathy, which decide to offer to buy her out of her contract, before it ended. Then, Qadesh asked what she do, if she leave the brothel and she might be better off to remain a prostitute. So, Michael asked Qadesh to return to Egypt with him, as his concubine. But Qadesh said that Michael is already married and wish not to be a concubine nor is she willing to break up a marriage. So, Michael asked Qadesh to be his mistress. But Qadesh claim, if she is to become Michael’s mistress, what if Michael got tire of her, when she got old and is no longer beautiful. Michael promise that he won’t do it, but Qadesh said that she seen too many empty promises when she is a prostitute. So, Michael promise to offer Qadesh land and people to farm those land and the nobility title of Seth’s rule allowing her not having to pay tax, only if Qadesh would remain as his mistress.

So, Qadesh agreed and agree to return to Egypt with Michael, in secret she inform Resheph, it seems like their plan is working and the next thing to do, is to established a good line of communication between Resheph and Qadesh, for the purpose of intelligent communication.

Qadesh’s position as Michael mistress, allow her to get first hand information, on the operations of Seth, because she is educated, she can talk to Michael about affairs of the state and the military, allowing Qadesh to get many intel, out of Michael. Her position as a mistress with her own land, allow her a greater level of independence and privacy from Michael, so her operation as a spy wouldn’t be found out. While in Egypt, Qadesh behind Michael’s back started getting involved with Uriel, a Lieutenant General of Seth’s army, but also, for intelligent purpose. Qadesh told Uriel that their affair cannot be found out by Seth or Michael. Uriel doesn’t suspect Qadesh, because it is through Qadesh’s help, Uriel is able to get to the position of Lieutenant General, when Qadesh  convinced Michael to get Seth to kill an existing Lieutenant General.

It is through those affairs that Qadesh again and again provide intel for Baal through Resheph. When Michael told Qadesh that it is Seth's intention to capture whoever, is gathering the corps of Osiris. It is Qadesh that send her handmaid to send the information to Resheph, through their network. Everyday, the maid would be going into the market to sell bread and when she sell the bread to those who are part of the spy network, a piece of paper would be place within the bread, so the spies would get the info and in return, when the spy got instruction to Qadehs, a piece of paper would be placed within the bag of wheat that is to be used as payment for the bread.

When Resheph learn of the news, he knows that he and his team can no longer return to Egypt, to regain the corps of Osiris. But, Horus whom already returned to Egypt cannot be contacted. Hence Resheph again through his message inform Qadesh that there is another one that is gathering the corps of Osiris and cannot be found and asked Qadesh for her help.

Which actress (that did porn) is best to play Qadesh (adult)

Sibel Kekilli
Holly Sampson
We don't support nor encourage the action of women going into porn. However, we need to point out, regardless of how immoral and disgusting their action is, at least they are not going around committing murder, endorsing rape or otherwise hurting people like the bible is teaches. 

Also, we must point out, these women in porn, are at least better then the bible, because they are not going around raping and murdering people. 

Chinese Philosopher Confucius in his book "The Analect" talked about his principle regarding to manners, which is not to cause disturbance to peace and harmony (e.g. rape, theft and murder), in addition to that do your part to help maintain the necessary level of peace and harmony (e.g. pay your taxes) subject to that a person got the right to do whatever they want and it is our responsibility to tolerate their action, even if it is immoral. Nobody got right to enforce morality upon another against their will or to punish a person for been immoral, because by doing so, you are the one causing disturbance to peace and harmony, at most you can encourage people to be moral. 

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