Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Chapter Four Part 3 of 3: The Inn

Ancient city of Memphis (ancient Egypt)
When Qadesh learn there is another gathering the corps of Osiris, other then Resheph, she was quick to keep an eye on the matter and when she got the info of there is a person stealing the corps of Osiris, been found, but escaped with the help of the rebels, it doesn’t take long for Qadesh to figure out, this must be the Horus that Resheph is talking about.

Qadesh know of the importance of this situation and that Horus is officially a man of Seth, if this got found out, it wouldn’t take long for Seth to figure out, his enemy is amount his own rank. Michael say that an entire regiment of soldiers are been send to that city, to further investigate the matter. Qadesh wants to know more about the situation, she convinced Michael to go himself and supervise the operation and she asked to go with Michael, saying that she could help him.

Despite by the law of Seth, women is to remain quiet, Michael know of Qadesh’s capability and he doesn’t suspect her. The status of women drop dramatically, after Seth took power. In modern west, lots of people think the concepts such as “a woman should be submissive” and “a wife should serve and honor her husband” is a worldwide thing, until feminism movement in the west. In reality that is a flawed theory, partly due to feminism emerged in an era where the west got limited knowledge of the none west and its origin is more associate with rebelling the long oppression and secondly, white supremacists that believe “white race is the master race” are soon to come to the conclusion that “if these concept of the west is an ill treatment of women, then the none west must be ever worse” and base on those idea, image how the none west treat women, some are purely fiction, others are taking things out of context or proportion. In reality, the concept of “a woman should be submissive” is a Abraham faiths value, existing mostly amount Islam, Bible and Torah and the idea of “a woman should serve and honor her husband” is a traditional western value, influenced by it. Concept such as “Asia is a society where the husband is a King and wife is like a servant” is literally a construct of such lack of understanding towards the none west, when feminism emerged and the imagination of white supremacists. Instead traditional Eastern value in regards to marriage, more influence by Confucius, believe that a family is a community and like all community, everybody need to play their part, but what that is, varies with time and circumstances. The only thing that resemble the western stereotype is that, just like traditional western society that believe the job of the husband is to be the bread winner and the job of the wife, is to take care of the kids, the same principle applies to most South East Asia culture, in Japan that remain the case, till date. But no traditional eastern value, ever said it is the duty of a wife to serve and honor her husband.

As for the idea of woman should be submissive and quiet, only one Chinese scholar ever spoke of something like this and surprisingly a female scholar, but these idea of her's written in her book the daughters' doctrine (女兒經) was never widely accepted, with the exception of the Han dynasty, instead Chinese were more in favor of the concept of a “husband with a good woman as his wife, she can be the force that drive him to his success” and in most of its history, when the Emperor is a child under the age of nineteen, the Emperor is merely the head of State in name and the real head of State in practice is the Emperor’s mother. Thus, the concept of “women should be quiet and submissive” simply contradict too many important aspect of their traditional society, despite it might not contradict some other aspects and despite women cannot be civil servants or military, they do serve as para-civil servants and para-military. While many people that never read the work of Confucius, think that Confucius is against women been educated or to hold ministry position, in his actual work, Confucius encourage Emperors and Local magistrate to allow competent and ethical women to hold ministry position, in government, despite himself also hold prejudice towards women, questioning how many women can be competent, due to the influence of what we today known as PMS.

In regards to abuse to women, while the west most struggle with husband or boyfriend that abuse wife or girlfriend, due to the western concept of "wife should serve and honor her husband" and in the west, many people tend to confuse dating to be same as marriage, many people even refer to all people that are dating to be a "couple", despite they are neither married nor in a de facto relationship and dating is merely an act of two people socializing for a while, before determining whether they want to be romantically together. In Asia the main issue is to do with, mother in law abusing daughter in law, due to, honoring the family elders is a more critical aspect of traditional Eastern value and some women, might use that as an excuse to abuse their daughter in laws, especially if she was once victim of such abuse, herself.

As for gender role, it varies in every part of the world, it can be split into male centralism, female centralism and neo gender centralism. Female centralism usually see a reversal, for example in part of central Asia where female centralism is traditional mainstream, the woman is the head of the household and more likely to be the bread winner while the husband stay home to take care of things, this is due to in those area, housework require more heavy lifting. In Native Hawaii society, it is originally a female centralism, due to in traditional tribal life of the area, there was little need for warriors and hunters, but the farm work of women contribute more, than the men who are warriors and hunters, thus, increase the status of the female gender. The gender role of one society, culture and circumstances, won't work for another.

By the law of Seth, women should be submissive and remain quiet. However, not everybody agree, especially those men whose wife are smart and wise. When Osiris was in power, Ma’at created the law of Ma’at, which became the law of the world to maintain peace, good order and justice, in the world. When Seth came into power, Ma’at got no choice but to remain quiet, in government, but at home, Thoth and Ma’at still discuss things and many view of Ma'at is expressed through Thoth and when the reign of Seth's tyranny is over, it would once again be express directly through Ma'at and not through her husband.

Michael agreed to Qadesh’s request and the two of them ride into the city. Upon arriving to the city, Michael order the killing of anybody that is seem suspicious starting from those that are from out of town and a curfew after dark, any person that is caught on the streets after dark, would be killed. Michael thought of the corps thief must have stayed in the inn and order soldiers to check every inn within the city, but Qadesh already know the corps thief got a habit of staying in inns, through the intel send by Resheph. She convinced Michael to let her and her body guards check the inns. Qadesh got a team of twenty body guards, all of them are loyal to Osiris.

“Men of Seth badge.” The Captain of the bodyguards said to Qadesh

Qadesh took a look at the badge and hide it under her robe.

“This must be the one we are searching for. Take a look through his belongings.” Qadesh said

They searched the belonging within the room and within it they found Horus’ merchant goods and other possession. They went down to the stable and found his horse, still in there

Qadesh smiled “Resheph actually talked to me about this Horus character a few times. He like his horses a lot. He must know it is too dangerous for him to return to the city and is either in hiding or is out of the city, but can be worry about his horse. Let’s do him a favor and take his horse in, wipe his name from the record of the inn and take his belonging with us, so, Michael won’t find out anything about this.” Qadesh said. 

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