Monday, December 9, 2019

Chapter 1 Part 2 of 3: Attack

Horus vs Seth (ancient Egypt)
Khnum walked out of the room, outside soldiers was rushing forward and into formation. But enemy soldiers were already attacking. A few soldiers tried to attack Khnum, attacking them with their spears. Khnum dogged to the side, broke their spears with what look like a karate chop and killed their commanding corporal  in one punch. Horus also engaged the enemy. The soldiers of Seth regrouped into formation, those with spear and shield on the front line, archers in second line, they fired their arrows, many rebel soldiers died.  Neith, Khnum and Horus swiftly dogged the arrows.

Khnum signed a hand signal, suddenly, two giant logs flew towards the direction of the soldiers of Seth and broke their formation. In their disorey it bought the rebels some times, to get into formation. Both army stood in formation, twenty five soldiers form a square, two square command by a Lieutenant form a platoon and five platoons form a company. With each square, the first two rows are armed with shield and spears, the third, fourth and fifty row are archers, each row is command by a Corporal, which is one of the five soldiers of the row. The Sergeants and Lieutenants, stand behind the squares they command.

The first and third platoon stood on the front role, the first platoon on the left and third platoon on the right. The second platoon stood behind the first platoon as their backup and the fourth platoon stood behind the second platoon as their backup. The fifth platoon stood in the back, acting as reserves. 

The army of Seth out number them ten to one. Seth is wasting no expense to get rid of them. Khnum know it is a matter of time, till they get over run, in open combat and order his troops to start moving back, but stay in formation, to the pit, where it is narrow. From the side, Horus saw, the twenty four elders. This time, it is all of them

“Crazy people” Horus said

“Neith.” Khnum said

“Yes, sir.” Neith said,

Neith blow a signal. Eight soldiers left formation and joined Neith.

"Let's do it." Neith said. These men are specially trained by Khnum, to counter the twenty four elders. These men rank Lieutenant and got the fighting strength of a High Templar Major, which is enough to take on a team of three Twenty-four elders, with two Corporal and one Sergeant, in a sword fight.

The men engaged the twenty-four elders. Each was even match against three of the twenty four elders. But there is a problem, these men each only got the fighting strength of one of the four Captains and is even match against the one Lieutenant General of the twenty-four elders. Neith holding her ground fighting against one of the Captain. The other three Captains of the twenty-four elders killed two of the elite swordsmen that Khnum trained. Seen the situation, Horus jump into the fight and engaged another Captain of the twenty-four elders.

"Lieutenant, take over." Khnum said after seen the situation and engaged the fight with the twenty-four elders.

Having lost two men, the Special Forces of Khnum only got the fighting strength of eighteen of the twenty-four elders. But adding Horus, with them, their strength is again equal to twenty-four, of the twenty four elders.

"You two deal with the twenty-four elders. I will handle the five commanders." Khnum said to Horus and Neith.

Khnum took on all five commanders of the twenty-four elders himself

“Fourth and Fifth platoon, left cover fire.” The Lieutenant that was in command of the other soldiers yelled.

Sixty arrows, fired towards the direction of the twenty-four elders. The twenty-four elders started deflecting the arrows, but that leave them vulnerable to attack and four was, killed on the spot. The second wave of arrows, leave them vulnerable again and five was killed.

"Retreat!" said Issac the Lieutenant General commanding the twenty-four elders.

The soldiers of Khnum regroup at a narrow neck area.

The soldiers of Seth, spending half their day literally praying to Seth, as if he is a god, got significantly less training and in a fair fight, a soldier of Khnum worth two soldiers of Seth. The soldiers of Seth, are no match against the soldiers of Khnum and was been blocked.

Their commander is Lieutenant General Abraham.

“Father” Issac stood next to Abraham and said, as he watch the soldiers fail.

Abraham took a look at the situation on the front.

“Retreat.” Abraham said

The soldiers stop their attack and moved back in formation.

“Father, Seth would have our head, if we fail our mission.” Issac said

“If Seth blame us, we blame those of lower rank. We won’t be the one loosing our head.” Abraham said “retreat”


Khnum took a look at the retreating enemy army. Khnum know that Seth would return with more reinforcement.

“Give my order, move to rally point two.” Khnum said

 “Did you give them our location?” Neith was quick to point her spear at Horus, Horus quickly dogged the attack. Neith attack again, Horus dogged the attack and grabbed the spear with his hand, before Neith can attack again.

“Enough!” Khnum yelled

Horus and Neith stopped fighting

“I already know who gave Seth intel on us.” Khnum said “It come to me in a dream, the great pharaoh Ra, told me himself. He told me...”

The few soldiers that gave the intel to Seth, thought they have been found out, charged forward to kill Khnum, but within a few minutes, Khnum killed three of them. The last one remain, fall to the ground.

“For what, you betray your brethren to Seth.” Khnum said

“Who still need the rebellion, when you got money? Once I sold you out to Seth, I got more wealth then it can be imagine.” The soldier said

Khnum shooked his head and killed the soldiers.


It was late at night, within the military camp of Seth. A group of soldiers of Seth quickly moved towards the tents of the 12th platoon.

“We will blame them for it, they were on the front line and they failed.” Abraham said.

Abraham gave the orders. Soldiers started firing their arrows into the tent, the soldiers sleeping inside, not even sure what is going on, is getting massacred by the wave of arrows.

The next day, Seth order the arresting of all the officers of the third company, which is where the twelve platoon is a part of and blame them for loosing the battle, saying they lost the battle on purpose, because they are not loyal to Seth and chopped off their head.

Abraham smiled “We will bring their head to Seth and put the blame on them” Abraham said to Issac

“Yes, father” Issac said

Which Actor is best to play Khnum

LeVar Burton

Walter Emanuel Jones

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