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ancient city of Sais |
Horus and Hathor leave the base, they thanked Khnum for his hospitality and
also thanked him for agreeing to send troops to save Horus life. Khnum inform
Horus that the city Sais where the soldier rescue him from, is currently
crawling with the soldiers of Seth, searching for him and is even killing
people they suspect to be involved with the operation. Khnum informed Horus not
to return to Sais, to fetch his belonging, at least not for now. Khnum gave Horus a few bags of wheat, for him to use in trade during his journey and
advice Horus and Hathor to return to Israel.
Horus tried
to persuade Hathor to go with Khnum and the rebel, rather to be with him,
saying that despite it is again Khnum’s advice, he still need to return to Sais
for the safety of his horse. Horus won’t do anything
stupid, of course, he will be careful about it. Because Horus know that he
cannot guarantee Hathor’s safety, he tried to persuade her to go with Khnum.
But, Hathor refuse and insisted on coming with Horus. Reluctantly, Horus agreed,
knowing that it can be more dangerous for her, if she is to return to Israel,
Before he
left, Horus said his goodbye to Serket. Hathor tried to hide her jealousy.
Horus and
Hathor started travel towards the direction of Sais. Just as Khnum said, there
was a strong military present over there, even before reaching the city, Horus
and Hathor can see soldiers camped, outside the city. Horus and Hathor didn’t
enter the city right away. First, they need more money. Horus might lost his
trade map, but he remember his trade map by heart, he and Hathor first arrived
at a nearby town, where they purchased goods that they produce but highly rely
on traders to purchase it and sell it to other cities that got high demand
of it.
When Hathor
and Horus entered the city of Sais, they act casual, as if they are just
ordinary merchants. They first sold their goods to the ordinary retailers that
Horus sell this sort of goods to, within the city of Sais. Afterwards, Hathor
and Horus started searching for the city for the inn keeper, of the inn that
Horus was staying in. They found the inn keeper in a location that is remote
from the inn that Horus was staying in.
The inn
keeper explained to Horus that he is taking good care of his horse and not to
worry, but for now, situation in this city of very tense and dangerous, the
soldiers of Seth are killing anybody they suspect to be involve with the
operation of the thief of Osiris’ corps and it has now turned into a total
witch hunt. The inn keeper also fearful
of his life, is worry about drawing suspicion, if he give Horus his horse now.
Horus told the inn keeper that he would find another inn to stay in and in a
few days, take his horse out into the market and he would pretend he is just
purchasing a horse from him. But the inn keeper told Horus, how all the inn
within the city are no longer taking new guest, due to, Michael order the
killing of anybody that is staying in an inn, due to suspecting that the person
stealing the corps of Osiris, must be from another city, therefore, likely to
be staying in an inn. The inn keeper also told Horus about the curfew after dark
and they would kill anybody that is still out, after dark.
worry, I will take good care of your horse. After things calm down a bit, you
can return for it.” The inn keeper said
Horus and
Hathor thanked the inn keeper and prepare to leave the city. As they were
leaving the city of Sais they saw on the streets, soldiers exercising the order
and the authority given to them by Michael.
There was
once, Seth order the killing of every man, woman and children within a town,
just to kill a single gay man that was hiding within the town. Considering that
nature of Seth, it is not surprising to hear Seth’s General Michael giving the
order, telling the soldiers to do whatever it take to ensure the capture or
killing of those that is involved with the operation of stealing Osiris’ corps
and authorize them, to do whatever they deem fit, to achieve that goal, even if
it is to kill anybody they think might be involved in the operation and it
is true the fact that the soldiers suspect or think you are somehow related to
the operation is enough for them to drag you out of your home and kill you in
the middle of the streets.
anybody you deem fit and necessary, it is better to let hundred and thousand of
people die, then to let that one person that disobey the will of Seth, live.” It
was the order of Michael.
As Horus
and Hathor walked down the streets, they saw a man been beaten and then killed
by a group of Seth’s soldiers, because they suspect he might be involved with
the corps stealing operation. They saw a group of soldiers smashing a shop
keeper’s store, to find anything that can be related to the corps stealing
operation and when the shop keeper beg for the soldiers to stop, the soldiers
killed him. Some soldiers just use that as an excuse to abuse their power and they saw it happening, especially when old man was been stabbed multiple time on the ground of been suspicious of been
involved of the corps stealing operation, simply because he tried to stop a
soldier from raping his daughter!
Horus was
furious, seen what was happening. But Horus know, this is not the time for him
to be righteous and kept his head down and walk. Hathor and Horus reached the
gate of the city. At the city gate, there are soldiers checking and searching
every person that is coming in and out of the city. The people stood in a line
and await the soldiers to search them.
As they
were waiting in line, Horus and Hathor saw, one person, that was been suspected
of been involved with the operation, for some reason and the soldiers dragged
him out of the line, throw him to the ground and start beating him and then
stabbed him to death, with their spear.
The killing
could have been worse, if it wasn’t due to Anubis, persuading Seth not to allow
the purging of the entire city, which was Seth’s original intention. Anubis
told Seth, if he purged an entire city, over one man, once the news spread,
more people would join the rebels out of fear and that would make it even
harder, for Seth to maintain his power over them. At first, Seth won’t listen.
But Anubis told him, if you push them too hard, they would rebel even harder
and if all the peasant dies, there be nobody left to worship him and pay tax
for him or for him to rule over. Only then, did Seth told Michael not to purge
the entire city.
After standing
in line for a while, it is finally Horus and Hathor’s turn to be searched, by
the soldiers.
“Where are
you going?” the soldier said
“We are
traders, we are just here to trade. Moving to any next town, with things to buy
or sell.” Horus replied
“Where is your horse?” the soldier said
“We lost
our horse. We were robbed, my Lord.” Horus replied
traders usually know how to fight, so they can protect their goods. Otherwise,
they are able to afford to hire warriors that can fight, to travel with them.” The
soldier said
“We were
ambushed, my Lord.” Horus said
The soldier took a look at Hathor
“And she?”
the soldier said
“I am his
wife, my Lord.” Hathor said
“Wife, you
look rather young, how old are you?” The soldier asked
my Lord.” Hathor said
The soldier
took another look at Horus and Hathor “Let them out!” the soldier finally said
and wave Horus and Hathor out.
“Thank you,
my Lord.” Horus said to the soldier and started to leave.
“Thank you,
my Lord.” Hathor also said and followed Horus through the city gate.
Just to go on record, the Special Forces in this book is not a reflection of the Special Forces in the real world, either today or past. This book doesn't know the exact standard of modern Special Forces, ancient Special Forces and Special Forces in different parts of the world
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