Monday, December 30, 2019

Chapter Seven Part 3 of 3: Cynopolis

(modern art)
Anubis send in his envoy to create a discussion liaison with the rioting mob inside the city.

It is a delicate situation, testing Anubis diplomatic skills to the top. Anubis’ envoy had a simple message “to open a dialogue of discussion between the two leadership, in neutral ground.” At first the leadership within the city of Cynopolis weren’t interest in talking and just want to keep fighting. The people within the city of Cynopolis was so angry at Seth, the leadership got courage and say they rather die on their feet, then live on their knees.

Anubis was touched. As the son of Seth, it is only nature that they would see him as their enemy. If the news got into the ears of Seth, it sure make him more angry, for the people of Cynopolis refusing to submit to his will, just like sometime in the zoo, if the alpha gorilla is a jerk, he start acting in a intimidating manner to the other gorillas and when the zoo keeper gave the other gorilla a fruit, the jerk start banning on his cage intimidating the other chimps with the message “you eat that, you are dead.” But it is possible Anubis can use that to his advantage, convincing Seth that, people with such warrior spirit, if we can recruit them under us, it would make a world of difference.

Anubis once again send a letter to the city of Cynopolis, it is a letter that first talk about Anubis’ admiring of the courage demonstrate by the people of the city and is willing to listen to what the people of the city want.

Within the southern gate of the city, Michael had enough and ordered an attack upon the city. A lot of soldiers died, even more civilians died. Anubis was furious and ordered for the soldiers to retreat and if the officers refuse the order, they are relief of their command right away and to be place under arrest. The soldiers retreated.

A month past, the siege within the city of Cynopolis didn’t change. The people in the city with their rage to a boiling point attacked the soldiers. Anubis’ initial reaction is to tell the soldiers to avoid it, but he know that would anger the soldiers, originally they might only be in the army to avoid paying the high tax rate, to support their family. But, been attack like that again and again, everybody got survival instinct and it might be enough for them to strike back. As a result, Anubis said the soldiers they can do as they deem fit, to defend themselves, but not to enter the city. The decision lies within the soldiers. As a result, the soldiers choice to use long stick to be used as staff, to defend themselves against the rioters, but, would not kill them.

Michael was furious and send his own people back to Seth, asking for Anubis to be removed from command. Michael made a case saying, by the way Anubis is doing thing, what is there to stop the soldiers to again deflect to the enemy and turn against them, after that beginning, what is there to stop further surrenders?

The truth is that Seth is always aware of that problem. As a result, with each Army Division, there are four ordinary regiments and one Templar regiment, attached to it. The one Templar regiment, include three Templar company and one high Templar company attached to it. 

It is the same case here. But knowing Anubis, Michael know that Anubis would not order for the Templar and High Templar to act, leaving ordinary regiments to do as they please.

Anubis understand that he would need to do something and finally agree to the order of sealing off the city of Cynopolis in siege warfare, but he gave the order saying that any man, woman or children that wants to surrender and want to leave the city won’t be harmed. At this stage, this is the best that Anubis can do. So, when Anubis’ people inform him of the letter that Michael send to Seth. Anubis was quick to also send a letter to Seth. It explains of the siege warfare and how a direct assault upon the city, would lead to much casualty rate and that the soldiers are valuable resource that shouldn’t be waste away and the people within the city, with their bravery they can be valuable resource if been tame to serve as Seth’s soldiers.

But Seth understand his son. Seth agrees that Anubis got a point, but he know Anubis got a soft spot for the people. Seth chose to send one more army Division under the command of Uriel for reinforcement, Anubis was relief of command and remain only to supervise the military operation and Michael was put back in command. However, Seth agreed with Anubis about the siege warfare and order to starve the city into submission. Michael had the city completely surrounded and find anyway to harass the people inside.

Within the city of Cynopolis things was getting bad with lack of food and supplies. Michael also poison their drinking water by putting plague into the river stream that float into the city.

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